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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. If it was me, I would keep yours and get the welding done. Paul
  2. Foleys import LHD brand new 300tdi defenders from South Africa. They had one parked on the CRAG stand for part of the day at Billing as they did not want anyone to nick it as it was on trade plates and not regestered in the UK as yet. Paul
  3. A 4 speed auto and a lt230 TF box as far as I know. Paul
  4. I have a mate who has a 78" trialler and a v8 with an auto box. The rear prop is very short,but it does work well. Paul
  5. Well CRAG www.crag-uk.org GLASS www.glass-uk.org I have known about thisfor a while. It applys to ALL ROW not just FPs, BOTS and UCR and stuff that is not on the map as well. The biggest problem is when its gone its GONE for ever, so if the road to your house is on the List Of Streets and not on the Definive map by 2026 then you WILL lost the right to drive to your house. Theres no appeal at all. this is why later this year I will start theprocess to add them to the DM. But every one will need to do it. Paul
  6. When are you coming up? As I can mark some maps for you. I could even lead you around on one of the days. Paul
  7. I will be on the CRAG stand from thursday till sunday. Paul
  8. What size rims are you using? Maxxis Mudzilla and Creepy Crawlers go to 40" I think. Paul
  9. Dear Sir / Madam Denbighshire CC : Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan Further to previous correspondence Denbighshire's Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan is now available as a consultation document This document sets out how the council will manage and improve the rights of way network and access opportunities to the countryside over the next ten years, and how it can assist in improving the rural economy, bring improvements to health, increase environmental knowledge, and be a resource for public enjoyment. The Consultation period will close on the 31St August 2008. Any comments received before then will be considered in the preparation of the final plan, which will be published as soon after as is possible. An electronic version of the document is available online at the location given below The draft plan can be found by following the link below with consultation ending on the 31st August 2008. english http://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en-gb/DNAP-7B7GNY welsh http://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/cy-gb/dnap-7b7gny Annwyl Syr / Madam Drafft o Gynllun Gwella Hawliau Tramwy Cyngor Sir Ddinbych Yn ychwanegol at ohebiaeth flaenorol, mae Drafft o Gynllun Gwella Hawliau Tramwy Sir Ddinbych ar gael erbyn hyn fel dogfen ymgynghori. Mae’r ddogfen hon yn dangos sut fydd y Cyngor yn rheoli a gwella’r rhwydwaith hawliau tramwy a chyfleoedd mynediad i gefn gwlad dros y deng mlynedd nesaf, a sut y gall gynorthwyo gwella economi cefn gwlad, dod â gwelliannau i iechyd, cynyddu gwybodaeth amgylcheddol a bod yn adnodd ar gyfer mwynhad y cyhoedd. Bydd y cyfnod ymgynghori’n cau ar 31ain Awst 2008. Bydd unrhyw sylwadau sy’n cael eu derbyn cyn hynny’n cael eu hystyried wrth baratoi’r cynllun terfynol, fydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi mor fuan ag y bo modd ar ôl hynny. Mae fersiwn electronig o’r ddogfen ar gael ar-lein yn y lleoliad isod. Mae drafft y cynllun i’w gael trwy ddilyn y cysylltiad isod a daw’r ymgynghori i ben ar 31ain Awst 2008. Cymraeg http://www.sir-ddinbych.gov.uk/cy-gb/dnap-7b7gny Saesneg http://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en-gb/dnap-7b7gny Yours faithfully / Yn gywir Adrian Walls
  10. Well I have a crack in one arch and the others have deep gouges in them . I will point this thread out to my mate whohas the 57 plate 110 to see if he wants to come. Paul
  11. Just to add to this, my 80 series is smaller that my mates 57 plate 110, just a little wider because of the arches, but these may becoming off soon!! Paul
  12. I could be up for this, as long as non-LRs are ok:) Paul
  13. Well put mine in today, got the ones from D4x4. They work well,still got a bit of a shake from 45-50mph. But steady as anything at 90. I never went far in it, about 6 miles, but the more miles I did the better it got. Paul
  14. Thepaint should match, no matter what the age is. They will be able to mix it to match. I would send it back and ask them to doit right and correct all the other things aswell. Paul
  15. If you need more lanes let me know, I know a few around there Paul
  16. Thanks Steve, I need them before Billing so looks like I will have to pay the P&P. So off i go to the D4x4 site. Paul
  17. Looks like I will be getting mine from D4x4, works out about £50 for 5 tyres. Paul
  18. I have heard of people useing them before, but never knew of anyone useing them. So they do work then? I can get hold of them easy, but only if they work. Paul
  19. I can find them on the Scrapiron site, but do not want to give them my money. I see D4x4 sell some of the same type, but do other places sell them and what do people who have used them think of them? Paul
  20. I just need the transit and compressor now then, unless a mini digger will do Paul
  21. If you read it all, it says"tax exempt". Paul
  22. You can drive it anytime of the year without a snorkel, just depends on how much rain there has been if the few days before. Paul
  23. 3rd battery is going in the rear in a batery box. But I am going to build a false follr as I need to fit the spare 35"tyre in there aswell. Paul
  24. I did think of that, but I need to set up a split charge for the 3rd batterys as well. The main 2 run ok as I have 24v starting. BTW its a landcruiser 80 series. Paul
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