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Seven Sisters - Summer Extravaganza July 2007


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catching up with some old friends & making new ones.

and really annoying some people telling them how to drive!!! just as well i dont do it for a living really.


Mike/Angela thank you for putting together a superb weekend with some great company (less line above), good off roading and even a Bar-B Que thrown in! fantastic. Matt sorry you couldn't make it, Bish i hope things turned out OK. Andy - tea and food was superb thank you, Nick thank you for some superb vehicle demonstrations and a big thank you to the Marshalls for helping setup and clear up. Very much appreciated.

Jos/Mark and Jo gald to hear you enjoyed the weekend, roll on the next one in Nov.

Out of interest Mark what bl**dy T Cut do you use to get Jos marks out? i need some of that stuff. is it applied with a hammer and finished with a paint brush?

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a few of the pics i have

they show Tims 3 link working well, plus a little wading by Mr and Mrs Walfy and even Nick arc welding on a river bed to a far better std than i can mig weld in a wksp, see if you can spot the repair in the river bed photo!





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Chris doesn't look too happy in that last picture of him, i wonder why :ph34r:

they show Tims 3 link working well,

A great pic to do a comparison with, it's clear to see why i didn't want to go too big with my tyres. Interesting to see how freely the 3 link moves though :o


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What I should have said earlier was thanks to all the guys, JST, TJ101, Victor and SimonR to name the ones that come to mind, for jumoing straight in the river to help with my repair, try team spirit. :i-m_so_happy: Of course, thanks to Andy who kept me supplied with drinks and cakes. ;)

I have just seen the video from the weekend, I will post links as soon as poss.

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What I should have said earlier was thanks to all the guys, JST, TJ101, Victor and SimonR to name the ones that come to mind, for jumoing straight in the river to help with my repair, try team spirit. :i-m_so_happy: Of course, thanks to Andy who kept me supplied with drinks and cakes. ;)

I have just seen the video from the weekend, I will post links as soon as poss.

The pleasure was all ours Nick,, to watch someone drive into the river pit !! be unfortunate to break a steering joint, then set about removing the item with the air wrench, then get out the power grinder to clean it up, and attack it with the on-board welder, refit all, and drive straight out, is a very good party trick, truly excellent :)

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yep- blody amaznig

if i could manage half of that in my garage i'd be happy, let alone in a river bed. thank the stars that you did it on saturday though- by sunday evening after the downpour that bit of river bed was a torrent! Woudl not have been a fun place to work on the vehicle.

Hello Welshandy- thanks for the capri sun.

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