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HIF44 SU Carb Fuel Pipe Repair - Advice Please

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I mostly run my 110 on LPG,but every now and again I flip to petrol to keep the fuel turning over and the carbs from gumming up.

I did this yesterday and got a really strong smell of petrol, so flicked back to LPG as soon as I could. On investigating, petrol was p***ing out of a ruptured carb fuel inlet on the nearside carb:


(ignore the yellow plug - that's sealing off the fuel inlet to the carb)

It should look something like this (this is the offside carb connection)::


The brass (?) stub tube projecting from the carb had snapped clean through, leaving nothing projecting:


(ignore the traces of the Blutak used to seal the yellow plug)

The spare tube from Burlen is only 95p - but how do I go about removing the remains of the old tube from the carb body ?

Any advice very welcome !


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Get the new tube..... that will then tell you if its a friction fit or threaded.... if friction simply drill it out.

Best to remove the carb.....

if threaded you might have to still drill it out but using a smaller drill and then maybe visit a local engineering suppliers for a tap the right thread to clean it out. .

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