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slightly O/T: what carPC camera is good?

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Guest diesel_jim

I'm currently building my car PC for the 110 (pics to follow later), but some of the software i've got has "camera capture" features on it, so i thought it would be neat to have a camera in the front screen to capture those memorable off road (and maybe on road) shots.

what do folk recommend as a decent camera? i've got a very cheap web-cam on my desk PC monitor, but i think this will be pants for recording fast moving "outside" stuff.

i was thinking something like the police use in their traffic cars, with zoom on it.

any good ideas?

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I'm not sure about a 'good' idea, but Helmet Cameras (Bullet Cameras, Lipstick Cameras), as used by Mountain Bikers and Motorcyclists might be a place to start. Say DogCamSport as a taster. http://preview.tinyurl.com/3675mo Review the clips he has on site, and the difference between the DogCamPro versus the cheaper ones.

Google any of Helmet Cameras, Bullet Cameras, Lipstick Cameras, for more.

I'm sure the Police Spec cameras are good, but suspect they will be the upper end of the price range. I don't know whether the Date Time Speed information on the monitor is part of the camera, or part of the PC.

Is your passenger up to the camera work? As driver you won't have a hand free to do anything other than switch it on. There 'will' be a lot of editing afterwards, before you become a star of YouTube.

It is a nice idea, one I'd like to adopt, but having 'dipped my toe' I found the results unexciting, thus perhaps not yet a 'good' idea.

There was someone in the UK importing an American idea, where the camera ran all the time, saving the preceeding 30 seconds, or similar time scale, always overwriting it. At a significant event, harsh brake application say, the system stored the preceeding 30 seconds permanently, and kept running to film the rest of the accident.

I think a 'significant event' could be triggered by the driver pressing a button.

There were some interesting shots on the American site, whose url I don't recall at the moment.

I don't think the UK importer made a success of the business.

Do keep us up to date, your idea might grow legs, as they say.


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Guest diesel_jim

Cool, cheers for all that info, i'll take a gander later on.

David, i don't really need it quite as complex as the police ones (as in moving/focus etc) i meant more like just for picture quality... just "set it and leave" kinda thing.

i'll keep the forum updated.

hmmm.... where is there a police car left unattended...... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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You quite often see one of their vans parked at the side of the road in Leicester with a window in the back door open & a highway robbery device camera pointing up the road. I'm sure lots of people would be more than happy for you to go & 'borrow' the camera.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest diesel_jim

Well, i've managed to aquire ahem, get hold of a camera from work, an unused 12v CCTV with infra red illumination (ideal for those nights i go sneaking around Salisbury Plain :ph34r: )

But... it's only got "video" output... anyone know how to convert, or where to buy a box of tricks, that will enbable me to plug the "video" into a USB or serial socket?

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If you are looking for Public Safety (Emergency services) or security services kit then go here .. http://www.802global.com/

They hold most of the contracts ..........everything from a pin hole camera and up ........................ if your cheque book is big enough you can also have a deployable WiFi Network to control all your IP cameras :rolleyes: ............ We do loads of work with them and they have some very sexy kit....... B)



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Can you be a bit more specific about what there is on the 802 Global site relating to in-car cameras?

As a site it seems to relate more to wireless networks, which might be used for static cameras, but don't seem much use in a car.

"802 Global is a specialist value-added distributor, delivering a full range of quality services and support in the wireless, IP CCTV and voice over IP markets."


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Guest diesel_jim
If anyone's interested i've got a DLL and VB code to do video and still capture from a video source - usb webcam or otherwise.

What's that? can you elaborate? sounds like what i'm after... to convert "video" into a USB type thing?

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I've got a nice little gadget at home to capture from normal video feeds to USB/video for your PC. Requires USB2.0 to work but nice and cheap / portable. Pinnacle make it but will send you details when I get back home tonight. (Currently in Dover seeing the outlaws..)


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Guest diesel_jim

I've got a nice little gadget at home to capture from normal video feeds to USB/video for your PC. Requires USB2.0 to work but nice and cheap / portable. Pinnacle make it but will send you details when I get back home tonight. (Currently in Dover seeing the outlaws..)


Excelley, cheers Neil. my carPC has USB2.0 as well. :i-m_so_happy::i-m_so_happy:

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Just an a$$hole who probably had a carp setup from the start....

I've used it on several laptops and desktop systems here with no ill effect. No need to use the Pinacle capture systems, just the drivers it loads.

I use XP movie maker or any other simple capture software available quite freely on the net.

But then you don't have to take my word for it.. :)


If you go for it and have problems I'll sort them out free to save you any issues with service centres !

However, if you go for any other model, variant, colour or flavour my services are available at a price ! :)

Other products that perform similar functions are available, so feel free... But in order to convert composite video to USB input for your PC something like this will be required.


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