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Everything posted by Boothy

  1. Not a nice way of putting this, but basically you've bought a bag of carp with some bull****e advertising, sorry if that sounds harsh, but it looks like you've bought a cheap copy of a cheap copy. It must be covered under some sort of guarantee judging by the wording, best advice is save up and buy a decent make with a warranty and good spares availiabilty, check out the price of a Warn XP motor or a Bowmotor they cost a lot more than your full winch and its for a reason because they are superior in manafacture and not some cheap Chinese copied rubbish, even the Albright (style) solonoid is a copy of an Albright, I've seen the quality and they really are carp pal. Sorry but next time put a post on here and ask advice of lads who have bought winches there are some reasonably priced winches around but don't expect them to perform as well a high spec winch or you will burn them out. And just because your solonoid is clicking doesn't neccessarly mean power is getting there, it just means that the low current side is working, check the tech threads for how to test a winch motor. Good luck and I hope you can get an exchange but don't work it to hard.
  2. Ey up DiscoV8 Come along to one of the events especially early, talk to the lads, get close to scrutineering to get a good idea of whats going on, download and read regs from the AWDC or the BAD LRC website and study them, basically do your homework and then your ready, your far better doing the above before you start your cage etc and then save yourself a lot of pain if its not right, because the work you have been doing failed to meet regs. Next Howlin Wolf (2 weeks off) is only an hour away near Corwen, LLangollen (sorry about spelling) and what better place to learn. Follow threads for the Northern Winch Challenge, ideal starting ground, or the Challenger Clubman series run by Lucy and Paul Bass, who will do their all to help you.
  3. Try it with the challenge truck on the Ifor Williams trailer and the tow vehicle fully loaded, now that's scary.
  4. Fair play Will, But if you had seen the state of that Hotel, believe you me he had the comfortable, clean, and vastly more desirable accomodation, it was a hell hole, worst ever. I understand why the "hound" howled, it was the state of his room, not because he wanted a carp in the middle of the night. Put some vaseline on your roof ready for this one pal, it's a scary, deliverance sort of site, duelling banjo's and all that country cousins sort of stuff, you know kick one and they all shout "OWW", Saley's right at home there, he kinda fit's in you know. Somebody jumped into his lunch box last year he's buired to keepfresh, kept blaming Pigster. See you all there
  5. Buy a good ant-theft device, mine works a treat 24 hours a day and is a great visual deterrent, He's a 9 stone long haired German Sheperd Dog, with a HGV licence, he's very keen and never fails, just suffers from flatulance !!!!! But on a serious note, I'm very glad all come good in the end and the pikeys had a lot of reversing to do,
  6. Only the innocent or the ignorant sleep, Big cupboard Marsie, ey whats with the pictures of Saley, trust me I don't sleep with pictures of Saley, How am I supposed to get any kip with you lot up to no good up and down, man dare'nt shut his eyes for long. I like the Stig it rhymes with the twigg. Have a great weekend guys, it's a pity I'm not there to defend my title.
  7. Carl, you forgot to mention how steeeeeeeeeep it is in places, and how scaaaaary in others, and you forgot to mention how the trees that grow there in abundance on the slate hillside don'thave any roots and are just stood up, untillyou put a strop on em!!! and you forgot to mention the most important thing, DON'T let your co-driver get drunk for 2 nights in a row, because they are then useless and scary, Did you mention how steep it is ??? Last year I remember all the vets taking a look, shaking and immeadiatly putting their new ropes on, the ones they had been saving for a special occastion. Can't wait, lets hope it's not so wet this year, the car park was a challenge on it's own. See ya all there boys
  8. Looks like due to commisioning a system update on Sat nite/Sunday at work I won't be able to play boys, which I'm well miffed about, Saleys still fixing his motor following a heavy roll last weekend, so I think he's doubtfull, or was earlier,
  9. The lad was pulling round the back end when "TWACK" the rear rope snapped, so he tie's his special fishing knot and we start again,,, "TWACK" it broke in a different place, so off we go and put a new rope on, God knows how he catches any fish with knots that big... Cheers Zimsoundz
  10. Funniest part of the weekend was Saley after 6 solid hours in the bar calling the Southerns "soft arses" who, "can't take the pace in the bar" then immediatly falls of his stool backwards, sort of a prequal to the roll really, priceless. Great weekend thanks to the Boss, Neil and the marshalls etc, well done, another enjoyable event.
  11. Nige. I got myself an enormous big dual 1" core Alloy radiator from Summit racing in the US of A and hey ho end of cooling problems, they are suposed to be more than 40% more efficent at cooling, stuck a 16" Pacet profan on her and "it don't get hot no more boss" and that's still the case now the rads on the rear out of the airflow alltogether. The Summit racing rad was £200 and on the doorstep in 3 days, that'sbetter than most UK dealers,it was meant for a Chevy 5.7 litre racing engine, orsomething similar, Alleysports quoted me nearly £600 if I remember correctly. It still cools well when when it's sat in mud for ages digging away and winching hard, which if you remember is what can make a V8 get very very warm, when they're still and wrapped in mud. Good luck pal.
