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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Having done three different routes to registration. Kit conversion, SVA and IVA I have to say they are all costly and a paperwork exercise. My freestyle was SVA not as costly as the current system but there were so many loop holes it was daft. My tomcat was done as a kit conversion, taken for a VIC if it passed register it if not SVA. It passed as I've said it was one of the loop holes. The ibex was done under the current system of IVA. People are scared of authority hence the distain for IVA. I find it amusing that people avoid a Q plate when for me it screams that the vehicle has been tested and legit. The bottom line is it is time consuming and costly but not really a problem.

    More importantly is a 100 inch worth £10k if your asking what it's worth your missing the point. My ibex is everything I wanted it to be. It's worth considerably more to me than it cost to build it and at least double what I could sell it for. If you want it build it but don't think you will do anything but loose money on it. My tomcat cost me £12k to build (about half the average build cost) but when I sold it (5 years later) I struggled to get £6.5k. 

    I say don't just talk about it do it but then I would.


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  2. It's a bit more than £450 because when you fail (which you will first time) re-test is £90 then registration at £55 plus your MOT, tax and insurance all at the same time. It cost me about £1500 to put the ibex on the road, granted some of that is running costs but you still have to pay it.

    The IVA isn't hard to pass but you do need to read the manual before, during and again before the test. It will still fail but at least it will be only minor items.


  3. When I had children I seriously considered taking the hard roof off my tomcat and replacing it with a soft top. Changing the cage at the rear and fitting forward facing rear seats. The only reason I didn't was it was beyond my budget at the time.

    Any chassis mod (not repair) triggers IVA including changing the wheel base.


  4. 1 hour ago, daveturnbull said:

     I am however wondering how long you're going to get away with having your winch rope party obscuring the number plate.

    Yeah I must get round to sorting something to loop the rope round lower down. :rtfm: It is readable from speed camera hight but I'm not sure anpr can read a Q plate anyway. :ph34r:


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  5. As previously mentioned my preferred roof rack involves cage tube. This is outside my budget at the moment so a semi permanent solution. I have three lengths of 50mmx20mmx2mm Ali box these have been attacked with a holesaw and tapped into the spaceframe of the roof.


    Not the most aerodynamic solution but have you seen an ibex. :rofl:


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