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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. I've already done it with some mineral oil I came by,so this is now the after phase. I'm just about to set of for the Northern Challenge so will nodoubt find out today andwillpost up later, just to sort of keep you in the picture, just hoping it will cough and fart and clear it's pipes, and resume being a loverly V8 with Megasquirt, but have visions of the engine stand being dug out of the shed. Cheers boys
  2. After a gooddunking in deepwater, bonnet depth, the old V8 has decided to lay down heavy smoke, and I'm trying to guess why before I go diving in, (no pun intended) It's a rebored reground engine with about 20 full days running in competitions and was as far as I was concerned fully waterproofed but obviously this is not the case, and following a good dunking in deep water the sump was filled with a mix of oil and water, about a washing up bowl full (possibly 3 gallons instead of nearly 2, of the mix) and no the radiator had not lost any water, so it's ingress from the lake. It had probably got in down the dipstick tube or through the rocker cover but that's a different problem. So a couple of good flushings out with mineral oil and 2 new filters and it's back to business or so I thought, but its smoking quite badly more so when it warms up. The oil is clean and the oil pressure is good, the tappets are nice and quiet, and so far its not oiled a plug up but I guess it will tommorow when its next comp is. So how could the water cause this ? Possible damaged valve stem guide or stem, Possible picked up on lower part on 1 clyinder, How do I find it easily and more importantly quickly? I suppose its plug lead of at a time to see when and if the smoke stops. Any suggestions apart from stick to dry land. Boothy
  3. 'Ey up' lads Following last months Howlin Wolf another alternator has gone kaput, and yet again I cannot find a part number for the one I want so that the local motor factor can supply one, I've had the same problem before and we tempory gave up but now my supply of second hand units is exhausted so it's time for an new one. Because I have twin alternators I wanted the same both sides so if needed one can be swapped either way, i.e, double lugged so it can be left or right handed fitting, 12 volt, 100 amp, bolt on terminals. They fit at the top on either side on standard brakets, no problem. I know these were a standard fit on some 3.9 or 4.6 Range Rovers but the after market part books make it a bit hit and miss with the double lugs and terminals, just wondered if somebody can give me a number that we can either use or convert to get a couple of new ones. Thanks again lads and lasses. Boothy
  4. Don't forget a full MSA approved/type roll cage and MSA approved helmets and it aint quite as cheap as you first thought.
  5. Might sound like a daft question (unless it's a special stage), but where on earth is this place? Can you supply a postcode or a good reference or a linky on Multimap or something please?? Thanks
  6. "Ey up" Nige, having tried several types of bar and bent them all, one bar stands out head and shoulders over all other bars. Carl Hursts "Goldigger" solid bar, you will bend the chassis before they give up, but keep a spare TR end, they give up instead. Must be tough, they're from "oop Nerth", tough as old boots, no good for you Southern nancies, "ey" Nige
  7. Neal at Rakeway recently supplied me with a GKN propshaft, brand new, manafactured to my exact length, with a 4 inch center slider for a very reasonable amount of tokens, proper chuffed with it.
  8. Mr Sales, if they are shi**ing themselves about us pair of deaf, dithering creaky old gits then I would suggest they stick to tiddlewinks or something less harmfull. One thing good about the "dream team" is I'm sure we'll qualify for a bus pass before the others do.
  9. You should have had Glynn Yates, mine, Barry Gee rang me today he was trying to get in touch but I think he got hold of Eric, Dan Thomas is testing his new TD5 out this weekend and was hopeful,
  10. Good pair of relocated employers "Gortex" steel toe-capped, steel mid-soled, booits do the job just nicely, Handy the lads the same size to, and the more you get through, the further they think your walkin, wished I was on bonus. Also handy being steelys for when I run him over again.
