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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. Ok, so how do I get this into the root of my site? Fridge says to use a notepad file. Where do I put it? Does it have to be written in a certain way? Do I simply put the notepad file in my file containing everything else? Is it so important if my whole site is automatically indexed by google? Fridge, I am getting about 30 hits a day, but would like hundreds. Cheers, Paul
  2. How do i get a robots.txt on my site? I just can't work it out. Can anyone test my site to see if they can find one. It's driving me potty. Started attracting some engines, but not google. Must be this robots thingy ma jib
  3. Why not just keep the foot on the gas and get down to the Atlas mountains! Cheap fuel and dry conditions.
  4. Yes, I'm for the Nikwax. Great stuff! You can just watch those beads of water role off you once again.
  5. Actually, after climbing over the seats yesterday and flicking the latch I can lock the back door from the inside. Does this mean that it isn't so terminal after all?
  6. The local woods look like a scythe has gone through them. So many trees down, biggens as well. Two staff complained at work about damage. One had her cellar flooded, the other lost a complete wall dividing two houses. Took the brick built BBQ with it too.
  7. It turns from left to right 90 degrees, but does not lock or unlock. The door handle assembly works fine though. Cheers, Paul
  8. New lock barrel arrived today, but after changing it, it still doesn't work. Now that I have the complete lock off it feels like something has gone inside. I still don't have a parts no manual, so a little help here would be very welcome. I am going to need a new rear lock, the rubber gasket that fits against the door. Also the upper locking plate and bolts, as I had to saw it off as totally corroded. I had a look on ebay but I must be using the wrong description as nothing coming up. I have a Defender 110 CSW 200 tdi 1994 Thanks in advance, cheers, Paul
  9. We don't usually get such high winds here in Muenster being so far inland. The trees just arn't used to it, and are going down all over the shop. Kids told me a lampost went down at school and we have no TV. Paul
  10. Changed the nearside vent seal today, so that should hopefully take the pressure off the bulkhead. My babe is garaged too, so hopefully that will help.
  11. £5 for how many mls? I paid £6.99 for a 500ml bottle from Wilco. This was a lot cheaper than Halfords by a big margin. Cheers, Paul.
  12. I'm guilty as well. Did the same with a Toyota Tercel 11 years ago. Went straight to the shops after putting in the redex. The smoke was so bad cars behind had their lights on! I said to my wife I am going to have to head back. Too late, the next set of lights I saw in my rear view mirror were blue and they were flashing! It was the police.
  13. I have already bought the one from e-bay as above, which is a direct replacement with what I have got now. Just got to be more careful in these German car parks!
  14. I'm relying on my alarm at the moment that seems to out scream anything on the block. I was deaf for 20 minutes the other day when I opened the back door before deactivating it. I have even considered testing it by calling rejo in Holland when it goes off!
  15. Thanks for that, but unfortuantely my bargain basement company didn't offer me any such gifts. Just had a look at your site. Do you do roll bars for LR's? Cheers, Paul.
  16. That all makes a lot of sense, and thanks as always for all your valuable input. As always it is easy once you know how, but it is often the language that acts as a barrier. When you have it spelt out in Black & White like you have, the mist starts to lift. Cheers, Paul.
  17. Thanks for that. Still waiting for DLS-uk to get back to me. Not sure if they have one in stock, but I will keep what you said in mind.
  18. Sorry what is SVO? To clean my fuel system, I have still got to get my arm in that tank and retrieve that bl***y fuel can pipe! Cheers, Paul.
  19. Thanks guys, I just need to take the plunge. Too much thinking and not enough doing. I suppose it is the worry of going too far and getting stuck at that point of no return! Cheers, Paul.
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