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Wiring Connector ID

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Can anyone identify this type of connector and the terminal to match?


One of the terminals had come off its wire and in the process of getting it out of the plug moulding I snapped it so need to source another.

They look kind of like ATX power connectors off PC motherboards, but I'm not sure it's the same type.

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Can anyone identify this type of connector and the terminal to match?


One of the terminals had come off its wire and in the process of getting it out of the plug moulding I snapped it so need to source another.

They look kind of like ATX power connectors off PC motherboards, but I'm not sure it's the same type.

I'm pretty sure that it's a Molex Mini-Fit connector -




They can be bought from RS, Farnell, or on eBay.


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I'd guess at it being a Molex Mini-Fit Jr. Measure the main body. If it's 18x9.6mm then it's a Mini-FitJr.

If you need the crimps, Maplin do the 20way housing and 20 crimps for £2.19 (L70AZ - sold as ATX Motherboard Female Connector) and avoids the postage/small order charges from RS/Farnell.

I might have some - I'll have to check. If I do I'll bung a couple in an envelope to you if that would help.


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Cheers all for the help.

Mini-Fit Jr. is the ticket I think, measures exactly 18x9.6. I think I have managed to source some Molex Mini-Fit pins, time will tell when they arrive if they fit - will shout if not! Unfortunately my closest Maplins is about 35 miles away and closest RS much further so most things have to be mail ordered anyway.

Not to worry Lewis, thanks for checking.

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That connector Ben, it says 9.5A, is that per pin or for the whole connection?

Just looking for ideas for future wiring in my Disco, some installments are best fitted removable.

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