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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Should have bought a Tdi then the vibration allows easy engagement
  2. Yes I know of a couple of runaway 300s I think one was due to turbo seals and one was due to being upside down for a while and ending up with oil in the intake system and then being restarted.
  3. Bah - I have only changed the oil on mine twice and it has been flawlessly reliable Mind you my 300Tdi only has 7000 miles on it B) You've still got some way to go to catch up to Ralph though
  4. Tech archive http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=12788 For your VIN you need the big kit as per the post in the Tech Archive
  5. The original question was how to join 2 winch hooks together which a master ring would do fine, I don't think it would do what you are saying though. But that is not why I have it - it will pop onto a NATO hitch, which are common round these parts, and it means you can put a winch hook onto a NATO which is not possible with most normal sized shackles.
  6. To add to this, there is a self-bleeding procedure built into the engine ECU of most TD5s - switch ignition on, pump the throttle from idle to full five times, and the pump will begin a purge cycle of 30 sec on - 5 sec off - 30 sec on - 5 sec off, while it is doing this the engine light will flash on the dash. Once the light stops flashing the book says to depress the throttle fully and crank till it starts, which is usually immediately. Not all early Td5s have this but most do.
  7. You could but I suspect would soon experience the delicate sensation of engine oil running up the inside of your sleeve
  8. I have a master ring which does the same job and also fits onto a NATO eye to allow winching from a NATO eye.
  9. Yes it is a filter to go on a bulk tank to cut the number of breakdowns due to Sh in the fuel!
  10. Thanks, got a thoroughly unhelpful reply from the people I WAS going to buy the Golden Rod filters from so I think I will be taking my business elsewhere I guess 10 microns will probably take out most of the Sh you get in the fuel here anyway, though will still have to keep an eye on the main filters when it is bad!
  11. Tell me about it four lots of filters in one of our boats (takes four filters at a time - 2 on each engine) in 3 weeks! I've been doing some more scratching around on tinterweb and it seems to be somewhere between 2 micron for a modern common rail engine to about 10 for a "normal" engine - but if anybody knows what a 300Tdi filter is, please post up!
  12. Looking at fuel filters for a bulk diesel tank at work, I have my eye on one which seems to crop up a lot called a "Golden Rod" unit (ooer) which filters to 10 micron for the dirt only version and 15 micron if you get the water absorbing version, fairly big clear filter bowl with a 1" inlet and outlet which should be plenty. But how does this (15 micron) compare with the level of filtration on something like a 300Tdi fuel filter element - does anybody know what particle size a typical Land Rover filter will go down to? I've done some Googling, nothing specific to LR but ranges seem to be mentioned from 0.1 micron up to 45 micron which is quite a large range! It is not required to do all the filtration just to take out the worst of the sh&6% before it gets into tanks if we get a bad batch of diesel. Fuel quality here is best described as "variable" and changing a bulk tank filter is less inconvenient...! Ta
  13. Serves you right for using a wooden jack
  14. Presumably doesn't recognise "bizarly" either
  15. I couldn't even get there by this weekend if I left now No ruddy bank holiday here either
  16. Check out David Bowyers site on splicing www.goodwinch.com
  17. Er yeah ... wrong forum! Thread closed.
  18. emphasis being on the "con" rather than the "re" then
  19. I have to say though there is lots of doom and gloom on that thread about using battery terminals as fixing eyes, that's what is on mine and I have never had any hint of a problem with it, I always make sure the first half of the bottom layer is on good and tight though.
  20. We won't hold that against you (using LRO) but please note the terms and conditions on advertising - I have edited your post accordingly.
  21. I have had a couple of sets, on my old Discovery and on my last 90. Thought they were quite decent for the money.
  22. New handbrake lever then I would think - not something I would wish to cut corners with!
  23. 110WC, Is that what LR have on the "excuse of the day" flipchart for explaining all the oil leaks ? I think they have always done it
  24. I would have thought BMW would not want the rights to the Td5 if they were going for free as it is hardly "the ultimate driving machine" but then that reflects the fact I have always hated Td5s All of the other engines you mention have primarily been developed for other vehicles so it is not surprising the rights to those remain with BMW, Rover Cars or Ford - the Td5 has never been used in anything else apart from Defenders and Discoverys and is now an obsolete design so why would they want the rights to something they will never use? I still think the rights to the Td5 remain with LR though...
  25. Welcome Ouch, I bet you needed some new underwear if that happened at any kind of speed.... As long as the other side is not damaged (bent) then there is no reason to change both, unless you are suspicious of that side for some reason - they don't usually snap unless horribly mangled, never mind on road!
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