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Never thought i would hear this on the radio


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On Brunel radio this afternoon...

" Would parents with 4x4's please pick up their children from school as soon as possible due to rising flood waters"

So far this afternoon i pulled out a new Masarati ( going to be expensive as the engine was hydraulic'd ) and an MX5 with the same problem.


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Guest diesel_jim

I was gagging for someone/the police to ask for our 4x4 assistance.... i'd have taken great pleaseure in telling them where to go an shove it!

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I did the very silly thing this morning and took the commute car into work, left the landie at home. Big mistake, the landie is definitely laughing at me! Took over 5 hours to go 11 miles and involved leaving the car as the road was impassable! Lots of roads round gloucester are impassable. Even one village near here that Petal would have difficulty driving through! :o Report on the radio was that the locals were stopping the drivers attempting this particular bit and then a 4x4 driver with snorkle came up and ignored there shouts. Drove in and water promptly went over his roof!!!!! :o


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Did anyone see that clip on "Mock the Week" of a Police Transit getting stuck?

He was using twos & blues, went into a flooded bit of road drenching bystanders and promptly stalling. A few seconds later three plods alighted and started to push the thing out, much to the amusement of the crowd.

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Guest diesel_jim
How very helpful and public spirited of you. I'm sure you'd feel very smug.

Yes, i would indeed.

all the bad press and hassle and "you're spawn of the devil" etc that we get tarred with, i'd quite enjoy not to help.

Personal choice and all that. I'm not saying that you have to that, it's what i'd do.

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I gotta say, I've pulled people out of snow drifts& ditches on a few occasions. But now i'd have to chek their car over for absence of greenpeace stickers or similar before helping ;)

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I was gagging for someone/the police to ask for our 4x4 assistance.... i'd have taken great pleaseure in telling them where to go an shove it!

That's your choice Jim, but all it's going to do is re-inforce the stereotype that has been bandied about in the press, isn't it?

Personnally I'll always do what I can to help - at the end of the day I've got a decent well-prepped truck with the right kit on board so why not use it for the purpose...

I joined my local 4x4 Response group a couple of years ago - there is now a national network starting to form. The guys in the Yorkshire area have been working closely with the police and other emergency services in the recent floods up there and have generated some very positive - if a little limited - press about their actions.

Why not do something positive about it instead? National 4x4 Response Network


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Guest diesel_jim
That's your choice Jim, but all it's going to do is re-inforce the stereotype that has been bandied about in the press, isn't it?

Well, maybe i was slightly over arrogant with my last comment, but i still think that no matter what "we" do to try and make us be seen in a better light, there will always be a politician/musician/motor-mouth on TV that will still slate 4x4's given the chance.

yes, they'll welcome us with open arms when they need us, but as soon as the nice weather is back and it's all roses, they'll twist the knife again.

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but i still think that no matter what "we" do to try and make us be seen in a better light, there will always be a politician/musician/motor-mouth on TV that will still slate 4x4's given the chance.

yes, they'll welcome us with open arms when they need us, but as soon as the nice weather is back and it's all roses, they'll twist the knife again.

Jim, you are not wrong and I understand the reasons behind what you said, however I just don't think two wrongs make a right. If someone needs to be pulled out of deep water and I can help, I will. If it changes their perception of 4x4's all well and good. If not, then at least I will know that my choice of vehicle is correct.

I have been watching the news and just amazed by the amount of water out there, and it looks like getting worse!

I'm actually glad that I live in the hilly bit. carp for bike rides, but thankfully I'm not likely to be flooded out.

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I still see there is some that give us a bad reputation like this when there's vehicle's coming the other way!! :angry:

You're not wrong there - I lost count of the number of 4x4s (and trucks and vans) I saw ploughing through floods soaking pedestrians on Friday. It's no wonder we've got a bad reputation :angry:

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Guest diesel_jim
You're not wrong there - I lost count of the number of 4x4s (and trucks and vans) I saw ploughing through floods soaking pedestrians on Friday. It's no wonder we've got a bad reputation :angry:

Yup.... i followed a Porsche Cayenne today near Coleshill (By Highworth for those that know it).... though he/she was going to take off!

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You're not wrong there - I lost count of the number of 4x4s (and trucks and vans) I saw ploughing through floods soaking pedestrians on Friday. It's no wonder we've got a bad reputation :angry:

Yes, I would especially like the 'thank' the Discovery driver who drove past at high speed whilst i was recovering the Maserati. His 'rooster plume' coming off the front wheels fitted nicely through my open window and soaked my interior.


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