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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. I have never used them, but these people are ment to be quite good. Hydraulics Worldwide Normandie Close Ludlow,Shropshire,SY8 1UJ,United Kingdom Tel 0044 (0) 7855 401946 Fax 0044 (0)1584 876044 Email us hydraulicexpert@aol.com Paul
  2. I sold the old off of my RR to someone with a disco. He told me later it would not fit a disco and sold it and got a proper disco one. Paul
  3. I have a hydraulic PTO winch on a 3 speed auto. I will let you know how it works when I get it working ok . Paul
  4. Try looking on www.straightforwardsupplies.co.uk as they use to do them. Paul
  5. Khumo do the KL71s up to a 40" on a 22" rim, they also do them to fit a 18" rim. Just you need to get them from USA. Paul
  6. Have a look here http://www.landroveraddict.com/smf/index.php?topic=360137.0 Paul
  7. Yes, but you are not welding as suce, just a blob of weld to the bolt turning so not much heat. You could always put the weld next to the bolt head just to stop it turning. Paul
  8. Just put a blob of weld on the end of the bolts for the bumper. As for the winch, tack weld the bolt heads when the winch in on. Paul
  9. A 500W will run a PC and 17"CRT monitor. I know as I have done it. But you need the right inverter. I think its called a Pure Signwave Inverter, well someting like that. It has to have the right type shape of wave. Paul
  10. Crag Lane clearance at Farndish near Rushden (Northants) This Sunday 4th March. All welcome to come and lend a hand. For more info please email Andy bedfordshire@crag-uk.org or from this web page http://www.crag-uk.org/index.php?option=co...8&Itemid=42 . Paul
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/vine/veh...tml#nominations Paul
  12. Right link http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/vine/veh...tml#nominations Paul
  13. What about "Wan**r radio 2 presenters" ? Paul
  14. Someone on another forum has ordered some rock sliders from him today, so he must be ok. His mobile number is on his website. But if all else fails I will be passing there on friday. But try Dave at LLama as he supplies Richard with bits so he maybe able to help. Paul
  15. PM me you number and I will call Richard for you if you like to pass it on? Paul
  16. I must have been one of the lucky/early ones then Paul
  17. Dear Mr Humphreys Thank you for your response to the Hundred Lane TRO consultation. We will now be considering the consultation responses before making a recommendation to the Rights of Way Committee in due course. Your views will be reported to Committee. Yours sincerely Mary George Definitive Map Officer Countryside Access Team Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road Ipswich, IP1 2BX Tel: 01473 264742
  18. I "think" the date has been extended. But as soon as I knew about it I posted. Paul
  19. Some more info can be found here http://www.glass-uk.org/index.php?option=c...amp;Itemid=1246 Paul
  20. If people who send an email can change the wording some it will help. But this is coming up more often and we need to object to them all and ask for a reply. Paul
  21. This post is aimed at everyone including those who read the forum but do not post. Dear Forum Members Here is a chance to really see if we can beat the system as a well organised bunch Suffolk County Council are trying to TRO a lane in Suffolk just because of local pressure to do so, There are no real reasons to close this lane . A local person has got wind of the TRF’s objections to this and has sent emails to locals to rally support. If this goes ahead it will set up a precedent for TRO’s being used to close lanes left, right and centre, which will not be good for any of us. Can you Email and get as many of your friends, colleages and contacts to Email and object to this. Organise it as best as you can so you know who is actually doing it and keep numbers if possible. LET’S SEE IF WE CAN WIN ONE FOR A CHANGE Please see what you can do Regards Simon Bingham See Below for what to do Please email your objection to Mary.george@et.suffolkcc.gov.uk Here is an example of a quick letter that can be sent. please amend a little add your name and address and email it tonight. Dont delay do it Today Dear Madam, Re: Hundred Lane Network TRO I write to object to the Councils intention to place a TRO on this lane. I am a regular user of all vehicular Rights of Way across England and Wales, and I fail to understand the reasons behind this Proposed TRO. As you are aware the purpose of any TRO is for the benefit of the users, and I fail to see how this is to my benefit; on the contrary it is to my detriment and will remove my rights. I Support the Trail Riders Fellowship’s alternative proposal to the closure and would respectfully request that such proposal be given proper consideration. In any event I wish to lodge my Objection to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order. I would be grateful if you would acknowledge this objection and keep me advised of the consultation process. Yours faithfully Important Put your name and address
  22. I have the Gwyn Lewis kit on my 110, as its used for Green Laning I went for the +5 Pro Comps and not broke one yet. Paul
  23. I am heading down to Bedfordshire on the 4th March if it helps, but its getting it to me or somewhere on the way. Paul
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