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Everything posted by Stellaghost

  1. Been using a one from machine mart for several years with no problems also take it with me when offroading as have damaged pipes in the past packed in a small plastic case think they are around £30
  2. Hoping to extend splines on mog halfshafts with it although may have to buy a tungsten carbide cutter for it depending upon how hard shafts are
  3. Purchased this the other day to assist with my axle mods wont run off house electrics as trips RCD's but runs fine from generator its an Ajax bench top horizontal mill
  4. I also love free stuff got these given as guy could not get rid of them and had to move out of storage gold one only needs a wee bit of work but blue one is more involved ie engine and box out and chassis needing quite a bit of work
  5. Tried Atkinson Voss nothing showing on website have since found them on eBay must of had a senior moment yesterday on another note 5 of my calibre brackets ground and flap wheeled to shape 3 more to do pleased I,'ve got a good supply of discs
  6. I think your next port of call will be diff and pinion bearings drop the prop off and see if diff rotates freely with halfshafts out if it's ok then next stop could be gearbox check uj's on prop may be seized if not greased
  7. I will try eBay again only kits found up to now we're from America no desperate rush as have axles / halfshafts to shorten at some point could always verifier the thickness and buy some gasket paper thanks for the info DD
  8. Sorry for the repeat I hate tablets Does anyone know where I can buy some 404 portal box gaskets as not much info on net could make them if no joy
  9. Kind of figured truck tyres would have limited flex have been looking at light truck tyres so got some IROKs off eBay today pick them up Tuesday they are 36 inch but measure in at 36.8 got them for a song in my opinion £110 each definitely looking at transfer gears but won't be ready for them untill next year
  10. Kind of figured truck tyres would have limited flex have been looking at light truck tyres so got some IROKs off eBay today pick them up Tuesday they are 36 inch but measure in at 36.8 got them for a song in my opinion £110 each definitely looking at transfer gears but won't be ready for them untill next year
  11. Hi Been out sorry will take off and post tomorrow will need an address please
  12. Hi Disco Mike I've got one on a scrap 2.5 td engine could take it off in the morning and post it if it will do the job no charge required
  13. So tyres and optimum size looking at changing from LT77 to R380 gearbox and purchasing a stubby bellhousing from Ashcroft have read on forum that transfer box from range rover auto is one of the ways to go but not easy to find which leads me back to tyres not much selection in the UK for 20 inch light truck tyres but considering buying 37 inch tall tyres hopefully to get a reasonable road speed back any thoughts would be appreciated as tyres could be an expensive mistake . Looking at Ashcroft stubby to help with prop shaft length later on in the project .Thanks in advance
  14. Have replaced these sections before although did have quite a bit of repair work to do behind what you can see several hours work for someone with decent fabrication skills and way cheaper than replacing bulkhead but it all depends upon who you know or your own abilities
  15. Yours could be removed and sent for galvanising I would imagine the galvinisers would prep your cappings prior to coating
  16. I think it took about 8-10hrs per disc very very boring forgive the pun Disc finished diameter is around 320mm and I plan on using Defender 110 calipers on the front and Discovery front or rear calipers on the back have not made my mind up yet. Will put the axle back together with rims on to measure up how much I need to shorten length by but no work this week as going on holiday for a few days
  17. Hopefully pics as promised should show rough cut discs machined discs and mounted disc
  18. Wow great offer however I live in the Scottish borders so not to worry gas axe and grinder will get me there only looking at 20mm plate with a couple of welded add ons for the brackets pics to follow
  19. Hi All Been a while its amazing what takes priority over the nice to do stuff any way had the devil's own job getting some 2" plate to make discs from succeeded so got them rough cut and hours of endless machining all 4 discs completed one of the hubs pressed back onto portal box very tight and disc tried for clearance with portal casting looking ok going to run caller brackets off portal box bolts so thinking I need to make steel holder that picks up all portal flange bolts and also where the drum brake pivot points are hopefully this should be strong enough access to a profile cutter would be good but going to have to do it the long way will try and add photos later my Amazon fire keeps telling me I can't load due to low memory
  20. Cross the trenchant out predictive text does my head in at times
  21. I put a Disco 200 tdi into my lightweight and fitted 300 tdi exhaust manifold as trenchant goes straight down with only minor adjustments around the engine mount seems to be ok has been on several years now with no issues
  22. Started welding landrover and unimog wheel sections together bit of a crude jig but does what it needs to do
  23. That was my thoughts with regard to motorcycle discs I may make out of both materials and see what the crack is
  24. I've had a Cebora autostar 180 for 30 years now paid for its self time and time again Snap on used to badge ceboras dont know if they still do
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