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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Yes its open all year, unless snow blocks it. I have known 4x4 to be left up there in the snow. Paul
  2. Taken from another forum Views are being sought of the use of the Pennine 'Bridleway'. By the NTs own admission the route of the Pennine 'Bridleway' also consists of Restricted Byways and BOATS, therefore comments are invited from all user groups! Note how the 'nice rambler' who originally posted the thread has used spin to put a completely different slant on the subject, no doubt designed the rally the troops! If you were cynical, you can see where this is could be heading! Link to forum thread; http://www.ramblers.org.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7485 There is an online form you can submit at: http://www.nationaltrail.co.uk/form.asp?PageId=92 Please note the closing date for submissions is 31st January 2007.
  3. Not as such, it was John (crag member) who asked if I could help, it was on the CRAG forum. It just needed doing asap. It should last a long time, but we still need to go and look at the rest next Saturday Bob. Paul
  4. Also try this http://www.mill-services.com/DC88pl.pdf Paul
  5. Any time you want to come Mark let me know. Paul
  6. Well today we; Hoodoo (John), Foxdog01 (Garry), Kayakingsimba (Steve) and myself, John and myself are CRAG members and Garry and Steve are members of the local club The Muddy Millers. Went up the Wayfarer to repair the part of the Sleeper section. The sleepers had given away and it had formed a hole. We removed all the sleepers from the hole and placed some of them long ways in the hole and then replaced the top layer. We used 16mm steel spikes to hold some of the sleepers down. It all took about 2 hours to do.The repair looks like it will last another 20 years. Paul
  7. Thanks for that. I think I will get it and give it a go. Then some bigger tyres!! Paul
  8. Thanks for that, but as per my first post its not fitted to a land rover right now. Price is ok at £50 and I am told it its a good one. But do not want to fit it and find out its no good. Paul
  9. How can I tell if its any good when it`s not on a LR? I have been offered a 1.6 for my 110 and need to make sure its ok before I pay for it. Paul
  10. Have you tried his mobile? If you want it let me know and I will pm it. I do know he was ill before christmas so it may have something to do with it. I have not spoken to Richard for about 6 weeks but can call him and tell him your trying to get hold of him. Paul
  11. They cost a lot more from here http://www.supertrux.com/acatalog/Wheel_Arches_4x4.html Paul Edit, Also found them here http://www.4x4store.com.au/Bushranger-Flex...s-pr-13018.html
  12. Pheasant Pen Steps Please can people not use this lane. The reason I ask is I was up there today and the bottom is getting dangerous. The bank next to the pens at the bottom is giving away. There’s a chance of someone trying to do it, sliding off the road and ending on their side or roof. This lane is North Powys Denbighshire border. I will not post pictures of it or the grid ref as someone from one of the councils might see it and close it. Paul
  13. I am another for "like it as it is" Paul
  14. Right click on the files, open with note pad and change the dates. Paul
  15. You need at least a 10T press, but I have seen a 20T press not even move the bushes. Paul
  16. Well done to both and the baby Paul
  17. I know someone with some 37" ones for sale as I told him not to get them and he did not listen. Paul
  18. Just no grip, I ried them all pressures. No good going backwards either. My Bronco Dirt Devils were a lot better. Yes the side walls are carp, they cut to easey. Not to bad in deep mud, do not like coming out of ruts, or biteing into the ground. Paul
  19. You can get the Hi-gain aerials. But make sure the router you have will let you undo the aerial(s) on it. They are about £18 each. My wifi will reach about 30m with them and about 100m with them. Paul
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