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Does anyone have any knowledge of any routes in the Pyrenees, that would allow me to get off the beaten track a little, and do a bit of wild camping?

I have found a Spanish map shop, but its quite hard to work out whats what there. What have other people used/places been to etc.


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I would suggest some route books called 'En coche por la montana' (By car in the mountains) by a guy called Santi Flaquer. There are quite a few of them and they cover the whole of the Pyrenees region.

I bought some prior to our trip and, although we only ended up using a couple of routes from the Andorra book, they seemed like good books. A friend recommended them to me as being just the job.


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Guest diesel_jim
Cheers Tim! ;)

Its OK, I can play a pretty good "thick Englishman" if I am questioned.

"Lo siento official... no entiendo!!" :lol:

Godly.... i'll reply to yer PM in a bit... gotta pop out.

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Remember "wild camping" is a No-No in Spain

Don't ask how we know :ph34r:

I'll let you know how we get on over the next couple of weeks ;);)

2 weeks, 2 cars NO PLAN. Roll the dice and see where it takes us. Each road junc will be a choice. Destiny will rule the day

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This is what happens when you have to make an untimely exit from your "illegal" campsite in Spain :lol::lol:


(picture courtesy of JST)

Is that a Sangatte refugee being fed by Pugwash :P:P .

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I have IGN map 64 Pyrénées Atlantiques Ouest and IGN 66 Pyrénées Orientales Ouest. for MM5 ................... these are 1:25K are about 450meg......

Where are you tomorrow ....................... I am passing you on the 303 at about 7:30am and agian in the afternoon .............

PM me for details or do you still have my mobile number ? ..............



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Chris, are they written in Spanish? Or are there English translations?


They are in Spanish but there is a version available in Catalan if you are more comfortable with that... :P They come with a map to get you started and a tulip style roadbook for the route so along with a decent phrase book and a decent regular map you should be OK.


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I'll let you know how we get on over the next couple of weeks ;);)

2 weeks, 2 cars NO PLAN. Roll the dice and see where it takes us. Each road junc will be a choice. Destiny will rule the day

about right for your planning ability i would have thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm picking up some maps tomorrow, our plans have changed slightly...

We are now going Dover - Dunquerke early on 16/7 and heading down to Monaco (All our routes are going to be green routes)as we have never been, we'll then spend 2 or 3 days exploring the South of France (I know it should be longer, but!) on the way to Spain. We will then mess around doing the touristy things in Andorra and Barcelona etc. awaiting your arrival sometime after the Billing show.

The plan from then on in is quite flexible from our point of view but we would like to spend the majority of the time somewhere in the Pyrenees. We plan to take a leisurely drive back home, probably about 2 days driving up the West coast of France arriving home around the 26-27th of July.

Let me know your thoughts



Edit: If anyone has any advice or has done something similar and would like to share, please feel free.

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Pete, if your going to Monaco, you absolutely CANNOT miss driving through the Verdun Gorge. B) Trust me, just do it! The southern end of the gorge is less than 100 miles from Monaco.

I did it last year, across the Alps, through Italy & back through Monaco, and north back to Dunkirk. I will go as far as to say, that it is the single best road I have EVER driven on. You must stop in a town called Digne Les Bain too. Beautiful.

With regard to the Pyrenees bit, Chris (GBMUD) has kindly offered me a loan of those books :rolleyes: mentioned earlier in this thread too. I think with those books & some maps between us & a dictionary, we can sniff out the best tracks/routes.

I will probably get a ferry on either the 20th or 21st, and will get to the mountains in a day. Driven in the west of France before, so I dont need to hang around.

Can you let me know what maps you end up with tomorrow & will be working off please?


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Just resurrecting this thread if people don´t mind. :rolleyes:

I looked at the site with those route books, but couldn´t work anything out. :huh:

Is there anyone sitting on up to date info on trails from trips they have been on?

Would appreciate hints.

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  • 2 months later...
Just resurrecting this thread if people don´t mind. :rolleyes:

I looked at the site with those route books, but couldn´t work anything out. :huh:

Is there anyone sitting on up to date info on trails from trips they have been on?

Would appreciate hints.

We`re off in the end of May to the Pyrenees and have bought roadbook No 5 from these people http://pagesperso-orange.fr/vibraction/index.htm

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