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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Ferry just made a dash for the dock, so will have to go. I will connect up again later. Anything urgent I should know about, my mobile no is uk 07947664295 Thanks again lads Paul
  2. Thanks, I have an old REME friend in Sittingbourne i was going to contact. What do you think would be the best way to get it out? Cheers, Paul
  3. What a stupid mistake. Topped up my tank in France with spare fuel can. The plastic spout detached and slid straight down into the tank. I just stood there is disbelief. I am on the ferry at the moment in the middle of the channel on my way to UK. Can't dock for at least another hour due to high winds. To be honest it doesn't look that windy to me, but there you go. How big a problem do you think this pipe is. Will it need instant retrieval, or can it wait? How the hell will I get it out? Cheers, Paul.
  4. That is certainly a mess. Just out of interest, how old is the wagon in the picture? The obvious rust on mine is on the corner of the panel, being the first part of rust you see on your picture. I hope mine does not turn out to be as bad as that. I am over in the UK on Monday. I might just take it down to TJC Land rovers, Manor Farm, Weasenham, King's Lynn in Norfolk. Has anybody heard of them before? (www.tjclandrovers.co.uk) My parents sent an advert, more in the hope that I will take the LR to them rather than litter up their driveway Cheers, Paul.
  5. Thanks Ralph, I gave it a good squirt of wd40 in situ and it has helped. Still a bit sloppy, but i can lock it now. I am over in the UK in monday, so will tackle when I have a bit more time, and Ma is supplying me with brews! Cheers, paul.
  6. I have read a few threads before on this subject. However, I do not need to replace my complete bulkhead. The off side post pillar, outer edge corner is rusting through. Rego had a look at it when he was over, and said before it gets worse will need cutting out, and a new section welded in. Apparently these can be bought off the shelf. Does anyone know the best place to get this from, and what the part number would be. Cheers, Paul.
  7. Thanks for that Ralph. You always come up with the goods I take it that the barrel would be better replaced necessitating a new key as well? Cheers, Paul.
  8. Thanks to all for the advice. I did by coincidence buy a tube of fire gum. It seems to have done the trick from the few seconds of returning the LR into the garage. How long does it take to set hard before normal use? Cheers, Paul.
  9. Hi, Sometimes having problems locking the back door on my Defender 200tdi. The barrel seems a bit sloppy, and key doesn't always feel tat it is engaging the mechanism. I usually get there in the end after a bit of faff. Any ideas would be gratefully received. Cheers, Paul.
  10. Hi, I had the exhaust pipe off recently from Defender 200tdi. Since then have had a hissing leak from where exhaust connects to lower part of manifold pipe. The allignment is ok, and bracket tight. However, there is an open groove along the exhaust pipe connectopn point which is allowing hot gases to escape. What is the best way of dealing with this? Sealing compound? The open groove is about 2-3 mm wide. It wasn't a problem before the exhaust came off. Cheers, Paul.
  11. Thanks for the info. I managed to get the AOL drama sorted out with the browser. They eventually contacted me and sorted it out over the phone. Yes, I am guilty to submitting to 11,000 search engines, but I did it individually! I will just wait and see what happens now. I take your point about content, quality etc. I will start putting te meat on the bones. Not sure what you mean regarding the signature clicky? Cheers, Paul.
  12. Got the parts from DLS. Fantastic and quick service. Rejo has been over today to change the master, and slave cylinders, and put in a new flexi pipe. What a top guy. Cheers, Paul.
  13. Thanks for that. Submitting now. Cheers, Paul
  14. My guestbook is begging for some comments, without swear words would be preferable! Can't seem to get listed on google, or with any other search engine for that matter. Not sure where I am going wrong? www.transylvania4x4tours.com
  15. Thanks for the info. Not sure what make it is. Rejo is over tomorrow, I will ask if he knows. It does have a mushroom on top though. Well did have! Cheers, Paul
  16. Ripped the top of my snorkel off this afternoon when driving through multi-storey car park. Does anyone know where you can buy individual part from rather than the whole thing? Cheers, Paul
  17. I will probably move from AOL now. I have had plenty of problems over the years. Anyway, I have activated the guestbook on my site. Please leave some nice, complimentary messages to get the ball rolling www.transylvania4x4tours.com Cheers, Paul
  18. Thanks everyone for your help. A fantastic response and very helpful. Myself and Peter are trying to implement as many of your ideas possible, and the site has been changing by the hour as a result. It is far from complete, but please keep looking and telling us what you believe would make the site look better or more user friendly. No pride involved as we want to get this right. If you think something stinks, or we keep missing the point please tell us. Thanks also Fridgefreezer for your comments about the aol browser. It has been some 48 hours now and no change. So frustrating, as a whole audience out there are seeing nothing but the original site. Just so you all know what I am talking about. When I update my site, the changes are shown in the internet explorer and mozilla browsers. However, when I use my aol browser, it always looks the same. I have cleared the cache, history, cookies and refreshed many times, but nothing works. AOL have not responded to any of my e-mails, and when I tried to call them at 23 cents a minute, I never got past the queing system at 20 minutes. Regards, Paul White (pdwhite2000@aol.com) Cheers, Paul.
  19. Thanks Chris for your comments. The critical eye regarding the design came across myself and my friend Peter. The more you learn about this, the more you notice and want to change. With Fridgefreezers guidance we have changed it quite a lot. Tell me if you think of it now. Is as good as it looked before? It should load more quickly as well, as we down sized the pics and text. Regarding 2008, you are all more than welcome! Cheers, Paul. www.transylvania4x4tours.com
  20. Happy Xmas to everyone. Sporting a huge hangover today after my staff all came round last night carol singing. They stayed until they drank me dry at 2am! Fantastic night though. We have friends over from Cyprus, so lots of games later, and my wife is cooking the goose! Cheers, Paul
  21. Try it out now! Not quite finished, but I hope you agree, looks much better. Cheers, Paul www.transylvania4x4tours.com
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