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Everything posted by Paul64

  1. I just like the idea of a mobile afternoon kip! Just pull over and nip into the back for a cuppa, and a snooze. My Wife's cousin has just been over from Transylvania and bought one in Holland. He is on the road as we speak, driving the 1200 miles back. I had thought about this in the past, and now with some proper pulling power, and the electrics and tow ball in place, I'm going to do it. He did warn me about Hungary though. He said never stop the night in a lay by. Apparently there are Russian and Ukrainians patrolling the motorways at night looking for unsuspecting holiday makers. They spray a heavy duty sedative gas through the air vents! (something like that Russian theatre siege) then break in a clean you out. He said you will be lucky to wake up with your underpants remaining. I have heard of this before, as it happened to one of my Nurses near Nice in France. They were so knackered that they couldn't be bothered to look for a camp site in their camper van, so went for the lay by option. Her and her husband had their two daughters with them as well. They woke at 11am thinking that it was odd to wake up so late. She noticed the door wasn't shut properly, and then realised the camper was stripped of their posessions. Everything gone. They all had splitting headaches, and were taken into hospital by the police for tests. Anyway the moral of my relatives story is when in Hungary stick to official sites, as it is no longer safe on the highway. Cheers, Paul.
  2. Who tows a caravan with their LR? Just been offered a caravan for 100 euro. This could solve the bed in the back problem, and give a little extra comfort. I have all the electrics fitted, so ready to go. However, is it a real drag on long trips, especially when you can't go that fast anyway? Cheers, Paul
  3. Thanks for all the contacts. I have e-mailed most, so I will see what come of it. Thanks again Paul
  4. Now that is my kind of price range. Who does it for that price? I have considered the internal, external and combination roll cages. The main advantage of external is space, but opposed to impression given
  5. Thanks for all the information. There does seem to be a difference of opinion as to how good an idea it would be. Will it put the customers off or not? It is a good point.
  6. Hi, I was thinking of having a roll cage fitted to my LR. I thought it would make a good safety feature for the business. What is a reasonable price for a full body cage for a 110? Can you recommend a company that is both reasonably priced, and can do the would in a reasonable time? Thanks in advance. Paul.
  7. Thanks Katherine, I only realised what I had done with my signature three nights ago! I was amazed nobody picked up on it, or maybe they were being generous and not wanting to embarrass me?? Jasper thanks you for your comments. He has an eye for the girls, so feels most flattered. Cheers, Paul.
  8. Thanks Chris and VeryDisco, No, I have not come across this article before Chris. It makes interesting reading, and I will spend some time digesting the associated links as well. Thanks. VeryDisco, You come up with some very valid points. I will implement a few of them if you don't mind. It is good for me to bounce this off others, after all the purpose is to appeal to potential customers rather than to me. I did try enlarging the letters, but it did look less appealing. Not sure why, it just did. I have enlarged the text which i will leave for a few days, let me know what you think? It is up from -1 to +0 "Transport will be by Land Rover as we will be travelling through remote villages and forests, so we can access those places that not all tourists will have a chance to see. There will be a choice of wildlife, cultural and adventure tours. My business will be located in a small Transylvanian village called Sanzieni near to the larger town of Targu Secuiesc in the county of Jud. Co" Could be simplified to: You will travel by Land Rover through remote villages and forests, well away from the tourist trails. With a choice of wildlife, cultural and adventure tours, tailored to your requirements. Done! The wording is just my lack of understanding of business and advertising speak. Juggling many balls at the moment, but I do realise that getting my site right is high priority if I want to attract customers. "3 - It gives the impression that the tours are only available with you supplying the transport, would you consider taking a group in their own 4x4's? If so I'd be very interested in paying for the guidance." I agree with the support of others in their own 4x4's. I had thought about it, but the enormous trek across the best part of Europe would, I thought put most enthusiasts off. That is purely my judgment which may have been wrong. It goes without saying that I would support such persons wanting to tour in their own vehicle if they wanted to do this. How would you word this for the site, in an appealing way? I do have land in Transylvania. However, the costs of building on it are far higher than simply buying another already built house on another piece of land. It is because of this that I am going back to Transylvania in 2 weeks time to look at several houses. Once bought, with outbuildings, garage etc in action, I think there will be a few more interesting pics. My artistic friend took the photo at an angle. We had always said it would be temporary until spring when the better weather arrives, allowing more opportunities for photographs. "5 - some of the web site talks in the future tense when it's maybe not appropriate. I take it these hols are starting this summer? It sounds like you've never done one of these tours, if the info is written as if it's not something you're planning on doing, but have already done, it will give more confidence to your potential customers." I have seen a couple of examples that you mention, but which exactly are the main offenders? Thanks for your input, most valuable. Cheers, Paul.
