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Hello, and water sealing advice

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Hello all.

I've had my 110 300tdi for a couple of years now. It's just got on with life and I've put up with its features and hissy fits with a chuckle.

Due to an ankle injury, I've got slightly more time on my hands for a bit, so thought I'd set about some fettling!

I'm a bit of a newbie on this beast as far as dismantling etc, so I thought I'd ask the collective brains / experience here for advice.

I'm starting with a bit of sound proofing and water ingress control (I know it's never going to be dry!)

I've removed the rear interior, panels and all the headlining over the last couple of days.

I've today finished the rearmost roof section with slientcoat foil/bitumen sticky stuff. I also have some noisekiller stylee foam to go over this.

My question is, should I seal along the outermost internal gutter channel too? I have some sikaflex that I bought for this, but is it likely to help?

I do get the defender 'wet knee' in cold wet weather, but I don't know if that is from condensation, or a leak. Obviously, the sound deadening and foam should go a long way to sort the condensation, but I never want to have to take that headlining out again, so I'd rather belt and braces it whilst it's out!

Is that a good thing to do, or am I just lining myself up for a fall in the future?

Any advice / experience gratefully received!



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the rivets from the top of the roof that hold it to the drip rail can work loose (mine have as there is NO way all that water is just condensation!)

best thing to do is find the loose rivets, replace them, and then try and seal it up from the inside. i think there is actually a "water ingress manual" somewhere on the www

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Just for your encouragement , they dont all leak :i-m_so_happy:

They all leak at sometimes! Have you tried parking at all angles in all weather conditions? That said my current Defender is pretty good most of the time (sigh)

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Thanks disomikey - yes, i've been through the water ingress manual ;)

I'm suspecting the safari windows, so I have tiger sealed around them today. The rest looks/feels ok - no sign of water with the hose - though I suspect that will change the first time it rains and I need to drive it :unsure:

I've finished the silent coat today, and started with the deadening foam. I cannot believe how much material it's swallowed - a bulk pack of silentcoat (4sq m) just for the roof. It's never looked that big before! Need to order some more before I start the rest of the body and doors.

I do kind of expect it to leak really, after all it's 14 years old, and a defender - I just don't want it dripping on my head / legs on the way to work on a freezing dark morning. (yes I'm a wuss!). I don't want my colleagues thinking I'm incontinent :huh:

Thanks all!

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In curing the leaks at the front of my 90 by rejigging every panel and resealing/ new seals, I introduced a brand new one at the back that runs down the inner gutter to the front and out into my lap. :)

Glorious !


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