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Rear springs dislocating


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I went off roading (P&P) last weekend, for the first time with my new chassis (approx 3 years old now) and the rear springs were dislocating almost constantly. It put a bit of a dampener on the day, having to get the high-lift out every 20 mins or so. I have been to the same site with the old chassis a number of times and I have also been accross Salisbury plain with the new chassis and never once had a spring dislocate.

I can only assume it's a slightly different chassis design, or the fact that's it's now very much a second car that has caused this.

Either way I need to do something about this, before a tyre gets punctured or similar. A chap at the site said use a couple of good quality jubilee clips each side - although this seems a bit heath robinson to me. The thing that did jump to mind was relocation cones, but I had always previously thought that this was only really needed for serious suspension travel. Mine is fairly standard overall, no lifts or anything like that.

What are people's thoughts? Pop over to Gwyn's website and just get some cones fitted?

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Also, comparing spring rates, here: http://www.red90.ca/rovers/springinfo.html , they aren't alarmingly different, and should be same height when fitted, soooo..... you could remove them and check the uncompressed height against the table, if they are shorter then there is your problem. Replace with genuine or OME springs and never worry again.

Failing that, Jubilee clips, whilst heath robinson, do work.

I retained my springs at the top, and built bottom cones on the original spring plates, if you want a bolt on solution, then Gwyn's stuff is very good, but if you can build it from scrap it becomes very cheap indeed.

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IMHO bottom cones are better as the first point of relocation moves in a smaller arc, if you use the top type and have quite a lot of travel then once the spring is underneath the relocator unless your driving very slowly the spring seems to wobble about a lot and can miss the relocater.

If they are only just dislocating and your not looking for bags of travel then you could buy/make six of the heavy duty Spring retaining plates (150x25x8 flat) and use these to clamp the spring into the top seat and use one in place of the bottom one otherwise it will just peel the standard one up.

I hope that makes some sense...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of a delay in replying....

Rear dampers are OME. Std height, I've never seen the point in lifts myself. All still intact.

Interesting idea there muddy. I'm not after bags of travel - fairly standard setup, just want to enjoy a day out without using the hi-lift every 15 mins!

Just got some decent jubilee clips, so I'll fit those and see how it goes on the next trip.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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