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Marsland Rear A Frame Mounts

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2 hours ago, Landrovernuts said:

They say they have done a few but they have all been Richards chassis! We have checked the chassis dimensions with the specified dimensions from the manual and they are miles out and are even out compared to another Marsland Chassis here in our village. I know they source from GKN but may be they source from else where also?

The chassis definetly came from Marlands as I went to pick it up from there!!

body 1.jpg

body 2.jpg


Loosen the bracket from the bulkhead. Set bulkhead vertical and ensure gap to rear tub is the same both sides. Bolt bracket to chassis, and then adjust bulkhead end of bracket. 

You may also have to release the wheel arch liner to get the wings to line up with the bulkhead and also the rad panel.

Like others have said, you can't just swap the body to a new chassis unless you have all the brackets and individual panels loose first.

Not impressed by your "mechanic", if he was mechanically minded he would have worked all this out.

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AFAIK & was told by Mr Marsland the chassis all came from GKN,  don't know if anyone else is or was building them for LR. 

took my body off in one piece, it all went onto the new chassis ok with a bit of juggling just get the rear end of body lined up, I did slacken the bulkhead to chassis brackets before attempting to put the long bolts through. 

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I think that is possibly where they have gone wrong. Apparently (just found out that the bulkhead brackets are under considerable tension) I believe it is all on and just waiting to bleed everything and start the old girl but cannot see that happening before next week now!

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I think I'd be giving it a very close inspection when you get it back, have a good look to see the various mounts and brackets havent been forced into place - its all adjustable and really it all needs a bit of  adjusting 'properly' so you don't get bits cracking where bolts have been forced into place.

Edited by GW8IZR
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Are the brackets straight? If the body has been taken off in one and put down on the floor it would bend those brackets I think. That would explain the holes not lining up. As above I'd be looking very very closely at the car when it's back. They really do not sound like they have a clue. Wonder if they're the people that fitted the chassis that was under my car when I bought it. 

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absolutely - the hard physical work is done, you can refine the job yourself. Its not rocket science..


To be honest the place doing it shouldn't be struggling, hope they never have to re shell something precise ....

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I have got the old girl back at last and as expected there are a few issues that have cropped up in the 45 minute drive home! The clutch does not do anything until half travel on the pedal, brake pipes have all sprung and poped the clips from the chassis (need to get new clips as they used the old ones), master cylinder to flexy brake pipe is  bent  to  buggery and needs replacing, turbo inlet pipe not attached (howled like a 747). These are all fixable and on my list to do!

One problem that I do have is that the new chassis does not have the brackets to fit the gaurd around the fuel filter and considering where it is on a TD5, I would quite like to refit it - anyone got a solution to this?

Other than that all seems good (touching wood!) and soon it will be time to start on the next issues - doors!!!


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Maybe you need a new business to work on your car, too? It sounds like they struggled with the details on this one . . . 

Would rivnuts be the best way to mount a filter guard? 

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