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4x4Adv: Winch Series Challenge Sat 14 Jun


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Was a good day, very hard terrian though, just about recovered 24hours later, we did ok, had a few problems, firstly rear winch lost its earth, so we temporily used a jump lead to get us off the punch, we repaired that (think it was some buildwas clay between the earth lead and motor), then we snapped the front winch rope, after that i lost 1st gear and had to keep switching the engine off to get into 1st, and by the end of the day the front winch kept popping into free spool as the top gear has collapsed, but we managed to carry on until 3.30. only other things were the battered doors, but looking around everyone seemed to have the same issues! ;) and a severly bent rockslider, was a good site and some cracking punches! Thanks James!

some pics to follow, only off my phone as i forgot my camera again!

think anton from oec, david bowyer and james got some goods pics so get them uploaded! ;)


pic 3






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Well thanks to James and all the marshalls for running the event. Was certainly an interesting day. Rather glad it wasn't wet!

No real drama's for us other than a broken fairlead which was swiftly replaced with the spare (to think we contemplated leaving it!) and a prop UJ that started to rumble during the day that was removed before the long journey home in 2WD.

Here are a couple of pics although a little dark in the woods despite the lovely SW weather. Includes a nice pic of the new door fashion.




See you all at the next one.

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Excellent day out at yet another one of James' excellent events... No real damage other than a small dent in each door (got to follow fashion!)- both of which were during the special stage... Oh and yet another indicator lense- that will be three in three events!

I was initially not overly impressed with our SS score of 0... until we found that it put us in 11th!

James - it tends to help if you can actually fit a 90 through all of the gates!!

Just the logisitics of getting us and the truck to Slindon and back to sort out now then... oh and maybe sort out my own winch...

Big thanks to James and all at OEC and X- Eng!

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Another excellent event and thanks to James, the sponsors and all the others who help to put these events together. Well done to Jase and Rich for an excellent result, you boys must have been on fire... I guess our "take it steady" approach was perhaps just a bit too laid back :D, either that or our eyes never really recovered from the glare of your new paint-job B) B) .... very fetching.

Really loooking forward to Slindon now. The contrast to Uplowman will be huge.... Hopefully a little bit more space to manouvre there (after all its only about 400 acres!!) :D

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interesting pictures on 2 and 3, i suppose taking the sort cut between the trees i thought were too narrow to bother taping wasnt worth it then!

Mark - the contrast may be huge, but i thought i would put them all nicely together!

Some nice door work there Chris, i think Jase is similar so it was good to see another team do the punch without doing the door in!

Just the modified scores to check now and results will be up.

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Some nice door work there Chris, i think Jase is similar so it was good to see another team do the punch without doing the door in!

What and risk damaging the new paintwork , No way Pedro :lol:

Although we did get a little bruise on the drivers door but its still quite dark in the cab . :unsure:

Brilliant site that one James, its always been a favourite of mine , the SS looked simple enough when we walked it but the 90 is a lot wider than us on foot , very decieving .We did five gates ,picked up a penalty for one and were out in just over 5 mins .

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Another well run event, Thanks to James, OEC, Xeng, all the marshals and anyone else that helped make it possible.

Well done to Jase and Rich, You were on top form and really showed the rest of us up this weekend, Brilliant work fella's.

I have no idea what we were up to all day, Just seemed to be needlessly over complicating everything and taking too long about it. Never mind we'll give ourselves a slap and try and get our act together for the next one. Also seemed to spend age's trapped, surrounded with people doing punch's waiting to be able to move around the site, Quite frustrating but I guess it must have been the same for everyone.

Damage wasn't too bad, Two winch ropes broken, two battered doors and a bent rock slider.

The special was surprisingly tricky, Again thanks to pike for coming up with a plan and guiding us through. If it were left to me I'd have been lost up the far end somewhere and run out of time.

I was very upset when I had to winch out of the wood at the end and someone drove out behind me, Then had to chuckle to myself when it all became clear yesterday morning, I checked tyre pressures before going for a play and found them all to be 30psi :lol: :lol: :lol: Let them down and things all seem better again now!

Just to say in Kris's defense with the door being ripped open on punch 22(I think thats the right number) he was the first to do it and the rock was sticking out of the bank a good 4 inch's further before he broke it off with his truck/door/bulkhead making it much easier for people to get buy with less or no damage.

Thanks again to all those involved in making it all possible.

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Well i am just about recovered from Sat and i didn't even compete!

You guys certainly looked to be having fun and i did try to make the course more suited to the standard vehicles to keep them occupied without letting the modifieds have too easy an time, but as Jase cleared all 40 punches maybe i need to make them harder again?

Some excellent results from the day well done to TEAM OEC for 1st modified despite the yellow truck and the 4000 point penalty that some other teams requested you get! a good result for Shaun as well with his new codrvier in Std +1 but Weeble is close behind with his fitter and younger codriver - i think Walfy may have a P45 by now. As for Std class and young Shrek winning - what can be said - well done guys a very creditable 18 punches is good going.

