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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. I know the Mill Services ones you have to drill the out rigger. Paul
  2. Same here, I dont even use the centre that often . But its mostly used for laning. Paul
  3. I run a Gwyn Lewis kit on my 110, it gives the same upward travel as standard and a lot more drop as well. Paul
  4. Well it’s been passed http://www.wales.gov.uk/cms/2/VotesAndProc...b166bf4fcd2.htm The 3.53pm one. You can no longer drive Restricted Byways (formerly RUPPs) in Wales. Paul
  5. Same here, or I just call it just the "landrover" Paul
  6. Got this from another CRAG member. Paul This plan is open for comment untill the 1st of December. It's quite lengthy, and in many parts - all pdf files. The relevant sections to be noted are in Chapter 8; Analysis and Summary of Assessments. P44 & 45 cover Motorised users quite well, though making the perpetual error in terming anything off tarmac as 'off-road', but P53 shows percentages of RoW in the County by type: Footpath 75% Bridleway 20% Restricted Byway 4% BOAT 1% With the following statement: "1% of BOAT should be taken in context with the surfaced network which is available to the motorised user" My question to Lincs. is: when all users have access to all surfaced road networks, why are motorised users expected to accept 1% of unsurfaced Rights of Way, and use "in context" as some sort of compensation? Letters please. http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/section.asp?catId=7021 The consultation set of pdf's are here: http://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/section.asp?catId=11202 The feedback document is accessed by a link at the bottom of the pdf page, but it's a bit wierd - 5 sections but I can only access 3. Print and post adding any relevant comments.
  7. I voted Wales, but I have never lived there . I live in Oswestry Shropshire, Wales is only 5 miles away from and Oswestry use to be in Wales once Paul
  8. Would be worth talking to Simon from X-Eng as hes working on the same thing. Paul
  9. The picture attached is the same sort of thing, but bolts on. Paul
  10. Shropshire Area Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) committee meeting. It was on Thursday 19th October at 10am. It was chucking it down with rain in Craven Arms and so our feelings were some what low as we knew that the Area Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) committee was one of the biggest hurdles we had to face yet. The committee is one of the biggest in the county with some 30-40 members with not one motorised user on the committee. Anyway the meeting was set for some 2 hours of which seemed like an eternity. Upon entering the room we were presently surprised at the welcome we had. The chairman shook our hands and Shropshire county council officers wished us luck. I put the CRAGs printed presentation handouts on the desks for all to digest prior to the start of the meet. People seemed to be very interested and thoroughly viewed the handout with some good glancing nods and smiles. Anyhow the meeting started and slowly we went through the agenda voting chairman and so on. Then the agenda got to motorised use in the AONB area. Three 10 minute presentations. First of the block was Richard knights Shropshire CC Rights Of Way (ROW) presentation which was very much to the point with a educational talk about road status and classes and types of surfaces etc. Then Richard proceeds to show before and after situation on some of the lanes. The proactive approach they have taken working with The Countryside Recreational Access Group (CRAG). Motorised users using volunteer help to maintain and monitor their network showing how successful it has been with future plans. Their recommendations were not to have a blanket TRO for the county but to work with user groups as they currently are. Next was Polly Bolton, a local resident, who has a byway going, thought her property which has a traffic restriction order placed on it. Mrs Bolton presented a pictorial show via the digital projector showing many lanes in a very poor state. She proceeded to talk about the problems with usage on the ROW and the damage that happens. All the usual unfounded comments about pollution/noise/historical damage so on. The only flaw was that Mrs Bolton used a lot pictures of the ROW`s that have been repaired in the last two years or have permanent TRO placed on them so that they no longer present a problem. The good luck we had there was to point this out and also I think SCC mentioned this as well later. But Mrs Bolton was not that anti in her comments as she did not recommend a total TRO but a TRO on all none metalled ones, basically grassed lanes. She did state some good constructive views to the committee of which was totally absorbed by all. Then it was my turn, my stomach sank as my name was mentioned and my heart when into over time. Good job I don’t have a