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Cat Waxoyling


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Nige -

Can you please get your classic "Cat Waxoyling" post recorded over here? I still laugh every time I see any reference to the subject!

- Richard

PS - I brought about 6 gallon cans of Waxoyl over here when we moved 4 years ago. Maybe that's why we don't seem to get any trouble with moggies where we live over here in Calgary......?

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YOUR Worried,

I'm terrified,

its August now FFS

no trips to Causualty (you even commented on me being good boy with the goggles when grinding rather than the blink blink squinty eye method),

no real bodily injury so far, no big dmage to house / garage,

yep I am nervous, very nervous....

Nige :ph34r:

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Better not mention vasoline to prime the V8 pump then

Try telling the chemist that with a straight face when you ask for a supersize tub of vasoline and an economy pack of disposable gloves?

It was when I was having trouble getting the pump primed - and I returned to the chemist for the 3rd "family sized" pot of the stuff (all in the same afternoon) they strated looking at me a bit odd. I tired the "its for my car...........honest" but they just looked down their noses at me..........

Sigh........... :rolleyes:

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