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Everything posted by simon_s

  1. Hope you all enjoyed yourself. The site is amazing, and despite the problems with the camping it all seemed to go well... Next time you have a lie down Chris, make sure it isn't at the top of the mountain... My HW pics are here: click-click. Apologies that I can't get pictures of everyone, you all move to quickly.. Good to meet gaflad too, hopefully there will be some good video appearing. Did anyone get Saley's roll?? Rumour was someone did... Roll on Walters, gonna be really good!
  2. Everyone ready?! It's all gone a bit quiet...
  3. The view is definitely worth the climb up. Probably the most scenic site of the year I reckon!
  4. As long as they're of the 'mountain goat' variety...
  5. Nothing when I left the house, got to the yard to pick up the van (ten minute drive) and it was a whiteout... Roads were carp, gritters weren't working! Got to the market I was meant to be working at (just) and it was SERIOUS blizzard. The market got cancelled so I popped out in the Jimny for a little mooch...
  6. Sorry to hear about the roll Alan, glad you're dosed up now! Get better soon...
  7. Good. Poor Delica... You going to get another of the same???
  8. Well hope you all had good fun. If we'd known the water was going to rise that much during the day things might have been different!! Cheers to Nige and Ben Hollis for coming back out after the finish to help recover the most stuck vehicle I have ever seen... I've stuck the pictures up here: Howlin' Wolf Round 1
  9. Well I've just got home from set-up today (I love living 10 minutes from a site for a change), the drivers are in for a treat... The site is pretty wet... But not as wet as I've seen it before... Bout 15 crews camping out onsite tonight, good luck to them! See you all tomorrow. If you see a caged jimny or a guy with a camera say hi.
  10. I'll be there all weekend, apparently I've got to take pictures of you lot so try not to swear at me too much when you're waist deep in bog water...
  11. My boss has two of these.. One similar to the one above, the other a bit bigger with a high top canvas back... Both for sale! I've 'driven' one of them round the yard, but as I was being towed at the time it doesn't really count...
  12. They're building a new truck for Modified class....
  13. Theres a bobbed one for sale on eBlag at the moment...
  14. Or you could get Mildly miffed saturday night, get up by 10 on sunday, enter the trial in your challenge motor, then enter the night challenge....
  15. The Ka is Daihatsu based I believe...
  16. I can vouch for this one... Works a treat.
  17. I'll be loitering on the AWDC stand as well....
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