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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. I have not used it, but I will post it about for you. Also try both way finders. Paul
  2. Thanks Les, looks like I will be getting one of them. Paul
  3. Is there any others making them other than Britpart? Yes I know D4x4 do then, but I am not willing to pay that much. Paul
  4. If you got a OME copy of XP last month you would/should have had a free upgrade to Vista with it. All the ones I have build in the last few months have all had it with them. The offer still runs till the end of march and it works out cheeper than going straight to Vista. Paul
  5. Yes its the striped down one and its tread price. But it is Vista. As for a cracked thares lots of them out there. I know someone working on Vista for MS and was told to stay away from it for atleast 12 months. Paul
  6. Theres lots of hotels depends on where you want to stay? I can also help out with lanes when you decide on where you going to be? Paul
  7. Somewhere to stay www.tyisafbala.co.uk Paul
  8. Yes this is true, and its only a £30 fine for no number plate and no points. Paul
  9. I am waiting for North Wales Polics to get back to me as I reported a group 2 weeks ago. I have recived 3 email and 2 phone call sofar. I will post when I have heard back from. But unless people report them that are doing wrong then nothing is going to be done about it. Paul
  10. As Les says, CB is fine in the hills if set up ok. Mine will get about 8 miles in the hills, so will others. Moblies are rubbish in the hills, only Orange works ok but even that is not to good. As for PTT then Nokia phones come with it as standard, wel mine dose but I have never used it. Paul
  11. BTW you can fit the turbo from a Rover car to them. Paul
  12. I had one for a few months. Not that good off road, but good on it. Well ok. Off road theres no engine breaking to speak of and you have to rev it a lot. On road it went better than a TDI, but you do not want to try towing with it. Also remember its not a standard LT77 box and the clutch is not the same either. As for adding a bigger engine it has a full with rad with electric fans, but you will need to change the box as well. I give £800 for mine and it was almoust mint on a K reg with 77k miles on it with the clutch gone, sold it a few months later for £1700. Paul
  13. Hello and welcome. 110 here as well Paul
  14. Offical http://www.landroverenthusiast.com/kelmarsh.html Paul
  15. If both are SATA then just plug it in and the PC will still boot from C:. Paul
  16. If the works PC is less than 3 years old, just install it as a slave drive on the 2nd ide and it will still boot from the mail drive. Pail
  17. I saved a copy and the police have a copy as do CCW. Paul
  18. Yes I have been there and done that. But its the striping down and putting it all back thats going to take the time. I have done a few s3 bulk heads. But I use to be a welder/sheet mettal worker. Paul
  19. The place to look for more rot is at the bottom of the door piller as water runns down inside if the piller. If its rotten then it will need the whole piller changing. Paul
  20. To save some money find a mobile welder person. Then strip it down yourself. All the welder will have to do it cut out the rust and weld it up. Paul
  21. Well looking at the pictures, you do not need repair pannels just some 2-3mm plate. Take the wing and door off, strip the down the bulk head move the dash a bit. Cut out the rust back to good metal then weld in new metal plate. Then paint. Paul
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