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Everything posted by marsie

  1. I will be there,my 1st outing as a winch bitch.I will have to remind myself which side of the car to get in . Paul
  2. If you could drag yoursen off the nest in a morning and reply to emails then you may get free beer
  3. Well it looks like we missed another good event .Must start saving up Paul
  4. Didnt take any personally cos i was really busy recovering people.Saw the k*a splashing about in the mud but he didnt come to any of the tricky bits(probably a wise decision ).Were loads of people there with cameras so some pictures may surface. Paul B)
  5. Anyone heard any news from argyle yet?
  6. Just what i was going to say .Have a good weekend guys and lets have some good photos to look at when you get back to see what we missed Paul
  7. I would buy a lr4x4 one.Mine is getting a bit sha**ed after a few trips through the winch.On the subject of Tim at muddyweb i think he works for Devon4x4 now Paul
  8. There are a lot of new faces at the club but also a lot of older members.I think i first joined in 1998 after being with peak and dukeries. Paul
  9. I actually live near worksop.I dont enter any events at the club for 2 reasons-1 my car isnt built for trialing and 2 i have diflocks so cant enter anyway.Still go to the fundays though cos they are a laugh and we usually do recovery Paul
  10. Bank holiday pay and play day at hartington quarry with the Buxton and District land rover club.Come and have a laugh(probably at me falling ar*e over t*t in the mud ).Look at http://www.badlrc.co.uk/ for more info Paul
  11. Had an ar**hole from VOSA at work last week and he was asking me about my smart looking "2 piece wheels" on my landrover Paul
  12. After a heavy rain storm the other night we have been swarmed with frogs,I have recently discovered a disturbing fact about my staffie.I left my patio doors open tonite and heard what i can only describe as screaming coming from the back garden.When i investigated i found the scream was coming from a cornered frog that was being licked by my staffie! now she has a taste for em! 2 questions- is frog licking likely to make pooch poorly? Is it true that licking frogs causes halucinations(homer simpson style)? Oh and by the way my mutt has a taste for plastic too.Particularly likes bic biros Paul
  13. Paul says he was GIVEN a shirt................. But all Northeners say that after they nick it.............. If i didnt know you better i would take that as a compliment Just think myself lucky that i left my credit card at home or i would have taken a severe whuppin on the gigglepin stand .What with that sexy winch,float away ground anchor and funky rear radius arms.Think the ground anchor can wait a while,after all it dunt matter if its heavy to me(Daz may dissagree tho!).Thanks again Jim for the t-shirt,i can now wash my midsummer trophy shirt that i have had on for over a year
  14. Think Jim only gave us the free t-shirts(me and karl)cos we made his stand look scruffy and he felt sorry for us poor northerners Sure Jim will agree that its grim up north
  15. Just watched the lapland trophy dvd.Good example of snatch recovery on there .After 3 attempts at a kinetic recovery the whole rear tow point comes adrift on a mitsubishi and goes through the rear door on the shogun that is trying to pull it,takes out the rear door,rear window and o/s/r 1/4 panel!!!
  16. Just watched the lapland trophy dvd.Good example of snatch recovery on there .After 3 attempts at a kinetic recovery the whole rear tow point comes adrift on a mitsubishi and goes through the rear door on the shogun that is trying to pull it,takes out the rear door,rear window and o/s/r 1/4 panel!!!
  17. Had a 200 mile round trip with 6 people in my car .But was worth the trip just for the free t-shirt from Jim a gigglepin4x4,cheers Jim B) p.s your new winch is fab,Went to show to see the new goodwinch How big!!!! Paul
  18. A recent example of why it is important to fully screw in a shackle pin .This landed at the side of my car from over 100ft away on a uphill pull.It caused no more damage than some soiled undies but could have been nasty The d link was rated at 6 tons but failed due to the screw pin not being fully wound in during the heat of rushing around at a winch challenge Paul
  19. "for one thing they support terrorism" Absolutely correct,that is the main reason i bought a landcruiser(if they are good enough for the taliban ????) Also my 90 wasnt doing enough to kill the planet so thats why i modified it into the flower crushing,ozone burning,child murdering motor that it is now For f***s sake these people have got there heads so far up there arse!I honestly think that they believe the sh*t that they are talking .h.GET A LIFE! Just been watching a repeat of top gear with Ewan Macgregor as the star in a reasonably priced car-what a star,drives a landrover with snorkel and lives in london .Now they are testing the porsche cayanne turbo s that Richard Hammond describes as" greenpeace hell"
  20. Going down tommorrow so hopefully not everyone will have packed up and gone home
  21. The longest job on mine was trying to locate a 1/4n.p.t tap to thread the bulkhead fitting.Like rocking horse poo .But to build up diff took just over 1 hour altogether
  22. Its one of those things that you have to go round with a wire loop and if you touch it a buzzer goes off . http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Steady-hand-game-1-2...1QQcmdZViewItem
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