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Posts posted by Divster

  1. Richard, i notice that you are teamedwith Divster as your codriver and are also coming down Devon way prior(?) to the event.

    I have Divsters trailer here. the aim was to get it to him at this event, although i am no longer driving up there - dont suppose you fancy picking it up for him do you???? (I had to ask)

    Divster - note this is the first you will have heard, current planning seems to be that i will not be driving upto this event. If Top90 cant collect, any chance of meeting the day before?

    Anyone going to the Tiverton Bash Jules has posted about?


    I can collect it on my way to the event on Saturday afternoon/ evening to save all of the hassle. PM me your address in case I've lost the piece of paper


  2. Divster was in standard but gave up :o said he sold his car..... but i heard it was getting to hard for him and Trevor ;):lol:

    Ooooooooohhhhhh, handbags eh Mr Turner. Anyway, we're soon (probably '07 now) to make a return to the scene in what was criticised as a highly unreliable motor by the previous owner. You know what they say about bad craftsmen and tools don't you Mr Turner ;). I had to give Trev the rest of the season off to work on his stamina bank some brownie points. We'll see how well I fair when I get in the wrong side of a truck on Sunday

    Looking forward to this, are we all meeting on sat afternoon/eve :)

    Yep, I'll be there with Saturday evening with SWMBO and the dogs. Looking forward to it.

  3. I didn't know you could stuff that grid ref into Multimap ! Cool...

    Thanks for your help again Divster...

    (Now all I gotta do is convince Mrs. Freak that she doesn't want to go out on Saturday night.. Tough call since it's our 17th Wedding anniversary !)

    Looks like I ought to head down night before and either find B&B or just bum in the Land Rover. :)

    (Or sneak our at crack of sparras..)

    Hope to see many of you there....



    A few of us are going to be camping over on the site on Saturday night. Your welcome to join us


  4. Cheers Divster, that helps.

    where is your post as quoted in the original text:

    (I've seen Divsters post re. where he got parts from but not got a response from him yet in PM's regards ease f change and final appearance..)

    I'm not 100% where to start looking, that's all.



    I think that just relates to this post. For a more detailed response, see my reply on the original thread I linked to.


  5. now how fun was that... that has got to be one of most challenging events I have done... I was absolutely shattered by the end of that.. but it was worth it, , because we WON... (well joint first actually)

    :o:o:o Well done lads!!!! The new truck is performing well then. There must have been one hell of an amount of heated discussion going on between you two to produce a performance like that.

  6. How easy (or difficult) is it to change the fuse box on my 1986 LR90 to the blade type. Is a matter of just cutting all the wires at the back and soldering on Lucar connectors? Or is there anything else I should consider? As anyone out there performed this operation yet?


    Have a look HERE

  7. I was/AM going to bring it down now as a surprise ;):lol::lol: let the blood run :lol::lol:

    No room on my trailer, I'll already have a rolling series chassis on it (if SWMBO's got enough muscles to push it up the ramps :lol::lol::lol: ) and my little picnic basket of a trailer which JST has repaired for me after a little mishap with losing a wheel on the M5 after last time I was down south.

    Mind you, I could get her to drive it home. 300ish miles in the hybrid..... I don't think she 'd speak to me again.

  8. :angry: oi...that's put the price up ;):lol:

    That's the reason I'm not coming up to watch on Sunday. I've got to stay home and earn some brownie points before the new :ph34r: , scratch-free :ph34r: , event winning truck :ph34r: arrives. I've worked out that if I get the house finished by then, SWMBO will only break both of my legs when she finds out :unsure::unsure::unsure:

    I've not told her about the new addition to the fleet yet, I think I'll wait until she's had one too many glasses of wine. ;)


    P.S. She's coming down to watch the interclub challenge. Not a word to her or I may end up on life support

  9. RAF Mountain Rescue & SAR helo at their best, most likely St Athan MR team & Valley Sea king, did a good job there Chris top marks, :i-m_so_happy: surprised by the bobbly hats not waiting shame the helo did blow them over the edge :hysterical:

    It would have been Central Brecons MRT. St Athan would have taken a bit longer to get there.

    I was over that way all weekend myself training up my Search Dog SARDA England

    We work with Sea Kings on a regular basis both for deployment of search dogs and for rescues. I am always astounded at the skills of not only the pilot, but all of the crew. You've got to have some faith when hanging 50ft from the bottom of a whirly bird on a winch wire.

    Chris - well done for helping out. We have used greenlaners for assistance in the past and are always grateful for the support they give (although we have had to rescue green laners too).


    Member - Buxton MRT

  10. Just a quick question....

    Any of you running Simex or Insa Turbo (simex ET tread) Find that on road the braking is pretty poor? I assume that it is the agressive tread pattern versus rubber contact on the road? I need to give it a good push to come to a halt sharpish?

    Disc/Pads are pretty fresh by the way


    I don't think the tread makes that much of a differance. Bear in mind that the tyre sizes for these patterns are alot larger than the standard fitment for a LR. (Even a 265 Insa Turbo is a fair bit taller than your standard fitment 265.)

  11. Hi,

    Spoke to Paul B last night and finalised a couple of things about the Interclub Challenge and thought you'd better know. (i'm sending this as his Tinternet at the workshop is down!)

    As well as prizes for 1st place Driver/Co-driver and 1st place Team, He's going to supply the LR4x4.com Team with "Team LR4x4.com Interclub Challenge" Polo shirts!

    Any color you like as long as its blue!

    He's also going to bring along a few crates for Saturday night if anyone is staying over on site.

    We are taking lots of photos on the day as well as video footage and if there is enough interest, we would like to sell the results after the event and send the profits to the charity.

    Looking forward to a good event.

    Kev. BE.

    Kev, thats brill. Thanks go out to Paul. Will definately be arriving at site at some point Saturday evening and staying on site. Looking forward to it.

    Adrian/ Pigster - Are you staying on site for a change or B+B'ing it ( you girls)?? :lol::lol:

  12. You can put my name down, providing you don't mind a slightly inexperienced team mate.

    Just two problems.

    1. Will need a co-driver.

    2. Drive back to Essex and getting up for work Monday (Oh well :rolleyes: )


    PS. I'll bring the one with portals, is that OK by the event rules?

    Rich - I'm free to co-drive if required.

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