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Sodbury - what did you get?


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and far more than my fair share of abuse.

Sorry John ;-)

Fi gave me a very nice flying saucer cookie!

Not much time for buying this year. All I really wanted (and failed to find) was one of the castings that the rear A frame ball joint presses in to. I chucked one out not six months ago! Doh!

Had a brilliant day though.


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Missed Fi and her cookies/flapjacks, but heard lots of good things about them... Fridge had crumbs all round his chops when I saw him! :lol:

Bargains had...

Slidey defender side window jobby £12

New winch bumper for the camel... £50

Oh, and bargain of the century... 4 Rangie doors, complete with all the central locking, leccy windows, leccy mirrors... go on, have a guess...

bet ya can't guess...

go on... try...

£11.50... this was all we had left in our pockets :D:D

Loads of interest in Kylie, my 110, but don't think anybody had 11 grand with 'em!! :blink::lol:

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And don't forget the spade and pick axe for the new Camel! :rolleyes: I spent ages stealing bits of Guy's camel and walking around trying to match them up! B) :lol:

Good day and great to catch up with people :) Lovely weather as well :o

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Guest diesel_jim
Turbocharger - I'm selling a Tdi Autobox also...

slightly OT.... what are you asking for the autobox Simon?

Is it complete (ie, oil cooler, shifter knob thingy etc)?



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Freelander 04 front end

"" 04 Rear end

outer freelander trim

load of odd and sods engine mountes, struts for Freelander etc.

Set of 255/65/R16 XMS nr new for the disco

RR rear light and bumper ets for a mate.

Bumped into some old friend I had seen for a while

One of my better 'buying' Sodbury’s!

V8 boxer inlet manifold with carbs.

Is that the ITG filer one. I was looking at that one just because it was a nice unit. no use to me but nice unit

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One of my better 'buying' Sodbury’s!

V8 boxer inlet manifold with carbs.

I read that there are some fundamental flaws with this set up, namely with the way the inlet ports are connected - v8 fires out of synch so one clyinder is out of balance regarding charging. Also they are not water heated so problems with vaporuisdation when starting from cold too. Plus the are a pig to balance and keep in balance.

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Hi-cap rear bulkhead.

Looks like Piggy might get a few mods!

Going tray back then Paul?

Well, I didn't get too much; a couple of axle casings (one was a P38 spec rear axle casing that was brand new and only £40!!!), a decent winch hook, a master link and some Gwyn Lewis winch brake pads from Rob. Sold most of my stuff, which I was pleased about. I saw a few 8274s but they were either totally scrap or rediculously priced (and sometimes both <_< ).

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Fi gave me a very nice flying saucer cookie!

They were BAT cookies, how many saucer shaped bats have you seen? tut! <_<

For those that didn't find the cookie and winch sail supply, we were opposite X eng on the first row nearest the toilets.

Rob does have a few sails left, but he's REEEEAAALLLY busy this week! if you PM him your phone number I'll get him to check his mail on Tues night...

I had a great time, I didn't buy anything, but got a lovely spade as a thank you for helping pressie. :D

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I read that there are some fundamental flaws with this set up, namely with the way the inlet ports are connected - v8 fires out of synch so one clyinder is out of balance regarding charging. Also they are not water heated so problems with vaporuisdation when starting from cold too. Plus the are a pig to balance and keep in balance.

Yes it is the ITG one but the filters but the filters are not at their best.

Worry ye not, I am aware of what is involved.

There are a lot of old wives tales regarding the stuffing of fuel and air into engines.

There are balance pipes between inlet tracts and although setting up is more time consuming so long as the linkages are in top condition they will not need constant adjusting. The lack of water heating is an issue when starting, you just have to be patient and let it warm up before thrashing the n**s off it!

EFi is still the best way to improve performance but other than carrying a spare of each component the reliability aspect still worries me (been there suffered that). I'll give the boxer a try and if it don't do what it says on the can I can always change back.

Will, there may be a tray back in the distant future, had to buy the bulkhead as it was straight and cheap!

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