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Santa's Challenge 9th & 10th Dec

Mr Nick

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why can you not get there for the first one then?

washing your hair or something? or is Trev unable due to a rash from his pink leathers..

I'm away in the alps ice climbing. I think Trev has got another idea for challenge event clothing. It's to be revealed at the first event we do next year. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Back on topic......I'm avaliable to co-drive for this event if anyone's struggling for somebody to fill their passenger seat

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maybe ;) we're have plenty of time to get ready :D whilst wait'in for you to finish :hysterical:

I thought we would invite tango and or Les to sing for us all... what a lovely duo they would make. :D

you could back them up on the vocals (when you turn up) it'll be like watching the 3 tenners.. :D just not as impressive, apart from the pie eating part. :D

from what I have read on the D44 forum - I better get fit, lots of people wanting to kick our butt/ or Adrian waging war on everyone...

on the otherside of things, we could be home by lunchtime on saturday.... :D

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from what I have read on the D44 forum - I better get fit, lots of people wanting to kick our butt/ or Adrian waging war on everyone...

on the otherside of things, we could be home by lunchtime on saturday.... :D

Damn right mate, bring them on :hysterical:

home by lunch on saturday :o don't even go there :angry: or your'll be running home :P:lol:

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Damn right mate, bring them on :hysterical:

home by lunch on saturday :o don't even go there :angry: or your'll be running home :P:lol:

Adrian you can have the trophy for first we didn't get a place :angry:

we will just have to wait until the AWDC in march to kick your asses look after my jack till then cheers :D

good luck ;)

pie eating championship in wigan next week if Les and Nick are up for it :hysterical::hysterical:

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  • 2 weeks later...

blar blar blar.....

congrates to you.. make the most of it, now we know the sites a little more and how to get to them, we can kick your arse this time. :D bring on the next event.

oh yes - - we did get the most punches though... the one special stage let us down - should of been second... but lee did the all the specials (as in complete them) and we didn't.... dam.

just to say well done adrian and pigster on your third place or is that second place LOOSERS :lol: who was it that won ....... that will be me then B) B) B)
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Darren WON....well done to him :i-m_so_happy:

Lee came in 2nd, well done to him to :i-m_so_happy:

We got the most punch's, so at least we WON that :hysterical: as we were new to the site's coming 3rd... i'm happy with that.

it was close at the end, both darren and lee had had car trouble, darren (rear shalf) lee (alternator belts,6) and we were all ok, no problem's car running fine :o yes i no that's new ground for me :lol: .

When you (darren) saw us come into the last site as you were leaving was probably the last thing you needed to see! :hysterical:

Our down fall was the fact that in our group nobody was doing the special stage's...well that's what i'm gong with :rolleyes:

A great weekend and a great event, i'm glad that i went and i'm coming back to get that win next year darren..... but if you think you can do it again....i'm calling you out to any AWDC round, you name the round mate!!!

ok..ok...well done on a great win.

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