  12. I once had a car that had to have a ZR rated tyres on it, when I questioned this with the 70MPH speed limit etc (just for the hell of it) the fitter replied "it is a car capable of producing a large amount of torque and must have a tyre that can handle this amount of torque by law, regardless of the speed limit", which I suppose kinda makes sense, But on the same note I ask myself would I like to stop a 2 ton of Land Rover on wet tarmac in an emergency on a set of "off roaded" Extreme treckers or even Simex copies, with the wife and kids in the back, and the sensible answer is no, they're sh*te, and please don't kid yourself otherwise, they are classed as an 80% off road tyre for a reason. And hats off to people I see who drive home from Challenge events having just competed and swapped back to a set of sensible road tyres to get them home, much respect.
  13. Never heard of PoleVolt before and when I look at the website it's about 2 miles from my house on a nice country road. Thank you
  14. Err is it me or would you expect to see Land Rover's in "Land Rover World"? Kick me next Sunday.
  15. I'm tucked up in the bridal suite with wifey, the lads in the tent SOBER please, no cheating Saley and nobbling me co-driver, as if you would.
  16. What you've forgotton is that you cannot simply change the bellhousing because the gears sit on the input shaft which passes through the bellhousing as well as the clutch sitting on it as well.
  17. Sounds like a terrorist plot to me, was it a self harm web site ? I seriously wouldn't recommend anyone attempt or even consider this method.
  18. Sorry, what I meant to say was that Saley ran his front winch completely dry with no oil whatsoever in it all last year as another test of it's ruggedness, with no ill effects at all. It must be tough Alan Kemp's not broke one.
  19. In all fairness the free spool (which can be operated in cab) on the Saley winch and it's sealed roller bearing drum a 2 year old could comfortably pull rope off, it's absolutely effortless and a real joy, and I know he's ran his front winch all last year in comp's to see how good they really are and it was perfect and dry as well. It's a very good bit of kit, I'm just saving up, tyres next then Saley winches. He bitched for me Sunday and did nothing but moan about slow 8274's, then about overrun, then about spooling out back knotting, in fact he moaned all day.
  20. Well after a good few hours of constant running Sunday, the old girl had started to clear up nicely just a hint of oily smoke after a good rev up, little bit missy and poppy but that was to be expected, but then autobox got very hot a spat a load of oil out all over the snorkel top K&N type filter, bloody great help that when your trying to clear a smoke problem up. Since rebuilding the truck I've put a big belly plate on and moved the exhaust pipe a bit closer to the box, and took the fan of the 19row Mocal cooler which used to be on the back, so basically I've stopped the box from getting any natural cooling and wrapped in a blanket so to speak, so I guess the box got hot and spat it's oil out via the breather, so that's another job now to cool it much better, box seems to working fine though. Anyway back to the engine, it ran lovely and cool for a V8, used a little bit of oil, no water, 6 gallons of fuel, kept a good oil pressure, so I presume its getting a bit in via the stems, so have done a compression test dry, all cylinders were about 125 psi with the exception of one which was 115 psi, so I am happy and content with that and didn't even bother to oil and try them wet. Plugs came out a bit sooty and wet but I turned it around earlier on tickover and it only ran for a couple of minutes, so I presumed that would probably be the cause of that. Hopefully that should be the end of it for now, untill I get fed up and take the heads of for a nose, when I've nothing better to do and plenty of time to do it, probably closed season next winter, we'll see. Oh and I haven't checked the breathers yet either. Thanks boys
  21. Joint second, but broke a track rod end before the first punch then had no lockers either all day, as Glynn does.
  22. Nearly run him over loads of times Simon, He's not so fast when you chase him up a bank in the V8, he's like a big squirrel diving in tree's for cover, then shouts a lot, but he got a loverly ar*e.
  23. Thanks Carl, I don't think Saley will be able to move far tomorrow, I recon he'll be a stiff as a board.
  24. Just got back from the Northern Challenge hosted by Buxton and Distrirct LRC What a well run excellent challenge on a absolutely terriffic site, real belter. Massive thanks to Matt, Barney and the team, marshalls etc, top quality event, and some cracking punches, really enjoyed it. Great big thanks to superbiatch John (flash) Sales, for helping us to get a win, my first challenge outright win, delighted. There were times I thought I was listening to the porn channel on the headsets, couldn't believe the amount of grunting and panting going on it was like being in touch with the hound of the baskerville's, but all credit to the lad he did good. Come on lads get some enteries in for the next round it was cracking.
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