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Muddy Truckers Trophy March 13th-15th 2009

Dave W

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We've been holding off announcing a date until we'd got the final stamp of approval from all the land owners, didn't want to jinx it... The MT 2009 is on !

In line with the events from recent years, there will be mandatory camping for all competitors on Friday and Saturday night. Competitors will need to carry all their spares and camping equipment on the vehicles. There will be a trailer park and spares dump but you will be a good distance away from them for the majority of the event and there will be a penalty for accessing them..

As with previous years, this will be a team event for teams of two vehicles.

Scrutineering will take place on Friday with a night stage on Friday night.

All profits from the event will go to this year's nominated charity, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Updates will be posted here and on the MT web site:


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I did it last time, jogging through the river early evening, up to my tits at times, became very hypothermic on the 35 mile drive to the campsite with no windows or heater. Luckily, we ended up in the hotel as the car spit its dummy out. 45 mins in a hot shower rather than -5 in a tent was just what was needed.

Looking forward to this one, need to get a good navigator though.

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I did last time , it got as hot as -7 at night in the tent , the only problem was it had to stay on for 3 days :(:lol:

Think yaself lucky, atleast you had a tent! It was bl**dy cold. Think the coldest night was sleaping on the trailer in a massive, draufty turkey shed the night before the event started. another high light being driving across the top of the mountains with no door tops or heater, snow and hail blowing straight througfh the truck, still soaking wet from the river crossings. Excellent, I cant wait. :D

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high light being driving across the top of the mountains with no door tops or heater, snow and hail blowing straight througfh the truck,

Yep internal screen wipers needed there .It was a mixed climate , lovely and sunny at the bottom of the mountain and sideways snow and hail on the top , Damn it was cold .

I cant wait either :lol::lol:

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I am intrigued... what's the event about? The website gives very little away!

Not sure there's a lot more to add. It's a 2 and a bit day challenge event where competitors take on a series of navigation tasks, challenge stages and special tasks (think bridge building and so on) over the course of the event.

All competitors will be, as much as possible, self sufficient for the duration of the event and this includes carrying camping equipment, food and spares for the vehicle and that includes carrying them on the vehicle throughout the event. (We normally allow food, sleeping bags and clothing to be removed prior to stages involving deep water). Camp sites for the two nights will be fields with no facilities although we'll provide a portaloo of some kind and a central fire.

They'll be allowed to visit a fuel station once a day. Competitors are not allowed to receive any outside assistance for the duration of the event although they can receive assistance from other competitors.

Using outside assistance or having to access the spares dump will attract a stiff time and points penalty so the aim of the exercise is simple - be as competitive as you can whilst preserving your vehicle as any breakage, that you don't have the spares or tools to fix with you, will be very costly.

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Well i for one i'm disappointed with the date's for this event, everybody no's that Muddy's is the FIRST weekend of March! so why have you put this event on the same weekend as the first round of the awdc series??? There are team's/individuals who will be now stuck without a team mate or having to pick a one off event or mess-up a series!

So why is this not on the 1st weekend??? as the 1st is a sunday??? feel's to me like it's a case of my event's bigger/ more popular than your's........ it f*ck's me off that people dont look to see what's already been booked and book around it!!!

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Well i for one i'm disappointed with the date's for this event, everybody no's that Muddy's is the FIRST weekend of March! so why have you put this event on the same weekend as the first round of the awdc series??? There are team's/individuals who will be now stuck without a team mate or having to pick a one off event or mess-up a series!

So why is this not on the 1st weekend??? as the 1st is a sunday??? feel's to me like it's a case of my event's bigger/ more popular than your's........ it f*ck's me off that people dont look to see what's already been booked and book around it!!!

You've obviously never organised an event before....

Sadly we're not in a position to pluck a date out of the air and then tell the land owners we have to have that date, strangely the land owners have their own view as to when the land is available and when it is not. Decent land is difficult enough to get hold of as it is without ruling out a chunk of it because it's not available on the weekend you want. The reason for the delay in announcing a date was because we were still negotiating with the land owners. We have a very small window of opportunity for the event as much of the land we are using this year gets most of it's revenue from shooting. We have to run the event in the window of time between the pens being made ready and the chicks being introduced, the game keeper is the guy who pretty much decides which weekend we can run the event as it's his job on the line if our event effects the revenue from the shooting.

It's an unfortunate clash but given the alternative - not running an MT in 2009, I'd rather we clashed dates than not run at all. AWDC know there is a clash of dates but haven't felt it necessary/possible to move their event either. They did manage to avoid a clash with an event in Germany somewhere that one of the organisers wanted to attend so maybe there is still room on their part. AFAIK they haven't announced a venue yet either, maybe they will find the venue they want isn't available that weekend and have to move... imagine if that happened after we cancelled MT to avoid them !

Sadly, our hands are pretty much tied in this case.

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