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Everything posted by Jen

  1. Dan's unlikely to get to the computer today, so I'll say 'thanks for all the suggestions!' , especially thanks as it drives me mad!! I've got to replace the runners on my SII windows at some stage, so thanks 88" Special, those piccies will give me something to aim for Anything will be better than the fluffy Camel jamed between the window and the Rollcage
  2. I did compare the punch marks to others and they seemed to match, not a row of the same punch on different numbers that you see sometimes. ...Unless they had a lot of spare cable ties and a pair of scissors I can't see how they would have done it!
  3. Oh, and £65 raised on Saturday alone for Comic Relief, so thanks to you all
  4. Yeah, was a great weekend B) I'm just about thawed out now Had a good time on Saturday getting the Camel stuck in the mud at every opportunity, we were meant to be marshalling but spent most the time with the others pulling us out! Had a 'Challis' moment on the side slopes with 4 people on the side of the Camel, but it drove through fine. I'm just glad we'd gone for hte lightest roof tent possible and kept the weight low down otherwise it could have been a different story! Highlight of the weekend for me was watching the HSE with Sam (4) and Max (2) in the back going places everyone else was. Most amusing watching Jo, (Marks wife - usually drives a Focus) drive down a (very) steep rock gully whilst he was at the bottom watching! Excellent B) Looks like a good time was had by all. Only marginally spoilt by the mess a certain couple of new members left behind at the campsite The last thing Dan/Mike/Becky and I wanted to do in the snow storm was be clearing that mess up. Other than that, cracking weekend, excellent to catch up with everyone again and I'm looking forward so seeing you all again at the shows
  5. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow B) I prefer the met office Bit better
  6. Mike and Dan etc. are leaving at 7:30 tomorrow morning, Mike will be pushing on so I think he's aiming for 11am but we're towing the 'Shire Shed' so will be a little slower, maybe 11:30/12ish. Mike's the chap to talk to though as I think he's liaising with Jo re: the key to the site. Hope that's of some help!
  7. I heard this and I was sad Won't be the same without nicking Paul's Dairy Milk! I will however have a nice lot of little cakes for sale: Flap Jacks, little fairy cakes, Brownies and rice crispy cakes all proceeds Comic Relief so save your loose change B) (and it's win win, 'cos if no-one wants them I get to eat them all! ...and attend lots of gym classes the week after )
  8. Oo, they are really expensive as well! I had an excellent mount on my Disco roof which swivelled as you went under trees etc so it protected the ariel and the vehicle. I did have to mount it through a hole in the roof but it was well worth it and quite a bit cheaper than the Le Creuset! ...even cheaper if you have a friend who works on the Argos lorries... always worked well and had the added advantage of making it look like a huge bumper car B)
  9. Information packs are in the post this morning after Dan, Mike, Becky and I had a hectic evening printing, folding and sticking Those that are playing and havn't paid your final balance yours are sitting on the coffee table and won't be realised until you have, so contact Dan/Henry asap E-mails from Dan or Mike will be winging there way to those lovely chaps who have given up their time to marshal B)
  10. Because that was my idea ..saying that, it'll be a good 3 years before I'm doing floors on George and if I do it it'll probably just be the footwells anyway, the rear floor I've decided will be used as innovative storage in my 88" B) JU - stop postin' on forums and get working!
  11. Alot of the companys have small print relating to vehicle age or weight which could effect Landys. Whether they use it or not is another matter, as 2 of the companies mentioned above technically wouldn't recover my series. Best I found was Britannia Rescue who have been superb recoving our old Rangie and Camel when we needed them... although Dan was having a chuckle with the guy when we turned up to the Malvern show with the Rangie, he asked him to come in quietly so no-one saw... lots of flashing beacons later he was delivered!
  12. Exactly, or insurance costs, agents costs, running costs, repair costs.. the list goes on and on. Like all investments it's a personal thing, as long as you're happy with your choices. Peoples experiences will vary.
  13. No - those figures were taking into account rental income *and* that total gain at the end. I can't remember which reports suggested it, but I know they were numerous (I read alot whilst I was making this decision) all giving around a 5% p/a gain at the end, below the majority of other investments. That's not to say we won't get another rental property in the future, but I'll give it a few years yet.
  14. Have to agree with Steve on this one. We've been renting my old house out for the last 18months and recently took the decision to sell, it's going on the market next week. The costs can seriously add up with the odd thing, running repairs, tax on the income, tax on the capital gains when you sell, insurance this, insurance that etc. Common practise and knowledge suggests a long term gain of about 5%, about the same as a high interest savings account! And of course the worry that you'll get a bad tennant and having to stump up for repairs then and there no matter if the Landy's cost you a bit that month or not. Those that make the serious money brought and sold when the housing market was good... of course predicting the housing market is about as reliable as my SII Practically it wasn't worth the risk for us, but something worth considering. As for your dilemma, proffessional advice has to be the way to go, for the money you'll potentially save it's gotta be worth the small investment.
  15. Just don't do what Dan did, the neighbours can tell when he's welding! Sorry, nothing useful to add to this thread except - WAHOO! B) B) B)
  16. Apparently so. The figures were flying around when there were rumours about axing it. Sales to other countries and the magazine seemed to bring the income in.
  17. Again an excellent show - and that's what they're doing well at the moment, enough cars for us and enough entertainment for the rest of the family. The non-car loving friends of mine are all talking about Top Gear, so that's got to be an accomplishment. As it's the only programme on the BBC to make money I think they're entitled to spending a bit... and besides. ... who hasn't wanted to send a reliant into space?
  18. I am envious beyond belief! That must have been amazing. My primary memory from our tour of Scotland last summer was visiting one of the nature reserves up there with a large Wolf area, we were the only ones standing on the viewing platform when the pack broke over the hill next to us, seeing a wolf pack running at eye level was truely one of the best moments I've had B) I made Dan stand there for ages and we figured out it happened when they heard the sound of a TD5 as that was what brought 'dinner'! Hopefully heading to Alaska/Canada this year or next, but I know my chances of seeing them are minimal. Wolves have to have a serious problem before they decide to go anywhere near humans and if ramblers are the reason they don't get introduced back to Scotland I hate them more than ever! Sheep farmers though, I guess I can understand.
  19. ...sad but true! You'd have to be a muppet to think you'd be attacked by a wolf pack it you were out rambling anyway... but then I guess that means nothing when put in that context! lol! I'm fascinated by wolves anyway and there's a fabulous programme up in Scotland. Besides, I'm sure the wooly hats would put them off...
  20. ...how did you know this was going to be my next question for you... B) Nice post FF. (Like the Cookies )
  21. Yeah, I enjoyed it It was always going to be a bit 'less cars' than usual what with Hamsters first episode etc. I enjoyed the highways bit, I said to Dan 'they'll never do it in a day', thinking about the 8 man crew that we usually have working these things... then I saw the amount of trucks etc. they had! lol!
  22. Thank god. My only reason for having a TV is back B) (P.S. Having been to see Top Gear filmed, Clarkson is actually quite a down to earth amiable guy, chatting to everyone etc. ... Hamster as you might of guessed is most amusing ).
  23. ...ah, but being brought up by scout leaders if I couldn't make a fire out of whatever's lying around I think my Mum would disown me... Most of our travelling is Europe at the moment and then with any luck America/Canada so if we run out of Petrol I think we'll need shooting! (which is probably a distinct possibility in some areas anyway ).
  24. Another vote for the coleman petrol burner. Excellent little bit of kit You can put as bigger kettle on it as you like as well
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