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Everything posted by Gromit

  1. have you seen this: http://exerro.com/oldsites/2009/indigoprime.com/landrover/Defender%20MY2002%20Wiring%20Diagram.pdf
  2. Hey vinny, I know that the ECU drives at least some of the dash gauges. There's loads of info on the dash in the Wibbily Wobbily Speedo thread Other than that, I don't know what else the ECU drives. just cause I have one doesn't mean I know how it works
  3. I do enjoy seeing the results of actual testing rather than hearsay purported as fact. Thanks Simon.
  4. M is the factor by which you multiply the SWL, depending on how you are using the strap. So, if using it as a choke, the SWL is 0.8 * 3000kg = 2400kg if using it as a basket, the SWL is 2 * 3000kg = 6000kg. (So, when winching, a basket around a tree is much stronger than a choke around a tree) The M value for triangle configurations depends on the angle of the triangle corners (60/90/120)
  5. Just don't do what I did and open the bleed nipple and turn it lock to lock with the engine running. Took me days to get the ATF off the front of the house.
  6. Is this the one on the inside chassis rail? Not 100% sure, but I seem to remember that it's something like a bias valve that limits the braking force applied to the rear circuit, to prevent the rear locking up under heavy braking.
  7. Yes, but no, you don't go for a drive - that would remove all the chalk. Driving forward (or backwards) in a straight line for one or two wheel revolutions should be enough to tell you if the pressure is too high or too low.
  8. Morning all. So, I have a few blank DVDs here and can make copies of the virtual machine image for anyone who is interested. It's the only way of distributing it (other than torrents) as it's about 3.5Gb now. For all you technophobes, if you install Virtual Box and use this image, you get the pretty picture in the first post.
  9. Fit IR lights and drive with night vision??
  10. It does extend down to a small bowl at the bottom of the tank. As stated, the sender is also mounted on it. You could, but why would you want to? Leaves you with less space inside, and an unused void underneath.
  11. When my Aunt was looking for something to replace her ageing volvo and to get her up to her little house on a mountainside, her son, who was about 18, wanted her to get a defender, cause they're cool. She asked my opinion and I told her absolutely, they are cool, but don't get one. With no one in the family being mechanically minded, it'd break her heart. The next suggestion was a freelander, which I also did not recommend. After a bit of thought, I recommended a Forreter, soley based on reputation. She's had it now for about 4 years and the only thing that has gone wrong is water got into the electric window motor, reducing it to a seized puddle. She loves the car, especially in the recent big freeze where she was able to negociate icy hills and 2ft of snow on the lane up to the house.
  12. if it was written off, the chassis is probably bent. Personally, if I had the cash, I'd buy it as the engine and boxes are a large chunk of the vehicle. Axles can be rebuit pretty easily if and when needed.
  13. I've used a Haynes in a similar fashion, wedged over the throttle.
  14. Hi James & welcome. So what do you know about Project Icon?
  15. Envelope with just a DVD won't be that much Make a donation of a few quid to the forum and I'll drop it in the post.
  16. Hi Carlos, If you install Oracle's Virtual Box http://www.virtualbox.org/, which is straightforward on Ubuntu, you can install an XP virtual machine, on which you can run microcat. To save installing everything, I can send you the entire virtual machine image (XP plus microcat), that you can run in Virtual Box. It will have to be a DVD, as the image is pretty big.
  17. Yes, I think dropping the tank has to be one of the most hatefull of all LR jobs, lying on your back attacking rusted nuts and bolts, rusty mud in your eyes while wrestling the tank out. Enjoy
  18. well if anyone wants the image, they could always pop a USB stick in the post to me.
  19. Sounds good Si. Being a professional typist , I was thinking of writing something similar, but decided to play with the VM at work. Now that it's built, I'll just take the image of the machine home on a USB stick and put it on my laptop
  20. I'd read that a few times, which is why I chose the VM route.
  21. To add to this, I could at this point take a snapshot of the virtualbox machine if anyone wanted it, as you could have the machine up and running with microcat in about 1 minute, but it's 1.5GB, so I don't know where I could host it.
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