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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. Hmmmm Mr Sales To save you from getting your nice warm toes'ys wet and cold, I drove around the ditch to the other side but inadvertantly got lost in the pitch black dark, it wasn't as simple as the other side it was bloody miles away to get to the other side, and I got a bit disorientated (i.e. lost),,,, Now bearing in mind I was looking for a bloke bressed in dark clothing in a swamp with a head lamp on at 8o'clock at night in a minus 10 frost, it wasn't so easy. So every time I saw an headlamp I aimed for it and at some point made the statement "I've lost my co-driver" which they found quite amusing, "whats he look like"? was they reply, "Big fat noisy git with a funny accent and a headlamp on", well he said "that narrows it down a bit", anyway eventually after 30 minutes or so I found him and we carried on, as a team..... Great laugh and if I say so myself as potentially good team........potentially ........ Roll on next year
  2. First question is how's the lad that ended up totally wet through when he rolled in the water ?? Good do we enjoyed it although we didn't have a clue where we were or where we were going, but's thats normal for us two, Loads of Marshalls around, and they didn't interfere which was good, it's hard enough in the dark anyway. We couuldn't stay for the scores because I turned my trailer around ready to load and ended blocking the exit, so when the lad was taken to hospital had to shift out of the way smartish, which meant going up the long lane, and once we got the Nissan moving up the frozen hill we kept it going. Anyway first Challenge with rhe MOR and thorougly enjoyed it, everbody seemed friendly,so thanks to all involved. Where and when will the scores be posted.?? Chris:)
  3. I have got a padded Gortex insulated one piece foul weather suit in bright reflective orange, the only trouble is being 6ft 4 and a fat git I look like a giant space hopper, but its very warm,Saley won't loose me put it that way It's lookin cold'ish:huh:
  4. See you all Saturday,,,,, and I've got a temporary bitch for the weekend........ He's young and fit................well almost young................and almost fit........................it's Saley The Chuckle Bothers are back............beware :blink:
  5. We had the Cat 'n' Fiddle (Buxton to Macclesfield) shut the other day through snow, but that's not unusual this time of year.
  6. They will never pass scrutineering, not with that DJ anyway, hope they mix paint better than music :rolleyes: I can remember trying toget sleep by it a Clyro at about 3 in the mornin', hey boys
  7. When I was converting my Challenge machine to full hydrosteer it simply wasn't a problem to have hoses made to meet and match any thread that Landrover used, what I did get was adaptors to normal metric pipe sizes tomake life easier. Keep trying the David Llama pointer is a great one for you. Good luck
  8. A while ago I read somewhere that Boggers were cheaper in one of our neighbouring countries i.e France or Belgium or somewhere similar...... Can anybody else recall or point me in the right direction please...times are hard Chris:)
  9. Barrie Gee rang me earlier and asked if I would put on the forum that he would not be attending round 4 next Sunday in support of John and as a fully paid up member of BADLRC he would be making his feelings on the matter known at the next AGM, please don't shoot the messenger........
  10. I find it all rather unbeliveable,and the lack on consistency between events and scrutineers is quite saddening, at the end of the day its a hobby, a bit of fun, a pastime, a social event... Saley did the right thing when the TRAINEE scrutineer pushed the card in his face demonstrating that he was the scrutineer and his word is final, I think if he'd stayed or reacted then his action may have been disturbing as he was quite livid, and thats an understatement, so perhaps the wisest thing to do was to leave quickly...it put a dampener on the whole event without shadow of a doubt. I have travelled Great Britian from top to bottom competing along side John, who has never had a refusal or a major advisory by ANY scrutineer MSA or not over a period of 4 or 5 years once sometimes twice a month, so find it difficult to believe the seriousness that was put on these matters, hell it is such a big scale event that it doesn't even warrant a chemical toilet. Have these other Scrutineers failed in their attempts to interpret the rules or is Trevor "a bit off course", because somewhere along the line if Trevor is correct in his interpretation then is the standard of the other scrutineers a problem ?? Saley tries his utmost to be compliant as I do, and a lot of mates who compete do, and we discuss and interpret the Blue book as best as we can, but this throws us into doubt. The engine cover at Mow Cop was a mistake and John awknoweges that,but even soits covered by waffle boards. I now feel myself with a dilemma, to participate in a competition requires me to lose a days pay at a time and a half, a £50 entry fee, a good half of tank of diesel to get there and back, time loading and un-loading, time to and from event, preperation time, and plenty of time to keep the better half happy and sweet, the same applies for most co-drivers, this is also fully applicable to John (Saley) Sales, then to arrive in good time and spirits, then to get a rejection from an inconsistent scrutineer followed by a MSA scrutineers card thrust in your face, makes you wonder if the event was so attractive in the first place, after all it was one we doing for a laugh and to support our local club. Barry Gee if he did the internet thing would also have quite a few comments I know. I'll have a think a while about round 4 Matt, thanks, because I can ill afford to risk the outlay and will any of my mates be there if I do ?? Regards Chris
  11. It's consistantly passed every event it's ever been to over the years so what's changed John ????
  12. Try some Rescue Remedy from a herbalist Neil belting stuff, it's for nervous flyers etc, our late German Shepherd Dog looked like he'd had 10 pints after he'd had a few drops and couldn't care less, sort of zonked him out for a few hours and it's Herbal, if you know what I mean. No puns please lads, grow up !!!!