Event Results:


1st Simon Parsons and Chris Solway

2nd Lewis Alderson and Russell Lowton

3rd Dan Need and Ian Stokes

Standard + 1

1st Shaun Houghton and Brian Ruddy

2nd David Webber and George Mills

3rd Bob and Dawn Smith

4th Ian Moulsdale and Ryan Price

5th Paul Radford and Josh Jacobs


1st Team OEC (Jason Farr and Rich Simms)

2nd Team Gigglepin (Steve Gittins and Mark Morgan)

3rd Shaun Harris and Steve Williams

4th Bert and Dan Smith

5th Kris Murphy and Bryony Passmore

6th John Piper and Wayne McNulty

7th Paul Hooper and Lee Watson

8th Robert Brickett and Lester Grant

9th Tony Cordell and Mike Dunlop

10th Ben Burgess and Ro Llorente

11th Mike Cuff and Kevin Williams

Series Score Board (after 3 events)


1st Lewis Alderson and Russell Lowton

2nd Simon Parsons and Chris Solway

3rd Dan Need and Ian Stokes

4th Keith Knight and Simon Elvins

Std + 1

1st Shaun Houghton and Brian Ruddy

2nd Bob and Dawn Smith

3rd Ian Moulsdale and Ryan Price

4th David Webber and George Mills

5th Paul Radford and Josh Jacobs


1st Team Gigglepin (Steve Gittins and Mark Morgan)

2nd Team OEC (Jason Farr and Rich Simms)

3rd John Piper and Wayne McNulty

4th Kris Murphy and Bryony Passmore

5th Tony Cordell and Mike Dunlop

6th Bert and Dan Smith

7th Mike Cuff and Kevin Williams

8th Team Devon (4x4Simon Buck and Matt Cook) (2 events)

9th Paul Hooper and Lee Watson

10th Shaun Harris and Steve Williams (2 events)

11th Tim Jones and Darren Church (2 events)

12th Ben Burgess and Ro Llorente (2 events)

Steve - Your right Kris did have a harder time with that punch and the small rocks!

Some of my pictures from the day including the screen dumps showing individual results.

All the results have been emailed out to competitors and will be on my website in due course with the various Series updates and event writeup.
















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What happened to Rus and Lewis , didnt see them at the end .

Ripped their transfer box off its mounts crossing a bank with a large tree root running along the top- may have caught the gearbox crossmember on it I think. Can't remember the punch number- was at the bottom of the 11 to 40 section about 1/3 of the way along.

(Thanks for the oil Jase)

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Ripped their transfer box off its mounts crossing a bank with a large tree root running along the top- may have caught the gearbox crossmember on it I think. Can't remember the punch number- was at the bottom of the 11 to 40 section about 1/3 of the way along.

(Thanks for the oil Jase)

That would be between punch 24, 25 and 27. How do i know? Because we broke both the front and rear rope pulling over that tree root!

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I would like to thank James and OEC, Xeng, all the marshals and anyone else that helped make the day very very entertaining, my co driver Brian was thrilled with the result but was hanging by the end of the day.

If only my truck looked the same as it was in the morning because by the end of the day it was ripped apart, holes in doors and wings, wings squashed, windscreen smashed, rock sliders bent, roll cage twisted in several places, all rear lights and light gards broken, leaking radiator, broken highlift jack, broken snorkel and a puncher in the first half hour.

I've got plenty of pic's of the day but they just don't show how hard this event was.

It was nice to see the Bristol boys convoy to the event, and on the way home with Steve Gitting's crew.

With the people at the event there was great comaraderie and that what makes this series fun.

Lets hope my challenge truck will last the series, looking forward to the next.

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Ripped their transfer box off its mounts crossing a bank with a large tree root running along the top- may have caught the gearbox crossmember on it I think. Can't remember the punch number- was at the bottom of the 11 to 40 section about 1/3 of the way along.

(Thanks for the oil Jase)

We did that punch but only dropped the front wheels over then used the rear winch to pull the vehicle backwards off the root

Damage limited to broken spot lamp/side light and a passenger door re shape.

9th place was miserable but as we stopped competing nearly 2hrs before the end not bad I guess.

the next event shall be some what different

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Hello, We would just like to thank James,all the marshalls,X eng,OEC and everybody who helped us over the weekend. We really enjoyed the event and it was definatly worth the trip down from Northumberland to compete. Unfortinatly we broke the rear output shaft in the transfer box at lunchtimewhich ended our day, which was worse as it was at the far side of the site,so it took us almost 2 hours to get back to the car park.

Thank you to everyone formaking us feel welcome and an enjoyable event.

Lester and Robbie


(Car 38, Black TD5 truckcab)

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What happened to Rus and Lewis , didnt see them at the end .


As Simon said ripped transfer box off mounts and cracked casing! somthing has to give when double line pulling 8274 and xp motor on a truck only weighing 1100kgs! Bad call by me because I thought it was stuck on cross member.

Not to bad a result considering it happend at 12.00!

Glad to see you got one over the sheep sha$$ers!!!!!!! :D

Have you got any yellow paint left on truck after that punch up the gully?

Top event James see you all at slindon.


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Have you got any yellow paint left on truck after that punch up the gully?


The gulley was fine , it was the stream at the bottom with the rock sticking out , I think thats where all the others damaged their doors ,

We only left a small sample there .

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Oi, we got plenty up ere if you want us to bring a couple of pretty ones down for ya :D !

Was feeling left out of the mickey taking as we left early, so thought I'd just continue it on here Steve !

For such a small site everyone seemed spread out and did'nt get much of a chance to speak.


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