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Urgent help needed!!!!


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A friend of mine (Ian Burgess) has broken down in Pascani, county of Iasi in Romania. He has a 300Tdi Disco and his water pump has gone. He has been recovered but he cannot get the parts anywhere local. He needs a new pump, drive belt and gasket.

First of all I have tried the contacts I have over here but no luck regarding a 300Tdi, I can only locate a pump for a 200Tdi. Do any of the Romanian forum members have any ideas?

Could any UK forum members get one out by courier ASAP? ian said he will cover costs by credit card or paypal.

Also, how quick could one of the UK companies get it out?

Thanks in advance


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All pretty common parts here in the UK so I would expect any UK supplier to be able to ship the same day (providing you phone 'em before 4pm-ish).

Delivery times-wise I wouldn't have a clue, but would guestimate a couple of days.

IIRC there are 2 types of belt depending on the alternator pulley size.

Is it worth getting a P gasket at the same time? I've known people do water pumps only to have the P gasket start leaking a few days later.

Good luck!


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I can have a pump, part# STC1086 in 30 mins (up until 19:00 local time or tomorow morning), price is 238 lei (aprox. 54 pounds), supplied by Bearmach.

I have a spare Dayco acces drive belt (but, as said, which one does he need?) and gasket (although the pump may come with a gasket) handy, sitting here doing nothing. I'll probably find the required belt too.

I can have them shipped at the req address in 24h or less.

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Incidentally, the genuine pump was only around £45 when I did mine, so that would be a good option. I can also second making sure you do the P gasket at the same time...


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Excellent response as always, thanks guys!

Cip, could you PM me your mobile phone number. I will pass to Ian who can then call you direct to talk about belt sizes etc.

Thanks to all



I have a P gasket as well, if he didn't replace it in the near past . Not the 3 long bolts unfortunately.

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Guys, Ian has a VIN# ending with MA795xxx ('98 model 300tdi Disco).

According to EPC he should have the ERR5911 (the short one, 1580 mm long)

The other one is ERR3287 (the long one, 1595 mm long).

Which one do you think is it?

Although I could send him both, just to make sure.

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There was an error on the VIN #, it's an WA. The bulb got lit on my way to the parts shop.

So it's a ERR5911, which is the one I have.

All parts wrapped up and ready to go tomorrow morning, except some sealant (which I thought will be usefull) - I'll sort that from my toolbox later in the night ('cause the toolbox is the Disco, which is 10 mi away, in the garage - doh...).

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There was an error on the VIN #, it's an WA. The bulb got lit on my way to the parts shop.

So it's a ERR5911, which is the one I have.

All parts wrapped up and ready to go tomorrow morning, except some sealant (which I thought will be usefull) - I'll sort that from my toolbox later in the night ('cause the toolbox is the Disco, which is 10 mi away, in the garage - doh...).

Thanks Cip,

Ian has been on the phone to tell me how much he appreciates the amount of effort you have put in to help him out and get him back on the road. I think we may have a new forum member when he returns to the UK.

Thanks to everyone else for your comments and advice too.

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The parcel has been sent with a night train and it will arrive at destination at 5:30 a.m.

He will have his Disco fixed tomorrow at a local garage. Hopefully his toy will be back on the road by the afternoon.

Les, in case you read this, are there any copyright fees/charges for non lr4x4 forum members, 'cause I printed your P gasket tutorial in the tech archive and sent it just in case...? Or we can forget about that if he promises to join here? :)

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I printed everything as it is, top to bottom, web address, credits and all that is:)

Seriously speaking, when I heard he won't repair it himself I though it might be a good idea to give him something that will help him understand what it needs to be done and maybe help the local mechanics in case they get their noses stuck somewhere...

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You are welcome to bring the stuff personally over here! I promise to give you a free lift from/to the airport at any time, day or night .... :D

Seriously now, please try to reconsider that :) I know of some fellows here preparing to buy some X-eng disk hand brakes :)

I buy all sort of things from UK, not only LR spares, and I never had a problem (although the fact I'm in the capital city might have contributed to that). I'm talking about 30-40 shipments in the past 16 months.

I can suggest some ways/methods/carriers which I experienced and did Ok. And they are acceptable on price as well. It's not cheap, compared to other EU western countries, but the price is quite acceptable, specially since this year, and things keep improving in that respect.

It's all down to the road network in this part of the world. For example, Greece is in the same bucket as we are (or even worse I might say) despite the fact they joined EU long before us .

Drop me a line trough PM if you would like to accept some suggestions.

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Ian has been on the phone this morning to confirm that he has received the parts! Cheers, Cip.

Regarding courier services Simon (I hope you don't mind me discussing it here?) I think a lot of this is down to the company and personalities involved. I have used courier companies before that have been fast and efficient. In this case my suspicions were raised as soon as the so called "courier" asked me to drive to a neighbouring town to pick the parcel up. Of course I refused and asked him to bring it to the destination address. He then started giving me a whole load of flannel about his Dacia having problems! As said he eventually got to me at 21.30.

When you looked into the matter and the company said they had delivered several days before I received the parcel, I am almost convinced that they had delivered to a 3rd party to pass on to me. I hope you have pursued the matter as you should receive a discount in my opinion. Again thanks for your efforts to help me out.



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Les, in case you read this, are there any copyright fees/charges for non lr4x4 forum members, 'cause I printed your P gasket tutorial in the tech archive and sent it just in case...?

It's ok to print off the various tech threads and there is no charge at all (that's what they are there for)


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Thanks Paul. I was wondering of that and I was just going to call him.

I woke him up at 6am this morning, ask him to tell you why I did that when you'll have the opportunity :)

Thanks Les, I knew that. It was more of a way to respond to Paul on Ian's membership here and also a way to let you know I did that.

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In this case my suspicions were raised as soon as the so called "courier" asked me to drive to a neighbouring town to pick the parcel up. Of course I refused and asked him to bring it to the destination address. He then started giving me a whole load of flannel about his Dacia having problems!


He was most likely telling the truth! Some idiots imported Dacia utilites into SA a few years ago. Very cheap, most of them fell to bits within a week or two :o

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A quick update ...

I just spoke with Ian on the phone and he got his LR back from the local garage a couple of hours ago.

He did an extensive test run and the engine works fine and as supposed to so he'll be on his way to Italy tomorrow.


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A quick update ...

I just spoke with Ian on the phone and he got his LR back from the local garage a couple of hours ago.

He did an extensive test run and the engine works fine and as supposed to so he'll be on his way to Italy tomorrow.


Fantastic news!

Cheers, Cip

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