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Everything posted by ThreePointFive

  1. He's used question marks, like the sort that's used when a real question is being asked. And using that many isn't defensive of the obvious reasons, at all. I'm not surprised people are bidding, multi-colour block capitals are a sign of quality ebay adverts. They're probably drawn in as much by the personality of someone that thinks a multi-coloured cock wagon is a beautiful send off for a loved one as they are by the vehicle itself.
  2. Right so ignoring the vehicle entirely, he needs the space but wants to swap for another vehicle... presumably something that doesn't actually exist in the dimensions we perceive. But that's ok because the actual reason is he doesn't have time. But he wants a swap for another vehicle, which he won't have time to use. Surely at some point you'd stop coming up with excuses and admit you just want it gone because every time you look at it you cry a bit inside.
  3. My money is on it being Top Gear. They must be running out of destroying perfectly good cards for their ****ty challenges by now.
  4. Well to be fair I'm surprised it took us this long to uncover a fellow forum member's abomination! And by abomination I mean well executed engineering project. At least nothing about the Disco looks blatantly Dangerous, the roll cage isn't made of painted toilet roll tubes, is it?
  5. Shocking, truly shocking. In fact I'm disgusted that that passes for a porn star.
  6. Hi, looking for a part number if one exists for the layer of black rubber/foam that runs the length of the interior side of a TD5 bulkhead. It may also be on earlier bulkheads but I've not seen one bare before. It's rivetted on to that side. Besides that I can't think of how to describe it. Anyone help?
  7. JLR product, so a composite of spit and kleenex. Don't worry, I'm already leaving....
  8. I think it would run better if he used the hazard tape from the first vehicle, but more of it. Also some amber beacons.
  9. Just had it checked, it is stamped with ANR1972 and the spline count is 48. i can't be the first one to find this out.... but if anyone searched google now, they wil make the same mistake I did.
  10. So in their wisdom Land Rover decided that it would be fun to name both the 48 and 36 spline versions ANR1972. Looks like I better find a buyer then.....
  11. Hi all, I know this has been done to death, and I know what the answer is. Or rather, I know what it should be and I thought it might be an interesting exercise to raise this here, because based on the information on this forum and here: http://www.web-rover.../steeringwheels I went and got a nice TD5 steering wheel for my 1988 90, full of hope and joy that it would make a nice addition, so imagine my dismay when the thing didn't fit. So, if anyone can point me out the reason I may have missed as to why the TD5 wheel appears to have a significantly wider shaft, I would appreciate it, because as of yet it is evading me. And yes, I bought ANR1972 TD5 "airbag" style wheel, not the later Puma edition. Any help much appreciated.
  12. Looks like a spangly strip light stuck to the front of the 110, looks awful and ridiculous price for anything that fragile stuck to an off road vehicle. Not that 100 KC daylighters plastered on roof racks, A bars and any other surface that was capable of mounting one on looks any better.
  13. Thanks for the replies, very interesting reading. So it's likely to be dizzy related rather than anything else? That does surprise me, given the intermittent nature of the problem! I'll have to look into this, I need the car to be 100% for getting back on the road ASAP.
  14. Carbs - it's a 1988 factory fit V8. Afraid I don't know about things like points!
  15. Thanks for the replies. I thought all Dizzy's where electronic?! It has to cool down a bit before it will restart, not by much but it has never just restarted straight away. It's never done it more than once, seems after the first time it sorts itself out, though obviously I get back home as fast as I can after the first time. The plug does appear to move in and out slightly when this is going on, so I know it is coming loose. It doesn't sound like this will be the issue then...
  16. Hi all, One of the spark plugs on my 3.5 V8 is held by what's left of the threading on the block as I over tightened it at the last service, but it is possible to spin it if tightened too far. For a good number of months this was no issue, but recently the car has been stalling a lot while being driven on the road, which seems to be coinciding with the spark plug coming loose each time. I can tighten the plug enough that it is held and can't be tightened or loosened by hand at all, but i want to avoid over-tightening to destroy whatever is left of the thread. This problem has so far been at relatively high speeds, around 50mph with no reason for the stall at all, and after the engine has been running for a good length of time, over half an hour in both the times it has happened. Is there any way to repair the thread on the block? Someone on another forum mentioned heli-coiling, would this be the recommended option from the V8 gurus on here? Can the stalling be linked to this issue? The car wasn't being used often when it was happening (it's currently off the road) and so I thought fuel may be the issue, but the tank is clean and there's nothing in the filter to cause concern. Air filter is likewise clean. Any help appreciated.
  17. Hi all, I have the chance to get a cheap disco V8 R380, I was wondering what needs to be changed to make it fit a V8 90 currently with an LT85. I'm hoping its a straight swap but I'm guessing its not. Any help greatly appreciated!
  18. Thanks for the reply. Looks like we won't be doing the work then, it's a newish car and its not quite the same as tinkering with a defender on your driveway! Cheers
  19. What would you average V8 look like under the rockers? Mine's a 175,000 miler and I am thinking that it won't be in much better state, would like to keep the engine as it's a factory fit engine.
  20. Hi all, the wash wipe pump for the front of my 05 plate TD4 has packed in. Don't know anything about these, I know they're on the o/s front wing but how do you access it? Appears to be a bumper-off job. Anyone heard of this failing before? The car has under 20,000 on it, bit surprised really... I am hoping it's just a loose or corroded wire, not a new pump. Any help gratefully received.
  21. My gearbox looks like it needs replacing too, and I have the possibility of a Range Rover box to fit. Is this the same as the Discovery box in terms of levers in wrong position, input shaft to long and all the associated problems with that? If its deemed to be more trouble than its worth like the Disco box I guess that rules it out. I won't be cutting my transmission tunnel about to make it fit.
  22. Thanks for replies. I've had a look and I can't see any breather type pipes coming from the tank - I'm thinking that it must be the vented type cap required. It's an 1988 90. If it was to have a breather, where would this be?
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