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Everything posted by landi41

  1. But Dave would still like to see it before he snuffs it. Too true mate................. plus it cuts into the "Happy Hour" :)
  2. Drain plugs? what a larf in Canadian conditions
  3. Hey Todd............... So many Forums.....so little time :) actually now that the 110 is finally "road legal" after nearly 2 years of "outlaw" driving........i'm heading to one of my son's woods camp to drink copious quantities of "Alpine" EAT YOUR HEART OUT brother :) :)
  4. Cripes dial-up is slow at the best of times but this site lately has to be the slowest loading of all i visit.............. pitty
  5. The Devil is going to make oil companey CEO's tread turd filled water perpetually in HELL And i'm going to get to drive the motor boat that stirs it up !! :)
  6. Well you guys are lucky, here is what i get.... "Sorry, an error occured. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, the administrator has taken the search engine offline for the moment. Please try again later"______________________________ Search engine?? I just want to see the newest posts................ I wonder whats up????
  7. Is this one of the features turned off to harbour resources? I really liked it.....can it come back? please
  8. I removed mine from the 110, 2.5 petrol for a short while.......i feel i had a tad more power but the noise and strange harmonic vibrations had me putting it back in We have a glass packed, straight thru silencer over here called a Cherry Bomb, they have a wicked sound on NA automobiles no matter what the engine...........
  9. post removed by Landi 41 "Live and Let Live"
  10. Well there is the famous Canadian made "Tilley" cotton wide brimed hat....... One was once eaten by an elephant..........twice
  11. Will; I'm not bothered about the "flat out" speed, thats barely over the legal limit at near full throtle Its the lower speeds thru the Villages concerning me............ The coppers lurk in those areas, not for safety reasons, it's just nearer the coffee shops
  12. Hmmmmm I was a long time member "over there" (Nov99) and saw a lot of strange happenings over the years and was frustrated over them............ I, like most of you, favour the feeling of independence and was surprised as hell to see LRE pop back up........ I have respect for Trevor but somehow or other just can't believe that LRE are completely out of the picture......... I could say more about the principals involved in the "deal" but won't On the other hand i don't want to miss anything so i will use this as my "main forum" and look in on LRE and in fact post a bit there till all this settles down.........
  13. Thanks lads i'll sort it out if it ever stops raining here......... Ironically i was on my way home from the annual vehicle inspection, fully legal, no bribing the mechanic with beer this time
  14. I was going to go to Labour Day (600 mile return trip) but the new gas prices here put paid to that.......... Now going Land Rover camping closer to home and driving some local trails.........
  15. Hi All; What aside from a broken cable could cause my 1985, 110 speedo to suddenly pack it in on the way home this evening ?
  16. bleedin true...yesterday no forums, today 2 forums... what will tomorrow bring ?
  17. "no forums yesterday and then two this morning " As they say "never rains but what it poors"
  18. Two screens up and running, switching between Forums........ Wouldn't want to miss any thing
  19. I had put an order in for that.......looks like they got it :) Just kidding....i feel for the owner.........
  20. "Just to throw a twist into the conversation......Have you considered using a decent paint like sikkens and renting a proper draft paint booth?" I spray painted the 110 with Caterpillar Tractor co's own "Cat Yellow" cheap at $40.00 per gal and i didn't have a proper booth.............. turned out not too bad if i do say so meself
  21. Seems the kaffiyya as worn by Sharky was very popular with an eariler group of Desert 4x4 Enthusiasts
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