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Need a Bluetooth Dongle for GPS, any advice please

Orgasmic Farmer

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Quick question looking for peoples experiences/opinions. I have a new GPS mouse to connect to the laptop for running MM and Ozi explorer. It works fine with the PDA which has built in BT and via USB cable to the Laptop. However in a quest to reduce in car clutter and cable I want the PC to have BT capability. Type Bluetooth dongle into Ebay and you have a choice of around 3000 units, mostly from Hong Kong. Price range anything from £3 - £20. So which one do I go for. Real life experience wanted....

Thanks in advance


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I have one as linked to by Rocker, mine came from ebay and bears the name 'BLUeNEXT' but looks like it came from the same factory. It works perfectly well but does stick out of my computer further than it's look might suggest due to having a longer than standard USB plug. Still only about 8mm proud of the computer casing though. I just leave it in all the time as it does not get in the way of anything.

If you got all brave you could probably remove the gubbins from the case and solder it permanently inside a spare space in the laptop.


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