heart condition. I said earlier I did not use the projector to give a presentation but a printed one handed out earlier. Showing all what we have done over the last two years in the county and also all what we have achieved in the Brecon Beacons National Park (BBNP) complete with press releases from the BBNP. The reason I used the BBNP for this purpose is that it is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) just like Shropshire. I talked about what we have done and what is on the cards for the future in the areas. I mentioned we can not do any thing about the past but we can make a difference in the future. Plus the fact that recommending a total ban on motorised use in the county would not cure the illegal use but may even increase it. All it would do is punish the responsible users who do care, this is the reason why we put in so much time and energy. Anyway time was up and we all had a good chat/debate on what was going on. To my surprise we were pleasantly complemented for our efforts so far from quite a few members. There were obviously cynical comments but overall an unexpected positive response. So the outcome of the meet! Basically they have decided to go with the council’s recommendation, to not TRO the county but to work with CRAG and all users in the future. It was by far not an overwhelming agreement but a begrudging yes as they still don’t approve of what we do, but are prepared to accept us for now. I basically almost fell of my chair as I never expected anywhere near that type of response and once again this is another milestone achievement in itself. However it is now up to all us users to respect what we have been given and prove to the sceptics what can be done by working together instead of standing in each corner throwing stones at each other. We may never change the view of the hard core antis but we have changed the view of some. I would like to thank the Shropshire CC & the ANOB committee including the scrutinising committee for giving us this chance. Let’s not let them down, it up to us now as responsible users. Yours Ray Dadd CRAG Vice-Chairman
  11. 160 to 4, but yes its been "Hidden pending moderation". If you read the ones who have voted in support then you will see thay 2 of the supporters are actually opposed to it. So its 162 to 2 . Paul
  12. I think, off the top of my head, theres about 130,000 miles of FPs. BOATs make up about 2% of legal ROW than can be driven. But it could be less. Paul
  13. Please see this campaign and oppose it if you think that it's the right thing to do. Circulate to other users. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/actionnetwork/G1604 Paul
  14. I could have shown you last week But remember I want the 1.6 Paul
  15. I was told they are making more sizes around christmas. Thats why I am waiting. Paul
  16. I know what you mean, I have had a few back and fro to the ROW office today. They even missed motor bikes off the list. I also had to explain the difference between Offroading and Green Laning. To him its all the same. Just so others know, you do not have to live there, just need to have been there at some time. Paul
  17. Powys 4x4 Response in the paper again. For those that do not get the paper. http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/02...-name_page.html It will also be HTV Wales tonight as well, I have emailed them to see if its possible to watch it on line. Paul
  18. Just to let people know how well CRAG is doing the CRAG website broke the 1,000,000 hits per month barrier for the first time in October and are on course to repeat that in November. Not to bad for a group that is only just past its first birthday, 5th November. Well done to Jon for a great web site and to everyone else who makes CRAG what it is. www.crag-uk.org
  19. Please fill in the questionnaire ROWIP Paul
  20. Got to try it later this week and will get back to you. Paul
  21. no problem, if anyone else wants it just let me know where to send it Paul
  22. I have spoken to HFH and got something to try. But I also got this email from Tony at Superwinch The following is my musings on your e-mail: Hydraulic pumps produce flow, the bit on the end of the hose demands pressure!, (winch motor, rams etc). The 525 winch kit supplied for Land Rover vehicles was supplied with a pump that was rated at: 32 l/min nominal, at 1400 rpm, usually run in top gear. this pump would produce upto 2600 psi when required. If your system is giving 2500 psi at the motor but the winch is not pulling it would point to a problem either with the winch or the hydraulic motor, mounted on the chassis behind No 2 cross member. I have included a pdf copy of the early fitting instructions, these should be of use to you! If you need any other information or details, please do not hesitate to contact me, Kindest Regards, Tony So I now know what the flow rate should be. Time to do some more digging. Paul
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