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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. YOu can't do that on a Td5 I have the same problem and am in the middle of specifying a modified Southdown tank guard/tow hitch to meet my needs. Will post more about it later - but for simple rear crossmember attachment of a tow hitch there is a LR genuine parts chassis fitting kit which I will get the part number for later, that is what the LR demo vehicles will have I think. Sorry no time at the moment will look later today....
  2. Its interesting that this is by far the busiest thread on the Freelander forum for some time
  3. To align the coupler you need it out of the vehicle. Align it so the (broken) tape is as it was when the tape was broken, if that makes sense. Then VERY carefully (just with fingertips) turn it one way until you feel some resistance and count the turns. Turn it the same number of turns back to where you started and then turn it the other way till you feel some resistance, counting the number of turns. Basically what you want is for the coupler to have the same number of turns each way to within about 1/2 a turn (it is usually not quite exact) so you end up with the thing positioned with say 4 turns available in each direction or 3.5 in one direction and 4 in the other (I can't remember exactly how many turns there are). If the turns each way are not equal then turn it by 1 full turn in the right direction to even it out, and so the two halves of the broken tape are aligned, then check it again. Then install it in the vehicle with the steering in the straight ahead position and that should work fine assuming the coupler wasn't already broken. The tape holding the two halves of the coupler together is there to make sure a brand new coupler isn't turned out of alignment before installation - the coupler you have will be out of an old Disco so it will obviously be broken but that doesn't mean the coupler is broken inside. Not sure about the paper bag all I can think of is that the coupler is rubbing on something because it is not correctly seated (maybe the harness?) HTH
  4. Very true - the total number of registered members is relatively meaningless - I should think there would be a maximum of around 200 regular posters who "might" contribute (though if there are more, break out the piggy banks ) I venture to suggest that £20 per year wouldn't kill most people (39p a week!) and would meet the requirements nicely. If most of us worked out how much that is per hour of time spent on the forum over a typical week, I reckon it would look like value for money
  5. No I don't want to double the cost of my Lodar with phone calls thank you I will send another email...
  6. Different but no harder really, IIRC you unbolt one bolt from the caliper, swing one half of the caliper up on the other bolt, pads out, peel off sticky backing from new pads and put in, put caliper back. Its a while since I did mine but I think it was that easy...
  7. Has anybody been in touch with PG Winches in the last few days? I am trying to order a Lodar, had a couple of emails back and forth which established that it will work fine with the Milemarker valve unit then I sent one on 18th enquiring about a quote for carriage by airmail and another on 20th still no replies... just wondered if anybody has been in touch since then, maybe he is on holiday or something.
  8. No skin off my nose - I'm 10,000 miles away
  9. Jules The AT2 is available in 255/65R16 see http://www.4site4x4.co.uk/tyre-details.aspx?id=6
  10. As Jules said a set of brake pads on a Freelander should last a few years!
  11. Welcome Post up some pics and more details when you get it!
  12. The Freelander forum is fairly quiet because not many people on here run Freelanders and it tends to have an off road bias rather than a bling shiny bias. That is the reason for no reply and no other. I read your post but I have no information to offer; I could have posted a reply to that effect but if everybody did that then the forum would be a very boring place. If you are going to roll in here as a new member with an attitude that everybody should drop everything and go and find the answer to your questions then I doubt you will be missed much to be honest. You won't find any more activity on the other Freelander forums I have seen but I for one am happy that you take that attitude elsewhere. This isn't a service you pay for (well some of us do make financial contributions but I doubt you are one), do you write snotty letters to Google every time a free search doesn't come up trumps with what you want on the first page? Why not try www.orrp.com they are quite friendly or better still Pirate 4x4 if you think this forum is not to your taste
  13. It may just need a good clean - I had to sort my Jackall out when it was brand new, took the pins out, cleaned them up on a wire brush on the bench grinder (they were painted and the paint kept jamming the pins), a spray of WD40 and reassemble and it works perfectly. It usually needs doing about once a year, I clean it with degreaser and hose it off then let it dry and lubricate the important bits with WD40. I'm sure somebody would relieve you of money to do the job but it would probably cost nigh on as much as a new jack so it is probably better to do it yourself
  14. All the MOD vehicles here will now be Keswick Green (which looks like a primer that has missed out on a top coat!) so it ain't going to be a big seller here
  15. The Warn XD9000i supplied as a Genuine kit by Land Rover has an electrically operated cutoff solenoid fitted so you could try looking for one of those. I prefer a manual switch personally though.
  16. It's a long time since I sold my 2.5P but I think the answer is yes they do.
  17. I think the AT2 either is, or will be, available in 255/65R16. 255/70 will be about an inch taller. I used to use that size on my old Discovery - General Grabber ST's (no longer made).
  18. Welcome The window winding mechanism (called the window regulator) inside the back door has probably gone pop, they do that. Getting into it will be fun and then I think a new regulator is the wrong side of £100 plus labour.
  19. Yes I think so in that there are 2 types not sure if they changed at the same time but basically older vehicles have narrow bushes and later ones have the wider bushes. The bushes aren't actually all the same between Disco/Defender - some Discovery ones are two-part ones which are junk and best replaced with the Defender type which last much longer - but they are the same physical fit i.e. the hole in the arm and the width of the bush.
  20. 35mm2 or better still 50mm2 anything smaller than 35 is a waste of time IMHO, I burnt out one end of a set of Halfords cheapie ones just test running a Husky winch on a bench with no load on - got hot enough to melt the insulation on one end! also make sure you get the type with the fully insulated crocodile clips as otherwise if you get the sort with exposed metal on the outside of the clips, it can lead to some sparks inside a Defender seatbox!
  21. What size are you using now?
  22. Those tyres look very much like BFGs to me. I use 255/70R16 BFG AT's and I would either get the same again, or possibly the new General Grabber AT2 which is a very similar (possibly slightly better) tread, a very very tough tyre carcass and 2/3 the price I'd guess the ones in the pic may well be 255/70R16. They fill out the arches much better too
  23. They have a finite life anyway as does anything that goes backwards and forwards all the time so they are probably never going to be cheap since there will always be old vehicles looking for one. I guess because it is "safety" they can charge a stupid price for it - no idea what they run at now but when I got my last Disco, replacement airbags were £1000 a side give or take....
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