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yella 90

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Everything posted by yella 90

  1. G., boothy has had qt mounts on his for ages ask him
  2. wont the winch then use the chassis as its ground, providing that it has a good contact ? ive allways woundered about doing it that way to stop isolators naffing up, just is ive never actually got around to trying it
  3. Think i might have a read, although i dont give a flying hoot about all this msa carp that i keep hearing about. Sports and rules evolve so deal with it rather than crying and moaning about it
  4. motor isnt roadlegal atm barney but should be by next years season when its been rebuilt and stretched so we will see
  5. if you still fancy it and you can put up with me again twiggy ill go
  6. well it was well worth the summer break to wait for todays event to kick off the buxton series again. true to form the site was boggy as ever with most people struggling to get grip in the fields let alone the sections me and matt had a cracking day and the truck performed amazingly all day to the point of we wanted it to break so we could go and get something to eat thank you to all involved in today event and a big thank you to all the marshals who yet again loved taking the mick out of the competitors and getting us into pickles with helpful suggestions see you all at round 4 dan
  7. I manage to drop on a few on the cheap quite often, just have to be in the right place at the right time as they say. Also the spare cash nocking around which i understand some people do. On another note the tds is a cracking bit of kit and the freespool actually works unlike most 8274's
  8. if anyone is coming in from the a50/tunstall/burslem end of the city i can meet up and take you to the site, just give me a ring and we can sort it out Twiggy we didnt get lost, the satnav just got confused when we asked it to take us to a mid 40's bald headed man thats wearing glasses. We got there in the end easily after we had our breakfast See you at the weekend guys Dan 07960083007
  9. Ive never used a locking pin on the crank before, ive allways as you said daan, eyeballed the woodruff key upto the timing mark on the timing chest. Are you sure its timing ? And not a air restriction somewhere ?
  10. got the red marker bouy covered, work with boats :-)
  11. Make sure you got good footware protection.....matt will tell you why
  12. all paid up barney get your coat and tin hat ready
  13. lets just hope you dont get a puncture at this event, it was like being back at nursery with humpty dumpty when he couldnt get back up again
  14. Thinking of taking you the night event barney..... Be warned though i have been known to run over toes before and turn right up a bank instead of left only to roll down to the bottom. Should add abit of entertainment to a night event
  15. but why not i still intend on turning upto a event one day on 205 road tyres just for the hell of it
  16. ahh, i woundered what they were for in truth, the drops wernt steep at all at rd5
  17. Make surr it aint leaking on the inlet/exhaust gasket
  18. Im proberly closer than chris to this one good advantage if owt brakes
  19. me twiggy and saley are all at a comp the week before, wounder what will get broken
  20. Both he's in the passenger seat of my motor.
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