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Dakar season


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It's officially announced now from http://www.dakar.com/:

Lisbon, Friday the 4th of January 2008

A.S.O. cancels the 2008 edition of the Dakar rally

After different exchanges with the French government - in particular the Ministry for Foreign Affairs - , and based on their firm recommendations, the organisers of the Dakar have taken the decision to cancel the 2008 edition of the rally, scheduled from the 5th to the 20th of January between Lisbon and Senegal’s capital.

Based on the current international political tension and the murder of four French tourists last 28th of December linked to a branch of Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, but also and mainly the direct threats launched directly against the race by terrorist organisations, no other decision but the cancellation of the sporting event could be taken by A.S.O.

A.S.O.’s first responsibility is to guarantee the safety of all: that of the populations in the countries visited, of the amateur and professional competitors, of the technical assistance personnel, of the journalists, partners and rally collaborators. A.S.O. therefore reaffirms that the choice of security is not, has never been and will never be a subject of compromise at the heart of the Dakar rally.

A.S.O. condemns the terrorist menace that annihilates a year of hard work, engagement and passion for all the participants and the different actors of the world’s biggest off-road rally. Aware of the huge frustration, especially in Portugal, Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal, and beyond the general disappointment and the huge economical consequences in terms of direct and indirect repercussions for the countries visited, A.S.O. will continue to defend the major values of great sporting events and will carry on its engagement for a durable development through the Actions Dakar, started 5 years ago in sub-Saharan Africa with SOS Sahel International.

The Dakar is a symbol and nothing can destroy symbols. The cancellation of the 2008 edition does not endanger the future of the Dakar. To offer, for 2009 a new adventure to all the off-road rally passionate is a challenge that A.S.O. will take on in the months to come, faithful to its engagement and its passion for sports.

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To give you an idea of how last minute this announcement is. Just texted John Carroll from LRW/4x4 Mag who's set off from UK this morning on a press trip to the start line. He was just collecting his baggage in Lisbon airport and had no idea about the cancellation. Neither did the press team he was with!! Right now, Lisbon airport is full of frantic journos/ team members/organisers/ sponsors with mobiles glued to their heads as word spreads!

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Do they travel via Kenya?


No Macedonia is were they have most of the problems a few died from land mines in year gone buy but guess what is a very unsettled region in the area so terrorism is a big problem in the area.

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The reason, or some of the reason for the cancellation was the murders of 4 french tourists that where following the proposed Dakar race route.

They where murdered on the 24th of Dec, there killings have been atributed to supporters of 'you-know-who'

These terrorist have threatened the organisers that more deaths will follow if the race takes place as scheduled.

Very, very sad. Motor sport is motorsport and loses during racing is one thing to contend with, but Guys with guns and chips the size of houses on both shoulders armed with RPG's and AK's is quite another.

I hope they catch the B*stards that ruined those families lifes forever.

Jim :(

Ps: I wonder what will happen to the many other events that run every year in Northern Africa?

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No Macedonia is were they have most of the problems



Macedonia? I thought the Dakar rally was in Africa? I'm pretty sure Alexander the Great never did the Dakar? ;)

I guess Jules means Mauritania, not Macedonia.

Still a damn shame about the Rally though. I was really looking forward to that.

Al. :)

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They where murdered on the 24th of Dec, there killings have been atributed to supporters of 'you-know-who'

And i thought he was just in a mysical magical world.

On a serious note though it is a shame, about the 4 french people and the cancellation was looking forward to watching it.

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