  9. this web site is beginning to destroy my mental health! I have tried everything suggested and still no google recognition. Added more content, put a robot on, cleaned up the html, joined a thousand forums (none of the LR ones are a patch on this site!), added keywords, meta tags etc etc, and not a suasage. There must be something still missing, apart from a price list? Cheers, Paul
  10. Just been out in the garage and been assessing the work required for when Rejo gets over on Saturday. Maybe I am hallucinating, but it looks a big job gettin that wing off. 1. Drop bull bars 2. Take door off 3. Take front head lamp and indicator out 4. Take snorkel off 5. Plastic wheel arch liner out 6. Detatch wing 7. Detatch air vent inlet Have I added too much to the list or missed anything. I am just looking at the small patch of rust and wondering if it is worth so much effort? Cheers, Paul
  11. Romania has the biggest population of wolves in Europe. Most of them roam the Carpathian mountain range in Transylvania. However, most people I know in Transylvania have never even seen one, as they are so secretive. A wolf will avoid human contact at all cost. The only way to see one is to get a tracker that knows the woods like the back of his hand, and knows the territory and range of a pack. The big difference is that the range in Scotland would be smaller, more people roaming about and less cover. That said, not many people out on a walk would even know a wolf was around. Regarding sheep, the wolves do like them. That is why most shepherds I have seen in Transylvania have several stocky dogs guarding the flock. These dogs are seriously hard! Cheers, Paul.
  12. Thanks Chris, My wagon is a 200Tdi, but I think that should be pretty much the same as the 300. Luckily I had bought some plastic rivets a month ago for another job, so may come in handy as you say. I must admit I am a bit worried about what we will find. When Rejo was replacing the master cylinder he noted some rust behind the facia of the footwell. I will keep you posted, and thanks again for the information. cheers, Paul.
  13. I take it the wing is bolt on. Anything that has required nuts and bolts to be removed so far has involved rust sweat and tears! Does anyone know what size nuts and bolts are required for the job, as they will definitely need replacing? Cheers, Paul
  14. The left hand wing is coming off this weekend so Rejo can show me how to weld the panel in. Is getting the wing off a pig of a job? The LH bulkhead repair panel came a bit bent from the supplier. I take it with a bit of heat, I could bend it back into shape? Cheers, Paul.
  15. Got it sorted at last. Bought the part from DLS-uk £25 net. Just seen new one on e-bay for £15! And fitted
  16. Hi Abe, I did see some millers in the shops, but stuck with the redex as it seemed to work. Regarding the roads, yes the noise certainly increases with surface resistance. I am planning on changing my sound system for something rather impressive to drown the road noise out. Anything happening in your area regarding Land Rover's. Totally dead in Muenster apart from me and the Army! Cheers, Paul.
  17. I love my 110, and Jo is dreaming if he thinks I would put my beloved down on a bet. He has cocked up his tom tom, deleted a file or something. Well outside of my limited remit, but thought he could get it solved on here. It is late though, so maybe not the best time for answers. Anyway, it looks like I have lost, and he may get a beer out of this! Amazing I'm trying to help him, and now I'm buying him beer! Something wrong there. Cheers, Paul.
  18. Not really, because he will use the TOM TOM in his RR. That makes it sort of relevant
  19. Come on guys, someone please help Jo, as I have a bet on! I told him if he put his problem up on this site, he would have an answer within 20 minutes.
  20. Fridge, you must know by now that Fret is my middle name! You are as usual bang on the money, and I'm just going to have to make time for the content.
  21. Thanks Katherine, What a stonking great response. I have gone through the lot, and you bring lots of fresh ideas. I aplogise in advance that you will not see many changes right away, as I'm up to my eyes with stuff at the moment. I will try and introduce a little at a time. You obviously have an eye for detail, because several things that you have mentioned, I wouldn't have believed many people would notice. Again many thanks for your input. Paul.
  22. Thanks for that. I can stop fretting now!
  23. Thanks for that. So I don't need a robot.txt to get noticed by google?
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