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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. One man's cheap is another man's expensive
  2. And so I do my dear chap. A one wipe easy clean Heavy Duty jobbie
  3. That was me. http://www.engbergracing.com/spider/
  4. Thank you Kim you have just made my day. I here and read so much 'my mate says' ' I knew a man who said' My friends goldfish knows a man whose cat said', 'My mate met a shamman in Peru who said that' My wife says that her friend knows that'. Simple basic facts are that the VM is okay and it got better and better as time went by - the 2.7 in the GC is superb. It needs TLC and driving like a diesel. Out in Spain the VM is far more common. They regularly clock up big miles with basic maintenance. Same goes for France. My last VM RRC; an 87 model beloved by the wife; is still going strong, with one head gasket set change in 230plusK miles. It will out live the body! Okay so the 200Tdi is better as is the 300Tdi, but the 200Tdi is one of the best sub 3.0ltr diesel engines ever made; the 2.5Tdi VM is better than the 2.4TD VM just as the 4.2ltr Nissan IL6 is better than the 2.8IL4. It's horses for courses.
  5. Thats GLASS for you these days. The Glory Days when Dave Wilson was at the helm are long gone - where is he now when you need him? Does he sleep in a crystal cave like Arthur waiting for his time of greatest need?
  6. The engine was never built to be driven by numpties who were used to V8's Howvere at 450quid go for the Tdi it's a simple(ish) retro fit
  7. I'm up for that, give me a few weeks though as the house move is iminenet (sp?) Matt and Dave would be interested as well... And maybe Will
  8. I have close up and personal experience of both the 2.4 and the 2.5 VM as well as the 2.7 in the Grand Cherokee. Superb well designed engines. However the 2.4/2.5 were designed as a part of a series of 3, 4,5 and 6 cylinder marine diesels. They need good cooling and good maintenance. You have to change ALL the head gaskets at one go AND you MUST retorque them at 1k miles post replacement. This is a pain in the backside to do so is rarely done! The last 2.5 we re-built is still running well down in Spain, towing up mountains all day 6 days a week with 85k miles since the proper re-build. It's in a 130! Tuned by Alisport to about 140bhp and shed loads of torque (the Turbo comes in very early on the VM). The heads were done properly as part of the re-build with modern composite gaskets and they were skimmed (as was the block) prior to fitting. A new Turbo was fitted (water cooled) along with a bigger cooler, bigger rad and bigger oil cooler. The engine was stipped to it's basics and re-built. Watch out for por maintenance
  9. MM on a Toughbook CF-M34 with an E-treK - works very well indeed.
  10. I have rebuilt a County 4600 and a 9600 - great tractors, bad turning circle. We had the 46 in the vinyard The Vans are pretty good, in all there guises and the company is still hanging on The Sherpa 4x4 was better though - salisbury's and a 3.5V8, all on 7.50's
  11. Go the 'numbers' page and read just how close the EPi and the XP were This test has been out a little while now and it makes interesting reading. Also check out the reply from Superwinch where it mentions the real Warrantee (the biggest selling point mentioned for Warn)
  12. Option 12F - Change you tyres for something less aggressive and use less right foot Option 13 - Diahatsu Fourtrak; don't know if they would work or even fit but it would be different and they are very low geared (oh and I have a set you can have cheap)
  13. Green Day - all and any albums but you need 'Holiday' and 'Novacaine' without fail Show of Hands - Witness New Model Army Greatest Hits Janis Joplin - any and all her albums Charlie Parker - any and all Hayseed Dixies - Weapons of Grass Destruction (the Bluegrass version of Holidays in the Sun is awesome) The Eagles - Hotel California Cherry Ghost's new album Any Barclay James Harvest The Levellers - any and all Steel Pulse Geatest Hits Albonini or Pachobel Should do for a while...
  14. Cheese you say! I had some from Countrywide a few months ago that were made from old bacon rind - wore away almost before you switched on the grinder
  15. Charles, Wellington Welding Supplies in Avonmouth - 9" 1mm and 1.5mm 4.5" 1mm and 1.5mm. Next to the Proton Garage
  16. TO be honest it's like NERC knocked the wind out of everyone, user, manager, uncle Ton Cobley and all. Down by me most of the lanes are UCR's so are still driveable but hardly anyone is bothering. They were always tight but now some are simply impassable. I went out on Sunday morning and 'Cleared' five with a using the defender bulldozer technique. Would be nice to get a few more folk coming down to Devon to do the same - I am happy to mark up maps
  17. Paul (and Padwan Jim) number two daughter is fine, sleeping through most of the night, gaining weight (like her Dad!), cute as could be...
  18. So you say! Actually young Jim has promised to send me an Uber Fat Barstewerd size as soon as he remembers
  19. You can have the one Jim sent me, it's the wrong size! Mind you number one daughter wears heres with pride!
  20. As an ex GLASS county rep, I keep a very keen eye on the old routes and to be honest DCC are doing b*gg*r all, but then again they felt that the NERC act was a load of b***** any way. There management was to slap a TRO on when it became undriveable or if people moaned then remove it a day or so before they had to. No budget to spend so let the 4x4 guys and girls keep the lanes clear. They can't afford to police the new downgrades so people break the law regularly. The place we are hoping to move to in Somerset has a couple of corking 'summer' lanes that have been downgraded but I know the landowners well and will be taking my old hobby*, so I can drive them when I want... *Same as BBC
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