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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. If anyone needs, or is short of a passanger, i know the way round
  2. Dam,, Chris has beaten me to it,, was going to grass him up as well Best grass up Pugwash then,, all the dash light on, no rear pads etc,, and still got home,, just
  3. Now theirs a offer Les It did get changed at 7 Sisters, by someone
  4. Hope he get it sorted for Friday, eh Mo
  5. Had a chat with one of the warden's,, he was saying a LR club' had told them to expect 52 vehicles from them alone !! Chris,, as you see the yota made it back !!
  6. Must have missed you then,, everyone , and his dog must have been up their today !! complete with 1500 nutters on bikes
  7. The glassfibre ones, will not take any knocks, will look much worse, than a dented alloy wing, and a lot sooner as he is local to me, have seen them, and decided to stay with pukka wings
  8. Yep, sorry James,, with you now ! we were taking yours, weren't we B)
  9. No, under a month to go, and no futher details,,
  10. Your welcome But what happened to the pics to go on the white van thread
  11. Been there Mark,, that's why for £200, towbar & electrics, factory fitted !! seam the chickens way out
  12. Thanks David umbertob is one of the mods on Rangerover net, and as he said, did not work on his 06 MY either,, (same as mine !) Yep, sounds like a ring round local specialists in the new year,
  13. OK, Have given up googling etc,, Does anyone know the procedure for manually resetting the Service Interval Indicator, on a RR Sport,, bar from taking to the main stealer, Thanks all
  14. Thanks James,, you've not broken it have you
  15. Back on subject !! Rick,, any news re venue for the night event ? still on ??
  16. Ditto Mo,,, diddley swat,, MAY go and fit the new top to the Hybrid later, or then i may not !!
  17. Same here Chris, Not a lot LR related, unless you count a large gas cyl, that fits the Jetboil which will be put to use in the wogawoga
  18. Think your sixth sense maybe failing you,, I know the time and effort, that goes into a event of this nature, a profit ?? maybe, I for one would go again, just like the rest for a usually oversubscribed event, so i am not alone
  19. Good Morning all Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year
  20. Nothing to add really, Another good day with great company, no damage, bar a passenger door, that does not catch !! Good pics guys
  21. bitching is the correct word,, but should be "AT" and not "FOR"
  22. Mine did not have any either,, Recon the salesman nicked them, before passing over !!! Just found a use for some as well Trolley jack handle to the roof,,in the service van
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