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Everything posted by ROGUE TROOPER

  1. Yes we have snow Just preped the Landy ready just in case it gets any deeper that the 10mm that we have now!!
  2. How about a soft apron (like a soft dash) that fits over the landy front bumper and winch (when on road) which protects the peds in case of collision? Just a thought!
  3. Its the Doctor! Dr Who that is!
  4. You shortend the doors, I did it "mini shorty style" and went into the doors! Big factor will be props and how short can I go! I also cut a bit out of the front as you did...this could be fun! Hard top is the way to go (or Truckcab) as this will be minimun cutting. Will handle like a pig!
  5. Just on paper at the mo..... no major thoughts hence no problems yet!
  6. Thanks... I want a knackerd RRC EFi for a hybrid, but found a Carb one dirt cheap so I could "adapt"
  7. Now Bugatti has set the bench mark who will be next.......
  8. How different is a EFi loom and a Carb loom? Can you easily fit an EFi loom to the original RRC Carb loom? Ta R
  9. You forgot the bright KF183/3 Harvard IIB..........
  10. http://uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=Ag5GH1bPj6HtF...es/rfisher1.jpg Could you do this with a Series 2?
  11. Thats closer to the mark, but series 2 as I have plenty of bits for that!
  12. Yeah saw that bluddy nuts...2km dia circle in two contrys!! Too much technology for something that we already know!
  13. Hes out on the road in his red 90 cooking stuff..... Then win his 90! It makes me wonder if the LR broke down in Scotland and he left it there!!
  14. Les, If its a fake scam then you are a plonker.............. If its real and you do get £1,461,562.51 then I love you and want to have your children!
  15. Happy Birthday.......now go and clear some snow
  16. Nice My Alternator on my EFi has been "bodged" on by welding up a "Brackett" and this sits mid way up on the N/S. This may be an Ideal time to change it (After the snow )
  17. No hes a Landrover main dealer service technician!!
  18. No hes a Landrover main dealer service 6.2 technician!!
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