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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Thanks Steve, AFAIK as I have not got the wire rope off yet, it looks like it goes right through. Paul
  2. Now that I have some How do I attach it to my Superwinch X9? As with most winches you use a little thimble and screw. But on the X9 the wire rope passes thru the winch drum. So do I attach the plasma the same? Paul
  3. http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/ sell them, but you will find a cheaper place. Paul
  4. More info http://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/en/news/2008/9/3/ Paul
  5. Get either the Patrol or the Landcruiser. Both will tow well. Paul
  6. I want to come, but will not know know untill a few weeks before hand, but if I do it will be an B&B for me. Paul
  7. Was there not an adaptor plate in the for sale section not long ago? Paul
  8. All I have heard it that it was a "white wash". All the question they asked were muti choice. Paul
  9. I said where it was yesterday on other forums. Looking at the pictures in todays papers I was right. If you do Strata Florida from the south, headding to the abbey end, just before the first river corssing you cross another stream. It happened just after this and before the river crossing. Paul
  10. SARN HELEN ROMAN ROAD - BANWEN TO ABERDULAIS This byway is regularly used by 4x4 vehicles as it presents a challenging drive and enjoys some spectacular views including, (simultaneously), the Bristol Channel and the Brecon Beacons by running along the ridge of Hirfynnydd near Glynneath. There have been frequent access problems over the past couple of years with this route being illegally obstructed on numerous occasions. There is a 6 month closure period in place with Neath, Port-Talbot Council planning to extend this. It is apparent that the landowner, (Walters Mining Ltd), is antagonistic towards public use of public rights of way over this large parcel of mountain & forestry. It is believed that the landowner is trying to erode public access until the only vehicles that can get onto the land are those prepared to pay to use the Walters Motorsports Complex. NPT Council appears prepared to roll- over and allow this to happen. There is a meeting on Tuesday 2nd Sept at the Dove Centre, Banwen, from 5:30pm until 8pm. This meeting is to enable members of the public to have their say on planning strategy for the Dulais & Neath Valleys over the next few years. It would be entirely appropriate under the areas of leisure, tourism and environment to bring up the access issues to this leg of Sarn Helen and complain about the closure period - this should be shortened, not lengthened. If adequate maintenance work was carried out the route there would not be any need for a 2-seasons closure. 4x4 users have volunteered to assist with maintenance work but NPT Council insist that this cannot happen due to insurance issues, (other councils get around this by purchasing special block insurance policies for volunteer workers, it isn't expensive). If you try to bring up Sarn Helen at the meeting, it is entirely possible that the Chairperson may decline to allow you to speak on the subject or even close the meeting - this type of thing has happened at previous meetings. They have to be seen to go through the motions of having a public consultation process but don't actually want any input from members of the public, particularly where this sort of controversy is concerned, (so come prepared for a scrap). If the Chair doesn't allow contributions or closes the meeting prematurely there will be grounds for a formal complaint. Sarn Helen is up there amongst the best 4x4 routes in the UK, it's a fabulous route for walkers and mountain bikers. NPT should be proting this route actively and removing barriers to access, not putting the multi-millionaire landowners interests first! As a Council it has a statutory duty to ensure access to public rights of way. To attend the meeting you need to register by phoning Catherine Gadd on 01639-763173. The notice of this meeting states that you need to register by the 22nd Aug, (it was published on the 28th!) If you're told that it is too late to register, insist upon attending and complain that the public attendance notice was printed too late.
  11. Thats what I wanted to hear Bob. Sherman, not quite that bit, but I bet its getting on for 4T now!! Paul
  12. I know, I had sort of given up on that one!! But I will have to sort it out some time. Paul
  13. Of this Rope? I am thinking of getting some as I only use my winch about once every 6 months or so or stick with the wire rope? Paul
  14. I get almost 3 days out of the 110amp/hour battery, that is when its set -1. This is without starting the LC. Paul
  15. Get a proper compressor one. You can get a Waeco from ebay for about £250 for a 25L one. I have a 45l Minus 40 one and to be honest its a little big. But it will hold 32 tins of larger!!! Paul
  16. Can you do that now as a mate wants it doing? Paul
  17. Wayfarer Sleeper Repair 2008. The repair was organised by CRAG (WWW.CRAG-ORG.UK) to be done on the 23-8-2008. The plan was to replace some of the sleepers and to re-lay others. This would mean taking new sleepers up to the Wayfarer. One problem was, we did not have any sleepers to hand. So, John Pugh of CRAG had the tasked to find some. John decided to ask Wrexham county council if they had any we could have. We got 6 sent out to a holding house. But when we had a second look it was decided that we would need more. John then, with cap in hand, went back to WCC asking again. We (the royal we) meaning John got them to give us another 6, 12 in total. The call was put for helpers for the day. Members of CRAG were happy to give up some time to help out as were members of GLASS (www.GLASS-UK.ORG). So the day before I went to the holding house (Thanks Mark) to pick up the 12 sleepers. Loading them up on the Friday would save time on the Saturday. Saturday came, first job of the day was to meet Mark and have a full English breakfast, very nice as well. Making our way off the tarmac road and up the un-surfaced Wayfarer road. We got to the second gate, just as the local farmer came chasing up on his quad. He was not in a good mood, as he had seen us taking a big trailer up where most people would have not, he thought that we were going to steal something. When he saw that the trailer was full and I explained to him who we were and what we had planned he was fine and even happy with this. It was slow going with the trailer in tow, but on the way up we were joined by a GLASS member. I drove onto the sleepers and we started to unload them where they would be needed. Here is a prime example of CRAG and GLASS working together, one on each end of a sleeper lol. But it was about ½ hour before anyone else turned up, at this point it was looking like a long day!! As it happens, 17 people turned up in total. These were made up of members of CRAG, GLASS, Powys 4x4 response and a TRF (Trail Riders Fellowship) members. We did have an offer of help from others but it would have meant too many people in the same area. In all the repair took about 3 hours with the people we had. This included “nailing” the sleepers into place. The nails were provided by John, these were 10mm diameter and about 20” long, that was the smaller ones!! We used all 12 sleepers and relayed another 25-30. The sleepers near the end will just about hold up to another winter, but we do need another 20-25 sleepers to complete the work early next year. Anyone got any they can give us? More pictures can be found at http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h8/Paul_...Wayfarer%202008 Thanks to all that helped out. Paul Humphreys WWW.CRAG-UK.ORG
  18. Nothing to do with me, but Disco 200 TDi automatic,L reg (I think).Had lots of new parts fitted by mechanic owner,tax and MOT. £700. QUICK SALE NEEDED. DONT ASK ME ANYTHING,I AM ONLY THE MESSENGER. RING MIKE ON.07972 609134. It was posted on another forum I use. Paul
  19. Yes 275/70/16s. But most people that use them "off tarmac" change them to bigger ones. I run 35/12.5/16 Creepy Crawlers Paul
  20. Its ok, its a bit far for me anyway. Paul
  21. Thats good to know as I have one (well I have 2) to fit one day. Paul
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