  13. Well following last nights football Super 7's action I've got a son (Tom) on crutches after a hard tackle, luckily there's no breaks but now got a set of crutches clanking around the household. So i'm pretty certain we won't be there..... Good luckto you all.
  14. Strange day from start to finish Lost the brakes completely on the second punch, ended up un-hitching the trailer and driving home to get the power bleeder, which eventually gave me a bit of rear only brakes, lost about 2 hours. Punch 3 rolled it, and oiled up a plug on re-start, but i'm used to 7, so carry on.... Punch 5 lost front nearside tyre of the rim when the Stuan popped, furthest possibly punch from the motor, and had to wich all the way out, thanks to Mr Belton for the tow up through the 1st field... Back in and wey hey rolled it again.....then lost front Bowmotor 2 ..... never did rate it....gave up at that with only 30 minutes remaining What a day....thorougly enjoyed it..thanks to Matt and the team...thanks to the excellent Marshalls..thanks to the Welsh boys for keeping the local hosterly's cash flow good for the month...hic..... and well done to the Clay Heads.. Matt and Dan AKA the Chuckle Brothers.. its pity your to young to use your pint pot that you won....good on yer boys
  15. Hey Bishbosh, I totally agree with you that 8274's are not bullet proof nor anywhere near it, but they can over a period of time be made a lot stronger and IF treated with respect perform quite well in standard form. But the beauty of is them is chances are that most can be fixed at a comp and somebody somewhere will have the part you need. My good mate John Sales (Saley) makes the best winch I have come across for speed/strength/ cost, but I'm not a lover of hydraulic systems hence I use a pair of 8274's c/w with mainshaft mods. I said earlier the TDS is a belting piece of kit just not my choice. Boxers or Y-fronts ? Blondes or Brunettes ? Boggers or Simex ? McDonalds or Burger King ? Half full or half empty ? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. But on the "throwing good money away theme" how many clouds of smoke have you seen at events and playdays from these BARGAIN Chinese imports at £300+ going up in a puff of smoke, no spares available, guarantee not worth the paper it's written on ,"chuck it in the skip mate, and put it down to experience", for not much more and a bit of quality time spent waiting to pounce as Dan says on a cheap Warn 8274 because they do come up every now and then and are well worth the wait and money. Take into account comp entry fee's and costs of travelling etc thrown away on a cheap winch because it fails early in the day, and could leave you in a awkward spot, then perhaps common sense says wait until your properlly equipped, and no I don't have a bad word to say about TDS/Goldfish winches belting bit of kit, just not my choice, both my 8274's were second hand re-serviced models. I sometimes feel a bit gutted for folks when these cheapo winches let go after a very minimum work out, nobody likes to see a blokes money thrown away, so best advice is scan the ads and save up Pal, but go for a branded winch with full spares and a reputation, choice is yours......
  17. 8274 all day every day Brilliant brake Availabilty of mods to suit all occasations and needs Ease of repair in the field Every nut bolt washer, bearing and bush is easily and readily available Speed, reliability, adapability, I run 125ft of 12mm Marlow comp rope without any worries of bunching, could easily go up to 150ft if rope was cheaper...... That lovely clicking noise on recall tells me whats going on.......... think about it...... Bling does not even come in to it but brains do
  18. CW12 3NL is for the Horseshoe Inn pub at the bottom of the bank leading up to the site, its about half a mile on tothe site from the pub. Best way is of the A34 at Astbury village (A34 between Congleton and Kidsgrove) look for a BIG old church set back with a big spire, there's a triangle of grass with a big tree on it and a car sales place on the right hand corner with probably about 20 cars or so on it. Turn up, go past the Church opposite the Egerton Arms pub and carry on for about half a mile, then you will see a right fork in the road (with a house in the middle), take the right fork and follow up over the Canal and then Railway bridge and turn right at the end (probably about 2 miles from the church), Go on for about half a mile and then past the Horseshoe Inn on your right at a junction (fine farmers country pub this one, highly recommended) then you will start to climb a steep bank which narrows at the end, just when it opens out you will see a small road on the left go past it and the gate is 50 yards on the right, you will not be able to turn in if coming the opposite way. be warned. Any problems ring me 07973 775045 See you there boys Boothy
  19. All go for Sunday following no serious issues from yesterdays LRS, Just a rear brake pipe, rear rope, and some bruised ribs from laughing at our Thomas's attempt at tree climbing, looked more like he was trying to mate it than climb it. :blink: But Mr Sales and myself didn't laugh at him or poke fun as you can imagine :rolleyes: then the Chuckle brothers from Stoke (Dan and Matt) managed to get lost on a minor road called the M6, no wonder they can't find punches, they couldn't even find Telford with Satnav :hysterical: So it's already to go after it's wash today.... Can't wait. Chris
  20. Believe nothing that you hear and half of what you see..... Good guide for life that......
  21. Why have you decided this needed putting on a forum ????
  22. Ronseal, brick sealant, does exactly what it says on the tin, and cheap........
  23. The way you pair shape in daylight I would have serious thoughts about doing it in the dark... It's like watching Stevie Wonder teamed up with Basil Brush :hysterical: :hysterical: Boom boom !!!! :hysterical:
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