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Help, insurance claim advice.......


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Here's my 2p, I've been in insurance since 1989 and now I am an IFA with contacts in GI and motor claims.

Who is your motor policy with? Most these days sell legal cover with their policies, so dig it out and see if they will pay for a solicitors for you. If you don't have legal expenses cover, go and visit one of the "Where there's blame, there's a claim" solicitors - I can dig out lists of them if you need one.

You are entitled to compensation to return the vehicle to its pre-accident condition or a true substitute. You are entitled to be compensated for your pain and injuries and for any long term effects. You will probably feel much worse in a week as the bruising starts to come out. Keep a record of all of your injuries, who treated you and when. Keep a record of all your damaged gear and claim for that too. The NHS will bill you for the initial treatment, pass the bill to your/the other party's insurers.

Talk to your broker/insurer and ask them to get permission for your vehicle to be repaired and ask them to arrange for a substitute vehicle - this should place some pressure on the other party's insurers to get on with it. (Don't be greedy with the substitute vehicle, what you NEED and no more). Ideally, recover the Ibex to a place you control, as mentioned by others.

Your solicitor should help you pursue the claim to it's conclusion - ultimately sue the scrote; as he's apparently insured, he should press his insurers to settle. If he dies, sue his estate - if he was insured, the insurers have to step in.

Do you have a reliable value for your Ibex? pre and post accident? Ask Mr Foers for one, this will be the basis for the property claim. As most insurance assessors will never have met an Ibex, get them to consult with Mr Foers BEFORE they write their reports. Most won't have the first clue about non-standard vehicles, so don't let them describe it as a LR90.

Good luck, remember right is on your side but it can be a proper pain to get it exercised on your behalf. Owning a Ibex appears to have done you a favour, I cannot see a Clio, Bravo or Corsa surviving that too well.

yes i have leagal cover with a company called AIM who i rang yesterday morning and theyre apointed a solicitor to me. so i awaiting his phone call which i guess will be monday. so them ill tell him id like to car to be repaired or another ibex as a replacemnt.

im guessing it will be a long drawn out process, but good things come to those who wait.

and every cloud has a silver lining, the very good looking young lady who was looking after me whilst i was sat in her mini gave me her phone number........ looks like a bit of recouperation and off to the pub :P

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As others have said, I think you are entitled to repair or replace to the pre-accident condition. The insurance company will want to reduce their costs as far as possible but they must use a competent assessor and repairer, and with JFs opinion available to you, they'll have a struggle to get anything past you that you don't agree with.

I'm going to keep your photos handy for the next time I consider not having the Ibex as my daily driver (which isn't often!).

JF had a demonstrator 250HT for sale a while back - if it's still for sale, and acceptable to you, the ins. co. may go for that if you suggest it, given the time delay in building a new truck and the ongoing costs of providing you with alternative transport?

Glad you are OK (at least compared to the alternatives!)



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thanks for the offer TSD. although any ibex is better than no ibex id really like mine back, or another 240. im not sure but if the 250 your on about but im guessing its either a blue 250 Hard top or a yellow 250 soft top. im pretty sure the blue one has sold but ive got magazines with adverts for it at 15 grand so ill give that to the solicitor.

im prepared for a long hall with the insurance, so much so ill hopefully have a 300 tdi 90 with a roll cage and winches in a couple of week to get me through the summer marshalling/doing some events. im glad id been saving up beforehand!

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the passenger legged it, the driver had bones popping out of his arm, foamy blood out of his mouth, loads of cuts to the head and really weird eyes that moved independantly!

I would love to have witnessed the 'conversation' the driver had with his 'mate' when he recovered. Broken arm, broken ribs, punctured lung - at deaths door and he did a runner leaving only the sweet scent of Lynx across the moors.

Oh, wierd eyes that move independently are an evolutionary advance from inbreeding invertebrates to maintain awareness of CCTV cameras.

Glad you are OK.

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I can understand a stiff neck and back but not the dizzy spells im getting, i dont think i was unconcious during any part of the crash and i cant see what ive hit my head on going forwards.

If you were traveling 50mph in one direction and him 80mph+ in the other there were some serious forces involved. Even though your head may not of hit anything your brain inside your skull had to decelerate very rapidly. Dizzy spells are consistent with concussion, so take is easy over the next week or so with no sport etc that is likely to injure you further.

Good luck with all of the claims etc and hopefully it will all get resolved for you as soon as possible.


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Broken arm, broken ribs, punctured lung - at deaths door and he did a runner leaving only the sweet scent of Lynx across the moors.

Hopefully the fastest thing he will be driving in the future is a wheelchair.

His antics could well have killed someone if he had hit a 'normal' car and that lack of respect and care disgusts me.

Watch those dizzy spells, concussion is not nice.

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Another interesting thing i found during a similar claim was that, as your claiming through his insurance you have not entered in to a contract with them so they have little or no legal power over you or your car.

I was told that even if my car was classed as a cat a or b they would not be allowed to remove it without my permission.

I hope you have a speedy recovery and everything sorts it self out ok.

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