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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. That is the Nirvana that the enlightened seek but only the veru best of us will achieve...
  2. Oh yes! But few have seen the light and converted to the Church of 100"... Mind you, it's nice being one of the enlightened ones.
  3. Peter I have to agree the Cevenol is good - very good, as is the Mille Rivieres. Hell I am just old enough to have competed in the last proper Raid De Santiago De Compostela! Tried the Triangle Vert and Randonees Val d' Isere amonget others. But the Croisiere is so different because of the white fluffy stuff. Stomping through those Alpine snowfields or desperately trying to gain that first climb on the Mikado after 100 vehicles. For me the ultimate fun would be to open trail with the 'Extreme' - and I don't like snow! Each to his own though.
  4. Have to agree with SI on the Lightforce, great light, designed for shooting bunnies in Oz so just not right for off roading unless you require bling or go lamping. Had a set for three years couldn't break them but found them ineffective so sold them. Cibie Oscars, second hand, repaint and add a set of Renault 4 headlights (sealed beam) works wonders or some of the old sealed beam KC Daylighters if you want bling.... The Croisiere is the best event I have ever been on - it's the one to do if you only do one ever! A winch is a good idea - EP9 Superwinch. Watch tyre size so you can get some decent chains..
  5. Did this a few years ago. Bought a S11a Trialler off a mate for 200 notes, got an MOT on it and went back to my roots. You would not believe what fun it is but by god it's hard work. I was kn&ckered at the end of the day and it tok a week to recover. The two best off roaders - for fun - I have seen in a long while were Chris Daniels Maharindra (Rangey axles, coils, 235's, 2.25 petrol, roll hoop) and Kevin from J33P's Willys (12volt and a soft top). These guys got pretty much every where all the hardcore uber bling kit did but for pennies. Chris's motor was so basic there was nothing to damage. Off roading is about fun, not about pot hunting or uber bling.
  6. *Puts head in hands and walks away weeping*
  7. Delicia is a bit of a numbnuts. Avoid the 2.5Td like the plague as it is poo. Avoid the rest of the Delicia as you can't get bits for it and they break with an awkward regularity when used hard. The last of the IL6 Patrols with the 4.2 in Barge sized LWB are silly money cheap and will see 500k miles with ease whilst towing the queen mary every day. They have more space in the back than the Tardis. That Dave Symonds bloke wrote a series of articles on SH vehicles and his Patrol article makes very good reading...
  8. Will, still hoping to go but got a black tie works do on the night time so we shall see.
  9. I did but Blacks in Exeter still have a shed load
  10. http://www.outdoormegastore.co.uk/acatalog...unnel_Tent.html Is the one Blacks are knocking out - nice bit of kit
  11. All my mods are listed with VOSA as add ons to the SVA so my insurance company (Frizzell) have a list - even the Disco 2 rubber retainers! My policy covers me for marshaling and for non speed trials, road rallies, hill climbs and autotests - I get my deal with Frizell through the CSMA...
  12. Blacks are doing a pop up jobbie at a half price (two man I think)
  13. Yup that's the puppy alright. Give Adrian at WVA a shout he is the importer
  14. That's because a large proportion of the Pirate 'Clique' are so far up their own bottoms they need a lantern and so anti anyone suggesting anything that might be different from the norm that they could all be Jesuits. God help anyone that suggests anything different unless they have more than 20K posts and have sworn allegiance to the Good Ol' USof A. Just my opinion and not necessarily those of the any other free thinking inhabitants of planet earth
  15. Hello Simon! Don't forget you were looking at a Foley 6x6 if I remember correctly (-:
  16. Put your reading glasses on Bill (-:
  17. What you have to remember about the 200/300 tdi and tuning is that for what you gain, you will lose. No matter how much you spend on it it is a 2.5ltr Di unit with four cylinders. If you want mid range gains you will lose out on bottom end, if you want bottom end you will lose out on top end etc. Compensation in the form of higher boost requires a better turbo or propane injection. Fitting a cooler with out a tweak will cause ERG problems as will winding up on boost delivery to the max. Water injection is excellent on the 200Tdi but not so useful on the 300. NoS works superbly on Tdis! Despite being able to ring in excess of 1000hp out of a 6 cylinder tractor lump, I have simply done mild tweaks to my 200tdi as in well built, well serviced mode it is hard to beat a standard 200Tdi Disco lump. Dump the EGR unit, clean the 'cooler out, lose any nasty restrictions in the exhaust, chuck on a free flow cleaner and see how it runs. Then look at minor tweaks to the pump. If you upgrade to a bigger 'cooler then tweak it some more. Avoid excess black smoke 'on boost' demand and off boost. Playing with the waste gate to bring in the turbo sooner works a treat.
  18. Told you so - it so UJ's are easy to fix as they are the weakest link
  19. Heresy - for that you must be burnt but only after you repent of your sins and fit portals etc. We must all pray for the soul of Brother Vogue for he is doomed to eternal damnation
  20. I have a nasty feeling it did. The tapped doofer bit is standard and if I understand what you are describing so is the washer!
  21. If it's what I think it is then yes. I have loaded the b*gg*rs on and off lorries, fitted them to vehicles, displayed them at shows, slept in one once. FIxed the odd one... As I said, Okay.
  22. Why don't you all just accept that it's up to the individual and what he/she/it/turbocharger wants. If there is a competition/event that can encompass that then great, if not hard luck. To be honest what has always attracted me to motorised competiton is the skill of the driver/navigator and the reliability of the machine. Winning is great but finishing is damn good. Finishing with a good position against vast budgets is bl**dy good to. Winning in a relatively boggo vehicle is pleasantly messy. So some people like a trailer, some need a trailer, some don't give a rats bottom for a trailer. Common sense is the name of the game. Is there a need for a post event scrutineer - check vehicles should be allowed on the road, should trailers be allowed on the road (DD and his vastly overloaded TD4 Freeloader concept for example). How far do you take it? Why worry overly much anyway? If something goes wrong it will only backlash on the sport which is barley holding on by it's fingernails... Paul you are a stirring git by the way. As an aside have you noticed just how few posts there are on Devon on this same thread than compared to here? Less clique more thought on LR4x4?
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