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Everything posted by stuck

  1. Gent's, I'm looking for a new car for the Mrs as her Suzuki is on it's last legs. If it was for me I'd be looking at a 4.6 but she wouldn't like the fuel bill. Her daily driving to work & back is less than 10 miles so realistically what can she expect in terms of MPG from a 2.5? Cheers, Mick.
  2. So polarity isn't important? Cheers G.
  3. Thanks to a kind forum member I now have a temp gauge for the CCV truck. It has 2 terminals on it marked 1 & 2, could someone kindly tell me which way around it should be wired please?
  4. If you don't get any offers I'm around 20 minutes drive from Preston. Item would have to be collected from SK12 though (Work)...
  5. Gent's, I read a thread on here (I Think) about fitting a V8 from a Lexus to a space frame but I can't find it. Could some kind soul kindly point me in the right direction please? Ta muchly, Mick.
  6. What are the bits from that actualy put the ridge into the tube?
  7. Christ, You would swear that was a fatality!
  8. Hadn't thought of that Robert. Will have a look in the morning.
  9. I assure you that I'm not. It is however possible that my chuck is knackered as it's hard to tighten & undo. Edit: it has trashed drill bit shanks from new so I don't think it's down to abuse. At work we have a cheap Ryobi that is gutless but I never stall it (others do) so I don't think it's me being too aggressive with it.
  10. Right, Tonights rant is about battery drills that ruin expensive HSS drill bits! I have a 18V Dewalt battery drill with the ubiquitous keyless chuck and I'm sick of it trashing the shanks of drill bits every time it encounters the slightest bit of resistance. Has anybody managed to find a quality battery drill that is either fitted with a traditional Jacobs' chuck or has a keyless chuck that can stand up to the torque of the motor? Ta, Mick.
  11. Ah, sorry bit far for me. If it had been local I would have moved it for you mate.
  12. Winton, Where is the Disco located & where is it going to? I may be able to help.
  13. Another amazing roll cage / build: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Lightweight-Off-Roader-/140755535825?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item20c5af07d1
  14. 7 wires to the potentiometer?! Should have only three wires. Are we talking v8 here? I'm confused because you seem to be saying kicking the throttle body "fixed" it for a while but your also seem to be saying the pot's mounted on the pedal? Edit: thinking about it I guess you are talking about a Td5?
  15. Gent's, On a Defender & IIRC a RRC back axle (I've never looked at a Disco & it's a long time since I owned a RRC) the shock absorbers are mounted in a different plane to the one in which the spring, axle etc can move in. Is / was there a good reason for doing this rather than fitting the damper within the spring? My CCV truck has it's shocks mounted inside the springs & works well but I can't help but wonder if I'm missing something or was it just a case of penny pinching or not being able to accommodate turrets on the back end?
  16. Gent's, If I post a picture of my CCV trucks steering box showing the numbers on the top of the casting can anybody tell me the relevant LR part number? I'm not sure of what the steering was from but it's leaking quite badly. Thanks, Mick.
  17. Thanks Chaps. G the two i have fitted are fine thanks, I took a punt on one of fleabay that was overheating, only paid £60 for it so wasn't suprised to find a slipped liner. Just working out whether it's worth repairing.
  18. Si, Assuming the steering isn't defective you will get used to the "Bus" like feel. After a while "normal" car steering feels twitchy
  19. As per title please gent's, From those of you that have had them fitted what should I expect to pay for fitting top hat liners to a 4.6 block? Is it usual practice to fit 8 of them or just the one that has slipped? Who would you recommend? Thanks in advance, Mick.
  20. I have a pair of Lightforce Blitz spots on the 110's roof, spendy but excellent. Don't go playing in trees though ...
  21. Gent's, This may well be a very dumb question but where the hell can I buy a copy of Solidworks from? I've tried Google but I just get led on a merry dance that seems to lead nowhere Cheers, Mick.
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