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Good luck to the forum Ladoga entrants

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gay boy has it so nasty just now!! he couldnt answer his phone earlier today as he was having a massage! then when he called me back he was having a beer i think! oh so hard a life serving for the UN. oh and his tan is tip top he says....

see you soon,

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As mentioned earlier, myself and Andy B will be flying out on the 29th in the general direction of all this Russian Muddy Madness. :blink:

My job is to help keep 3 vehicles in Raid class nailed together till the end of the event. Andy's job is to stand around looking pretty and beat off the local talent! (He seems to be some sort of strumpet magnet) ;)

The vehicles we will be looking after are a Volvo C303, a Toyota Landcruiser VX80 and a trick little Defender.

I'll be sending words and pictures from the event (if and when possible) to my wife Sara back in the UK so she can add them to my website. Macsport4x4.com

I'm using this years event to recce it all out so that I don't look a complete muppet when I enter my own vehicles next year.

I'm getting all giddy now. The thought of swatting mozzys the size of bats, corrupt police, neck deep mud, things that shouldn't break getting destroyed, no sleep, little food, and the obvious language barrier won't even begin to spoil it for me. B)

Paul. :):):)

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Just met up with Dan and Mrs Dan at the Gaydon Motor industry heritage centre on their way south to meet Jez, Fridge etc, then to the ferry


One Classic car, last seen headed towards the world toughest offroad competion



Best of luck Guys B)

Lewis :)

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so much for him being here at 3 :lol:

just hope his visa turns up tomorrow morning or it could be a VERY short trip :(

Paul - doesnt matter what you do, first timers always look like muppets - its traditional :) a wise man told me for the first 5 years you are only counted as a cadet

bugger............two more years to go after this one :(

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I thought you were taking Andy B as mozzy fodder. i have it on good authority my missus is No1 mozzy attractor so hopefully they miss me this time, i not need last years blisters again!! :ph34r: tihs is the only defence!

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"in bush" cooking machine

That's a new technique on me - does it involve special equipment usually only found on Moglite's special shelf? :moglite:

109 is rolling on proper tyres now (no thanks to local tyre monkeys who told me Disco rims would "explode" if I fitted 900's to them <_< ) but Protyre in Fareham have to be congratulated for doing the necessary. It now sounds like a bloody spitfire squadron going down the road :blink: I'm going to be deaf by the end of this :unsure:

PAS pipe is refusing to stay put, must be a Series thing resisting such luxuries but running without it is not too bad, parking in Sainsbury's is not so easy but there's limited requirements for that where we're going I think :lol:

Oh and I still have no idea how fast it goes, I know it *feels* like I'm doing about 120mph but it's probably more like 40-50, thank god convoy speed is 110kph!

Dave H has earned further superstar points (he's up to about 1000 so far) by taking a tangled pile of assorted gizmonics from the lab and returning with a functioning nav system, suppose I should stick some lighter sockets in to power all this...

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Well just got back from St Petersburg myself yesterday and I must say I think your choice of vehicles is quite suitable (wouldn't want to be in anything smaller thats for sure).

Best of luck and have a great time :D

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