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Everything posted by Stellaghost

  1. Parked in my village this morning I could definitely see me driving one of them... regards Stephen
  2. A very quick mobile engine test rig knocked up this morning A trailer chassis I had laid doing nothing Fit jockey wheel, mag drill helping out lifting operations off table in garage Some quick engine mounts engine and gearbox fitted, sitting nice and level I can add brackets to this to hold temp fuel tank, ignition and whatever else I might need now the dreaded electrics....... Regards Stephen
  3. Hi Dave, Can you or do you have access to aluminium welding, if you look back on my mog thread to page 120 you can see I welded in some 10mm aluminium and drilled and tapped it to take the long bolts ( page 121 ) If you were over here I could have done it for you Regards Stephen
  4. About bloody time.......... Looking forward to this, now your actually going to do something, instead of pontificating about it.... Think long and hard about your rear prop set-up, I had the lt77 and lt230 in my lightweight, still have, but to make it work prior to increasing my wheelbase I altered my diff nose angle so prop shaft was at a less severe angle, having said that LGT gets by ok with a very short prop Good luck I'm looking forward to see if you can justify the engineer in your title...........lol Regards Stephen
  5. Send me a drawing of sizes and I will see what I've got in round shaft, might be able to help out Regards Stephen
  6. Any more progress with the axles @dangerous doug Regards Stephen
  7. That may be so, but most rams are standard sizes and you would have the size of the pistons, surely they could have quoted for top notch and middle of the road seal kits Regards Stephen
  8. Wow, that does feel like a lot, hindsight is always good, if they had priced the job before hand I would have been asking them for a seal kit and had a go myself However it's fixed now, so just need to make it earn its keep Regards Stephen
  9. Dimensions as follows @Ed Poore 900 x 1300 600 x 2000 600 x 1090 2 off 700 x 2000 with cut out and drainer board to suit Belfast sink 370 x 900 2off 600 x 900 100 x 2800 100 x 1100 3 off 100 x 1900 100 x 1600 100 x 1500 All dimensions in mm Regards Stephen
  10. I've got a load of black granite worktop free to anyone that wants it, just can't bear the thought of throwing it away regards Stephen
  11. I got a self propelled Yamaha lawnmower the same way and a Honda petrol air compressor Regards Stephen
  12. So sorry to disappoint.... Must try harder... Regards Stephen
  13. Yes I am thank you It does sit in the back of your mind " will it fit" until it actually does, there is always a moment of doubt... Going to keep the original, it's not pretty but it is a good template, so I will file it in the might or might not get used again section regards Stephen
  14. Tarot cards !!!!!!! "I see Landrovers in your future, more Landrovers"............. Regards Stephen
  15. Not from the scrap man but saved from going to the scrap man Guy I work with said the other night " I've got tools in the van heading to the recycling centre, have a look if there is anything you want take it" Obviously I had a look.... and took most of it......well I'm sort of a recycling centre....... 9" grinder, soft start Bosch hedge cutter Mitre saw Vice All in good working order Regards Stephen
  16. Custom adaptors, lightweight vent panels, bulkheads, shortening diffs in retirement............ The idea is your supposed to be easing off and relaxing.......... Arnt you ????????????? Regards Stephen
  17. well yes it does Mr Wabbit, indeed it does, as the pictures so conclusively prove...yes it does fit turns nicely too... regards Stephen
  18. Cheers Dave I was supposed to retire in May when I was 60, but Mr Putin kind of upset the Apple cart... Not too bothered as I do enjoy my work Regards Stephen
  19. I think having the mold pre-heated helped a lot, it allowed the molten aluminium to travel quicker and further before trying to solidify, that's my take on it anyway Regards Stephen
  20. I don't know yet... But it will........one way or another So, yes it does fit...............ok Regards Stephen
  21. To be fair a lot of the leg work was done on my first attempt, which made the second attempt so much easier........ Regards Stephen
  22. Barring putting it all together to make sure it's right that's the adaptor finished Regards Stephen
  23. Most of what I used was what was left of the 200tdi engine to gearbox casting mixed in with some material from the wheel, some aluminium chequer plate and pipe Regards Stephen
  24. I'll take that as a positive, thank you Regards Stephen
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