  11. Forms in the post Matt, but there seems to be a lot of talkers with no action, unlike me and Saley, a lot of action with no talking
  12. Well boys, we've thrown down the gauntlet and we've told the organisers what we want engraving on the trophy, just to save time you see, so if you think there is the slightest idea in your heads that you may beat us, don't talk about it get your entry in, this will be the one and only time to beat what is known as, THE DREAM TEAM, photo's later girls. "The dream team" consists of, 2 fair to middleing knees 2 shot ones, 3 good hips, one poor, 2 poor backs, 1 good ear, 0 good eyes, but no glass ones, a large amount of excess baggage, 2 over active mouths, 7 brain cells, but a lot of enthusiasm, fed on Boddingtons and Bacon and it will will still whip yer Dan. Come on
  13. My entry will be in the post over the weekend, I will be using my world famous SUPER biatch Mr John ( Flash ) Sales, who as we speak is undertaking his advanced training schedule, at the Queens Head, and has promised me he has more to offer than any other co-driver on the circuit, that's the bit that worries me. Please ensure all children are kept out of hearshot, it could be tasty. Simon, I told you it was a big name, who's Pigster in comparison ?, he's only mortal. Boothy
  14. Following another days of LR bashing Sunday at the Howlin Wolf round 2, Iwas getting a clanking and what felt like stiffness and notchiness from what I thought was the rear diff. The rear same as the front is 24 spline ARB locking unit, with standard early 90 V8 shafts in the rear, I presumed I'd chipped the crown wheel/pinion and it was slipping or possibly a shaft was sort of making and then slipping, so common sense because of problems elsewhere was to put it on the trailor. So out with the shafts and nearly but not quite broken on, the long shaft is "A" OK, the short is twisted but not broken at the diff end, the diff appears and feels OK, and there were no bits or pieces in the axle case or old oil. Any idea's as to what could be causing clonking and jamming, or roughness, and no its not the rear prop, the X eng disc feels ok, Ashcroft fange ends seem fine, How do you test a LT77 centre diff without removing or driving it or when its on stands? Could it be the severity of the twist of the shaft causing me problems? Any ideas lads. Thanks again Boothy
  15. Whats the car park and camping area like?
  16. We used a D44 cut down by a foot and with a spike on, when we used on the 1st punch we did, which was the one on the left on the uphill approach to the camping area, we used it to get through the virgin glue/mud and up to the top of the bank to get the punch, Then on the way back down it let go and I ran backwards like a rat up a drain pipe pursued by this yellow chunk of steel with a spike on and hit the glue hard and at the wrong angle, and then spent an eternity getting out of it, thanks again to the lads in the white 90 for your help. The only thing thats digs in at Kirton has caterpillar tracks on it. Did anybody see a rabbit ????? Boothy
  17. Thanks lads, before you both shout I did a search last night and couldn't find it. Cheers Chris
  18. I've been asked to repay a thousand favours this week by doing the wiring on a mates 90 who's just in the process of dropping a 3.9 EFi in complete with the Range Rover engine loom. If I remember correctly there was only four of five wires needed to hook up to the loom, could anybody jog my memory, also the speed sensor on a Santana 5 speed manual box, do I need it or was there a mod with earthing a resistor out? It would be greatly appreceated if anyone can point me in the right direction. Cheers lads Boothy
  19. Opp's didn't do to well there then, broken rear diff, and a pair of QT radius arms bent in three diffent directions, so took the sensible option and was on the trailer before 12.30hrs Well done, hate rocks, I think I prefer the water. Thanks to the Boss, Neil the marshalls and all involved. Broken Boothy
  20. You be carefull Nathan, 2 events in a year, you'll be giddy. Could have a big name suprise biatch in place for this one, due to the lad being away, and NO it won't be Glynn Yates, but it might be worse.
  21. Well done MrsBob it will be a pleasure to see you again, I like women of authority
  22. Neil, your younger and brighter than me, yes that is an excuse. No, absolutely no testing whatsoever has taken place, I just hope it all pulls together and woks well, unlike me, Now this is not the excuse, but following a RTA last friday, work has been delayed slightly, and no I was rammed from behind in my new Toyota hi-lux and have been very sore all week, (pain in the neck Adrian).
  23. Has it changed from last year Neil, we always had trouble finding them ?, then even more trouble getting to them
  24. Might work more expensive in diff oil though, My Y60 front diff took 4.5 litres when I last changed it, still saving up to change the back one. Oh, they're still in the Y60 motor not under the Landy,YET.
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