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200Tdi Turbo Repair

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the seals on my turbo are leaking really badly and so a new turbo is required.....

I dont have the £650 for one yet but spotted a rebuild company selling a rebuilt cartridge on a certain auction site for £165. has anyone any thoughts or experiences of fixing a turbo using just a cartridge?

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I replaced my cartridge with a unit purchased from a Chinese company, no problems at all, the boost pressure should you need to reset it is 14.7 psi (1 atmosphere) . I now carry a replacement unit purchased from the same company as a spare when Julie and I go on long distance trips.

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so a cheaper and easy method of repair then?

any negatives to this over a full turbo other than having to reset the actuator for boost pressure?

what should the boost PSI be ?

On a 200 the factory setting is 12 psi, 14.5 is a pretty safe bet for a tad more oooooomph and a 300 should be 16psi from the factory and isnt worth turning up imho.

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Not Land Rover, but I bought a new "cartridge" for one of my Astras two years ago from a certain auction site. Came from Lithuania and cost £89 all in. Fitted no problem at all and has been fine for the last 30k miles................

If thats any help ?

I would do it again without question, unless the turbo housing is cracked or broken of course, but I dont think anyone would accept it for exchange in any case ?

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On a 200 the factory setting is 12 psi, 14.5 is a pretty safe bet for a tad more oooooomph and a 300 should be 16psi from the factory and isnt worth turning up imho.

Excuse my ignorance - but does this mean that if a 300 turbo is fitted to a 200tdi it should have the boost adjusted down ?

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I once bought the bearing and seal kit for a dead turbo (iirc £35 ish) and stripped and assembled it all on the bench. I didn't balance it I just made sure it went back together aligned the same as it came apart. I did another 15000 miles in that car before selling it and had no issues at all, despite running at 1.6bar and quite spirited driving

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